A Hyuken Collection


Hyuken-- (n.) the ship of Lee Jaehwan, also known as Ken, and Han Sanghyuk, also know as Hyuk.


Here's another collection for you all to enjoy~!

Prompts for Chapters 1-25: (X)

Other Hyuken I've written: Ripped and Grown, Icing on the Cake, A Fae's Blood.

Other Collections: Wontaek

I don't own any of the images/gifs used!!

Enjoy and Comment!

(-<) <3 ^_^


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Chapter 16: interesting
Crazy_conductor #2
Chapter 9: My #1 ship is ruining #2
Crazy_conductor #3
Chapter 8: Gawd I love manly Sanghyuk
Crazy_conductor #4
Chapter 7: Aww that was cute af