
back to you

They stop doing- well, whatever the hell they were doing. No more hugging. No more touching. No more talking. They even stop looking at each other completely. The only remnants of Lina in Yoongi’s life are flashes of long black hair out of the corner of his eye; the sound of her raucous laughter as walks past a classroom; a “Yeah, Lina told me that the calc test was hard,” from Ami as he is walking past her and Jungkook.


Nothing else.


    Speaking of Ami, Yoongi has caught her giving him an odd stare more than once lately. He does not know the possible reason why. Could it be that she somehow suspects that he is involved with Lina? No, that couldn’t be... could it? One part of him wants to ask her straight up, but another part is too nervous. What if she doesn’t know, and he just raises her suspicions? It unnerves Yoongi either way.


    A week passes. It is the last few days before winter break. Yoongi takes his exams and is pretty sure he has done well on all of them. Probably not as good as Lina, though: she has always been much smarter than him.


    Stop thinking about her, he commands himself. It doesn’t matter how Lina did. She doesn’t matter to you.


    Friday afternoon, after his last exam, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin, and a handful of their other friends are sitting by the window in Mrs. Wringer’s classroom. They are all joking around, flinging paper clips at each other and cracking dirty jokes about the events that will hopefully transpire at tonight’s party. Yoongi leans back against the wall, a content smile on his face.


    Suddenly, he hears muted shouting from outside. When he turns around and peers out the window. Lina, Ami, and Marcus are having a snowball fight outside, shrieking with laughter as they attempt to peg each other with packed chunks of the cold white powder. Yoongi’s stomach clenches as he gazes down at Lina. Her nose is bright red and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen her so overcome with laughter in such a long time. He watches as Marcus suddenly launches himself at Lina and picks her up, bridal-style, and watches as she flails around wildly, screaming in half-exasperation, half-giddiness. Marcus finally drops her and she lands face-up in the snow, a wide smile on her face.


    “She’s so cute,” Jin hums, gazing out the window. Yoongi jerks his head around so quickly that he almost gets whiplash.


    “Who?” he asks.


    “Lina,” Jin says. “Jungkook may think Ami’s the sweetest, but I think that’s Lina. When she doesn’t look like she’s cursing the world out, she’s pretty adorable, don’t you think?”


    “I agree,” Taehyung says, popping up from behind them. “Do you think Ami would let us go for her?”


    “Doubt it,” Jin chuckles. “She’d probably be scared that we’d Lina into the gang world, too.”


    Yoongi swallows.


    And then suddenly, as if sensing their stares, Lina looks up, so that she is staring straight at them.


    Yoongi stiffens, his eyes slightly widening. Taehyung wildly waves his arms.


    “Hi, Lina!” he mouths.


    To Yoongi’s surprise, Lina’s face splits into a grin.


    She blows them a kiss.


    Yoongi feels like he is paralyzed.


    Yo!” Taehyung claps his hand to his heart. “She blew a kiss at me! Bro! Bro! She’s totally into me!”


    Yoongi can’t help but think, That kiss wasn’t for you. It was for-

    “Calm down, idiot,” Jin says, rolling his eyes. He nods his head towards the right side of the classroom. “Look.”

    Preet is standing at a window only a few feet down from them, playfully pretending to catch Lina’s kisses. He flashes Lina two thumbs-ups, and Lina reciprocates the action.


Something drops in Yoongi's chest.


    “Aw, man,” Taehyung groans, collapsing down in his seat. “I was really hopeful for a second there.”


    Yoongi continues to observe Preet communicate wordlessly with Lina. He has observed that although Lina is very close friends with Ami, Marcus, Annabelle, and Preet share the closest bonds with her. They are so comfortable with each other. Yoongi can tell this by the easy smiles they always have on when they are with one another, the way they are always animatedly talking with each other whenever he sees them, the looks they share that convey emotions and thoughts that should not be able to be understood nonverbally, but can be. Their relationship is one that can only be achieved after years of friendship. It is built upon trust, dependance, support, reliability, and above all, an undying loyalty that allows them to travail the rocky roads of their lives while sticking together the entire time.


    Everything that Yoongi cannot- and has never- offered Lina.


    Yoongi watches as Preet forms a gun with his fingers, pretends to pull the trigger.


    Lina flails around and then falls over in the snow.


    A cold sense of foreboding fills Yoongi’s senses.


    He has to turn away.






He would have taken one good, long, last look at Lina’s face, if he had known that this would be the last time he would see her smile for 4 years.





    “Where is she?” Yoongi says, pulling the hood of his black jacket further over his head. He is right outside the rear of Yohan headquarters, walking through the shadows of the night. From behind the corner of the building, he can see that the parking lot is utterly empty, save for a handful of cars.


    “Parking lot, silver Toyota,” the voice in his earpiece says. “Get her and bring her up to Floor 21. A team will be in the lobby to assist you.”


    “I won’t need assistance,” Yoongi says in a low voice, and then finally walks out from behind the building and heads straight towards the car.


    She is half-sunk down in the driver’s seat, as if she considered hiding beneath the dashboard but then decided it was a silly idea halfway. Yoongi can practically imagine her thought process: Ami said it’ll only take a little bit, so there’s no reason for me to hide like this. You’ll be fine. You’ll be okay.


    Even if she had hidden, there would have been no point.


    They know.


Yoongi knew there was something suspicious going on with Ami and Lina. Everyone else's doubts faded away after some time, after they observed Ami's perserverance for her job, her efficient work, and most of all, her incredibly close relationship with Jungkook. There's no way Ami could be anything but loyal to the 4 Flames, they said. She's absolutely in love with Jungkook.


Yoongi would have probably come to the same conclusion as well. Hell, he could have still liked Ami until now.


If he did not know that Lina was involved as well.


And now that Yohan has the footage of what Ami was really doing all this time, they know, too.


Marge certainly had him fooled for all these years- he can't pretend like he does not feel incredibly hurt about that. Marge. One of the people who trusts- trusted- the most. The woman who comforted him after particularly rouguh missions, who punched him in the face after he mouthed off to her one too many times, whose sassy cynicism and coarse humor were always constants in Yoongi's life.


Maybe you deserve it, a soft voice whispers inside of Yoongi's head. Someone you cared for betrayed you. Do you know how it feels now?


But now a cold, quiet feeling of finality grips Yoongi's senses as he makes his way across the parking lot. This is the end. Truly the end. Yohan will not spare anyone.


Which means that she will be eliminated as well.


He knew this would happen at some point or another. If not her, it would have been him who would have been killed by the Seven Stars. It is ironic that Lina is not being crossed off due to activities she performed on behalf of the Seven Stars. No; she is going to be murdered because of her attempts to bring some sort of vigilante justice to her best friend's brother.




    She is too busy tapping away on her phone to notice him at first. There is no doubt that she is attempting to text her friends: a futile effort- all of them are already in Yohan custody.


    Then Yoongi withdraws the keychain in his pocket and presses a button in its center. Her car door’s unlock and she looks up in confusion, wondering if she accidentally pressed something-


    She sees him.


    Even in the darkness, Yoongi can see her face go white.


    “Let’s go, Lina,” he says in a low voice, swinging open the door.


    Lina looks back at him, her expression resembling a deer caught in the headlights. For a moment, he can see the pure, unadulterated fear swirling in her eyes as she stares up at him, absolutely stricken.


    And then her face hardens and she clambers over the gear shift to the passenger side of her car and pushes open the door and scrambles out of the car, desperately trying to run as fast as she can with no particular destination, her only goal being to get away, away, away from Yohan. She fumbles around on her phone and tries to locate the “Emergency Contact” button but before she can do anything what feels like a two-ton punching bag slams into her side and she topples to the ground, her skin scraping up against the asphalt. Lina ignores the painful sting of her skin, the blood trickling out of her cuts, as she attempts to free herself from Yoongi’s grasp.


He pins his legs underneath him and she desperately tries to twist out of his grip, her fists flying all over, attempting to land a blow on his face, but he dodges with ease and swiftly pins her hands to the ground. Lina writhes around and prays that please, please, she’ll escape, please let a miracle happen that will knock Yoongi off of her and will allow her to call for help and save her friends, who are no doubt in grave danger right now.


    But Yoongi’s hold does not loosen.


    No such miracle comes.


    Lina refuses to give up. She keeps trying to shake Yoongi off of her, to scream in his face and do anything to make him move.

    All the way up until Yoongi pricks a needle into her skin and Lina suddenly finds her eyes getting very very heavy and everything fades to black.



and holy ing , honestly HUGE SHOUTOUT TO EVERYONE WHO GAVE ME BEAUTY TIPS YESTERDAY (especially SONE-XOTIC, who, when speaking about foundation, said "be sure to put it on your neck, so you're not sehun face and kai neck". literally best line of 2016). my makeup looked SO bomb today, and okay lowkey i had to wake up at 6:30 AM to do it and finished at 8:30 but WHATEVER!!! PRACTICE WILL MAKE ME FASTER!!!! i'm so satisfied oh my god my outfit was hella on point too, and my outfit for tomorrow is SO on point as WELL (it's very "cheese in the trap" fashion, if you watch that kdrama). so YA THANKS GUYS I LOVE YOU!!!


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Chapter 15: I am not gonna cry, I am not gonna cry, I am not gonna cry! But this has me in my feels so badly!!
Baekhyun_kaepsong #2
Chapter 16: It’s been like 3 years I guess since I found this fic (ofc the ami hwang one first) and every time I reread both of them, your wording, the way you convey their emotions and the way you make the sentences connect to each other never fail to amaze me. To me, you are the best writer I’ve ever met in aff and I can’t wait to see you create another masterpiece like this revolving them. Anyway, you’re my inspiration and I do hope that one day I’ll be able to write as well as you. Good luck on everything! <3
Chapter 17: Also, my OTP is really Jungkook and Ami, but Yoongi and Lina ughhhh. They're so toxic but great together at the same time ?
Chapter 17: I've been reading your fics for the last few days and still can't get over the fact that YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD WRITER! like, all the details, character development, plot twists... Just everything! They're all so well-thought out and articulate OMGGGG. ❤️
Chapter 16: This was short and sweet!
Chapter 17: Rereading this awesome fic. Still made me cry and laugh!! Still on my top list for best fic!! Two hands up!
karma705 #7
Chapter 17: Theere friendship!!! It was great! N yoongi n Lina awww....finally :)
Chapter 17: Damn you min yoongi :""""
Chapter 17: Dmn you min yoongi :""""
Bunnne #10
Chapter 17: Awwww.... i just-....AWWWWW
I can't take this sweet fluff anymore AWWWW