Chapter 2 - You are my saviour, even if you are a killer

The Sun and the Moon

The next day, Semi came to the address stated on the name card. He was impressed that it was such a luxurious high-rise building. He pressed her unit number into the intercom system at the lobby in order to get in.

“Hi Semi!, Please come in by the lift!” Rina was being so cheerful as usual.

He went into the lift, and when the doors opened at 24th floor, he saw Rina already standing there waiting for him.

“HELLO!!! Please come in!!”

He entered her apartment, it was very simple and modern. He sat down on the sofa.

“Have a cup of tea!” Rina served him a cup of red tea which looks just like plain water.

Semi had a slip and almost puked, “What’s with this diluted tea?!?!”

“Opps, don’t mind me, I think I already made more than ten cups of tea from the same tea bag…” Rina was guilty of it.

“I’ll rather drink plain water then.” Semi let out a sigh.

“Don’t be so picky! I’m poor you see… I even had to snatch your onigiri to eat last night…” Rina said pathetically.

“And you are living in such luxury apartment, you love being ironical right?”

“If I have a choice I wouldn’t want to live here, the rental cost is so high! But our company regulations said we have to live in such places because the security would be much better for us to do our jobs. Most of my earnings go into the rental, so I always have no money left for food.” said Rina with a sad face.

“Ok then, what job do you have for me today?” Semi entered the topic for the reason he’s here today.

Rina took a piece of photo from her table and passed it to Semi. “He’s your target, Sosuke Morimoto. He’s a private investigator who has captured scandalous photos of one of the politicians, and we are being engaged to kill him off so as to protect the reputation of that politician.”

“I see, politician again, they love to use money to get rid of people huh.”

“Because they have too much to lose, not like you and me.”

“That’s true.” Semi agreed, the more one has, the more he’s afraid to lose what he has.

“Sosuke frequently visit this bar, the address is on the back of the photo. You should be able to find him there. When you are done, just give me a call.” Rina showed her usual smile again. “Oh ya, can I have your mobile number too?”

“I’ll give you a miss call now then.” Semi saved her number last night after he got home.

“OK!” Rina in her excited self again.

“grrhh….” Semi heard some growling sound out of this lady’s stomach.

“Opps, sorry. I’m hungry again… T___T” The onigiri last night was Rina’s only meal for the past three days.

“I can’t stand you…” Semi chuckled out a little.

Rina saw that small smile from Semi’s face, “Do you know you have very nice features? You can totally become a Johnnys! I wonder how you would look if you smile wider.”

Semi felt his face becoming hot, it was the first time someone praised him like that. “You don’t have to up to me, if you want me to buy food for you just say it.” He’s trying to cover up his shyness.

“Don’t be shy! I can see through you~~~” Rina gently pushed Semi on his forehead with her hands while laughing at his cuteness.

Semi gave an irritated face though he doesn’t really feel so. “I gotta go then, I’ll let you know once the job is done.” He left the apartment, while back-facing the door, he touches his forehead, smiled and left.


Semi went to the bar, ordered a drink while keeping a lookout for his target. After around 30 minutes, his target came in. Using the side of his eyes, Semi saw Sosuke sitting beside one guy and passed one envelop to him. Sosuke left shortly after, Semi left the bar to follow him.

Sosuke sensed someone following him and he hastened his steps in the dark alley.

Semi did not give in, he walked through a shortcut and appeared in front of Sosuke.


“Who are you?” Sosuke sensed evil intentions from Semi.

“I’m Semi, remember me, I will be taking your life.” Semi isn’t afraid to tell anyone his name, because eventually they will die under his hands.

“Why are you taking my life?” The same question always hit Semi, till he’s so sick and tired to answer them.

“This is my job.” The standard answer.


Sosuke tried to run away but Semi was much faster than him, Semi took out his knife from his pocket and strike towards Sosuke’s back. Sosuke fell to the ground, Semi turned his body around, said “Good-bye”, and stabbed through Sosuke’s throat. As usual, Semi could always finish his work fast and neatly without any hesitations. It’s just that he always end up with blood stains all over him. That’s why he usually brings an extra set of clothes with him to change after his work.

“Ahh ahh, if only I have magic to remove all these blood stains instantly.” Semi sighed helplessly.


Semi changed his clothes and gave Rina a call.

“Hello… Semi…” Rina sounded really soft and weak, unlike her usual self.

“I’ve finished the job, and why do you sound so lifeless? Don’t tell me you are hungry again.” Semi is amused at how Rina always looked so desperate for food.

“No… I’m not hungry…”


“I’M VERY VERY HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!” Rina use the remaining strength she has to scream that sentence out.

Semi chuckled out loud.

“Stop laughing… I only had one onigiri for the past three days…”

“The one you stole from me?” Semi recalled how he met her yesterday.

“Don’t say it so nastily, I will pay you back one day alright? After I receive my commission from you one month later...” She promised to give him one month free trial so she would need to starve for another month before having money again.

“When can I get money for this job?”

“I’ll go get it tomorrow morning, so you can come after noon and I would pass you the money.” Rina doesn’t have anymore energy to argue back with Semi anymore. “If that’s it I’ll hang the phone then. Bye.” Rina lied back on her bed, trying to sleep with hungriness.

“Damn, how dare she hang my call…” Semi felt a sudden loneliness. He passed by a convenient store, and as usual, he grabbed his two mentaiko onigiri, sat at the bench outside and started eating them.

After eating his two onigiri, Semi subconsciously went into the store and bought another two mentaiko onigiri. After leaving the store, Semi realised what he has just done, “What the… Why did I bought another two onigiri again… I can’t finish them…” He sighed, and thought of who he could give those onigiri to, and started walking towards where Rina was staying.


Semi rang Rina’s bell, and it took quite a while before Rina picked up the call.

“Yes? Semi? I thought I told you the money will only be collected tomorrow?” Rina saw Semi’s face through the intercom.

“I need the washroom, let me in now.” That was an excuse.

“Ok, come up now.” Rina didn’t think too much.


What Semi saw when the door was opened shocked him, he saw a zombie-like looking lady with pale face, and hunching backs.

“It’s just been half-day since I last saw you, and you’ve become a vampire who’s craving for blood.” Semi said jokingly.

“Ha-ha-ha…” Rina has no strength to speak even more.

“Haiz.. Are you stupid? You can ask me to buy you food.”

“You have no obligations to do that isn’t it?”

“I give up, take this.” Semi passed Rina the bag of onigiri.

“What’s this?” Rina opened to see, “OMFG ONIGIRI?!?!?! MENTAIKO ONIGIRI??!?!?” Rina suddenly regained all her energy, Semi chuckled seeing her like that again.

“Is this… for me?? Did you came all the way for this???” Rina felt so touched by Semi’s actions that her eyes are filled with tears.

“No…” Semi turned his face away as he feel he might blush soon, “I came here for the washroom…” What a lame excuse, he thought.



Rina held Semi by his shoulders, “You may be a killer, but in my eyes, you are my saviour. I’m not trying to be funny or ironical, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.” Rina said to Semi sincerely.

“It’s not a big deal, really…” Semi felt her warm sincerity, “Faster eat them, I can’t stand seeing your zombie face.”

“Ok!!!” Rina quickly indulge in her favourite onigiri, and showing her satisfied face non-stop to Semi.

“Are you a kid?” Semi loves making fun of her.

“Don’t laugh at me, didn’t someone also childishly used an excuse of borrowing the washroom to deliver food to me?” Rina regained her energy to fight back.

“You! I’m not buying food for you again, EVER!” Semi being childish again.

“Oh NONONO! I don’t mean it that way!! Please don’t say that!! ...ok?” Rina pleaded for Semi’s forgiveness.

Rina and Semi looked at each other and laughed.
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Chapter 12: Hi Selena!!

I've read this story recently and never got the chance to leave you a comment :3

This story was very thrilling, a lot of waves of emotions in it! It reminded me a bit of Romeo and Juliet the ending, it was rather sad but then you added that cute little ending of Ryosuke and Rina with their baby ❤️

Also I love that you used Ryosuke's character "Semi" too! Good job, I hope you make more in the future :))