Fox children


“I should have made her come to the meeting with me” NamJoon ran a hand through his hair as he paced the office.

Yoongi rolled his eyes from his place against the wall. “Situations like what happened with the pirates are going to happen whether we like it or not. Besides it’ll be fine Joon, it’s not like she’s dying.”

Before Yoongi knew it NamJoon had balled his fists in his collar pinning him to the wall. “Why are you so calm right now? She’s vulnerable which means she can die.”

Yoongi tilted his head as he watched the Alpha’s eyes “I’m calm because she has us and in a weakened state or not she won’t die easily, should something happen. Now why are you still worked up?” He took NamJoon’s wrists in his hands “You haven’t shaken off the moon yet have you? As your hyung and second I suggest you go for a run and take whoever else hasn’t shaken off the moon yet.”

NamJoon blinked and let go of Yoongi’s shirt “You know that includes Jin right?”

Yoongi pulled him down into a headlock “Smartass, you and I both know that he’ll be fine. Now go run that off before her brothers get here.”

NamJoon grinned as he made his way to the door “There are times I still wonder why you didn’t take the Alpha position.”

Yoongi scoffed “Just because I’m slightly more dominate means jack . You and I both know I’m too lazy to be an Alpha which is why I’m your second” he kicks out at NamJoon “Now get outta here before you drive us both insane.” Yoongi chuckled to himself as NamJoon’s laughter echoed down the hall.

Taehyung knocked on the door frame as he walked in “Ya know hyung, you could’ve just taken him out back and wrestled.”

Yoongi chuckled some more “No thanks. Not while he’s like that.” He noticed the bags Tae was holding “What’s that?”

“Everything Shaye needed for the house. Her brothers are going to take care of it. The only thing is this isn’t everything she’s been-” he stopped when Yoongi held a finger to his lips shaking his head.

He listened to make sure NamJoon was out of the house and then for where Jin might be before letting Taehyung know it was alright to talk.

“How are you okay with her building that?” Yoongi shrugs in response “Because when you think about it, it is necessary and it would be convenient to have one nearby that we can control. And in the end it is Shaye.” Taehyung said her name with him. “Besides unlike her brothers initially, she has a better understanding of how they work and she won’t forget to add security measurements to it.”

“So I take it we’re to keep quiet about it until it’s done.”

“Yup” Yoongi rocked on his heals before patting Taehyung on the shoulder.


- later that day-

NamJoon had stopped by the room to check on Shaye, when her heart started to race. He sat on the bed and motioned for Jimin or Jungkook to get Jin. Jimin hopped off of the bed and charged out of the room. NamJoon jumped when Shaye bolted upright clutching her side.

She let loose a string of curses, resting her forehead on NamJoon’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” he asked softly.

She took a couple of shallow breaths Jungkook whined a little as he leaned into her good side. “Yes” she hissed as her breath hitched “No, but I will be. It’d be nice if my body would stop jackknifing though.”

NamJoon’s brows furrowed as he looked to Jungkook, who shook his head indicating that, that was the first she had done so. He made her look at him “when else did it happen?”

“In the dreamscape. It hurt almost as bad too. How long do I have to stay in here for?” she asked weakly.

“Until you start healing. You’ve been asleep for half the day, even slept through your brothers’ visit.”

She shifted so she was resting comfortably with her head resting on his lap “Only because Hoseok and Taehyung made me via Jin. Can’t I rest in the living room or something?” Jungkook whined next to her and she ran her fingers through his fur in response. “I’m sorry, thank you and Jimin for keeping me company. I just don’t like being stuck in bed.”

“Then you should’ve been more careful with those pirates.”

“I was under cover for a good cause, how was I supposed to know that it wasn’t a normal sedative they shot me up with.” She stuck her tongue out at Jin who was now standing next to the bed.

“How’s this” he started as she held her arm out knowing what was coming “If this doesn’t make you throw up or put you to sleep within the next half hour you can go downstairs and rest in the living room and I will make your favorite food.”

“Fine” she sighed as she snuggled closer to NamJoon, cradling her arm to her side.

“In the mean time I’ll go get another ice pack for you.”


“…hey Jin.” He hummed in response as he made his way to the bed icepack in hand. “What if I throw up due to the pain of healing too fast?” Shaye asked as sweat was beading on her forehead.

“I suppose what I said earlier would be void and you’d be able to go dow- Nam-”

“Already on it” NamJoon was already out the door with Shaye in his arms.

“Jimin go with Taehyung to get enough ice to fill a bathtub.” Jin paced the hall lost in his thoughts. Mixing her brothers’ blood with the antidote was supposed to kick start her healing process not throw it into overdrive. He could only imagine what could have happened had she taken her father’s blood.

Jin stopped in his tracks when Taehyung and Jimin appeared before him. “Where’s the ice?”

“Suga said not to. Apparently something like this has happened before and he can only assume she was given her father’s blood at the time. She has to ride out the pain. She’ll be weak for the next couple of days. Best case scenario: she’ll sleep through her recovery period. But overall she’ll be fine.” Taehyung explained.

Jin sighed “he better be right.”

Yoongi appeared next to them with his hands in his pockets “Of course I’m right” he said as he made his way to the bathroom to check on Shaye and NamJoon. “We can do hot and cold compresses but we don’t want to dunk her in a tub of ice. That would work other times but not for this.” He called over his shoulder before turning into the bathroom. “How is she?”

“It’s mostly been bile and dry heaves since she doesn’t have anything in her stomach to get rid of.” NamJoon glared at Yoongi who took his hands out of his pockets in defense.

“She was going to eat when we got home and then everything happened and we forgot. As soon as she stops heaving and feels up to it she can try something light.” Shaye patted NamJoon’s shoulder hoping to reassure and calm him down some before she leaned back over the toilet, clutching her side. “I just want to sleep.”

Shaye passed out shortly after and Yoongi took her from NamJoon so he could clean up and brought her down to the living room where Hoseok had already made up the couch for her knowing full well she was tired of being stuck in her room.

And sleep she did for two days straight. She woke to Jungkook’s arms wrapped around her. She looked at his face and couldn’t bear to wake him up. Gently she untangled herself so she could get off the couch. When she was on her feet she pulled the blanket over him and came face to face with Yoongi when she turned around. She smacked him in the arm for sneaking up on her and he nodded toward the kitchen. She followed him and sat down at the table.

– ‘she’d be the youngest member we’ve had.’

‘She’s not ready.’ –

Shaye shook her head and tried to focus on Yoongi “Are you alright?” he asked concerned.

“Yeah, just thought I heard something. Um. My brothers should be done with the house, can we check it out later?”

He narrowed his eyes as he studied her “You should probably rest some more.”

Shaye rolled her eyes “What day is it?”

“You slept for two days.”

“Then I should be all rested up.” She stood “I just need food and maybe two pots of coffee to catch up.”

“Fine but I’ll make it so please sit back down.”

She sat down and rested her chin on her hand as she half listened to Yoongi ramble partially zoning out.

– ‘she’s more than ready! She’d be an asset.’-

Shaye could just make out their forms if she closed her eyes. Unfortunately whatever she was currently privy to she could only see their silhouettes, no features or any other details at all.

–‘Absolutely not. She’s too young and brash.’

‘Which is why we need her.’

‘I agree but she’ll refuse’ they shook their head.

‘She’d be dumb to do so.’

‘No, she’d be smart to refuse. It’d be stupid on our part to invite her so early.’

‘So now you’re agreeing that she’d be good for this council?’ the voice asked incredulously.

‘All I’m saying is it’s too soon. Not to mention how stubborn she is. How many times has she been on the brink of her first death just to fight it and survive?’

‘Exactly! Another reason she’d refuse.’

‘Well what about her brothers?’ There was a slight pause before another one spoke up ‘None of them would join without her.’

‘Well they can’t keep doing what they’re doing without at least one of them coming into their true powers and being a part of the council!’ this one slammed their fist on the table only to receive laughter in response.

‘Watch them.’ a proud voice taunted.

‘Why must all of your offspring be so stubborn?’ The previous voice growled out.

The figure shrugged.

‘Need I remind you that he’s had hundreds of kids over the thousands of years that he’s been around.’ –‘ Well not quite.’ The laughing voice interjected. ‘Anyways, if you’re so set on having one of his offspring on the council why don’t you go fine one of them?’

‘Because these four are different, more so the youngest’ the voice became desperate sounding.

A few of the others groan.

‘Are you out of your mind!? Why are you letting the Fates whisper in your ears again. When did you forgive them?’

‘They were the cause of the downfall of the Raydon dimension. If you continue to listen to them we’ll have to strip you of your power and put you in lock up for your safety as well as everyone else.’ Another chimed in.

‘But something is coming!’

‘The Fates always say that when they get bored and then they indirectly cause mass destruction. We are not losing multiple dimensions of people again. Leave the fox children be. If we interfere with them we’ll be playing into the fates plan.’


‘That’s an order.’


“Well that took a turn” Shaye muttered shaking her head. She didn’t know who any of them were other than that one voice she knew for sure belonged to her father. They had to have been talking about her and her brothers, who else could it have been? And most of them seemed to be in favor of reaching out to them. That is until the fates were brought up. She decided not to dwell on it too much as things would come to light in due time. Unbeknownst to herself she had been writing unseen things in the air.

Yoongi made a move to grab her hand in hopes of snapping her out of her daze as she hadn’t been responding to him at all. She moved her hand before he could, wiping the air clean before catching his wrist. She still hadn’t looked at him so he snapped his fingers in her face for good measure causing her to jump slightly and drop his wrist. He watched her take a deep breath before looking at him. “Welcome back.”

“What?”” Her face twisted in confusion.

“You keep zoning out to the point where you should probably really rest some more.”

Shaye vehemently shakes her head “No I’m fine, can we go before-”

A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders “You’re not going anywhere until I make sure you’re okay.”

Shaye slumps in her seat and sighs “I guess I have time to shower before we leave now.”

Jin moved around to peer at her face “What were you going to do before hand?”

“Shower at the house.” Shaye shrugged, raising from her seat. “So where do you want to do the exam? The infirmary or my room?”

“You room will be fine.” The two boys followed her upstairs and she took her top off on the way. “I was thinking that even with the rapid acceleration of your healing that you shouldn’t have been in that much pain.”

Shaye turned toward him watching his fingers glow as they move on her side. “There was probably a hairline fracture that you missed that was made worse since my body decided it’d be a good idea to jackknife into awareness twice.”

“That’s probably what it was” Jin muttered in concentration before meeting her eyes. “You’re good to go. But if you feel off at all I want you two home asap.” He kissed her forehead before gently pushing her in the direction of the bathroom.


“Did you really have to take your shirt off” Yoongi grumbled as they made their way up to the house.

Shaye turned to him in the doorway and chuckled “Is that why you were quieter than usual on the way here? You could’ve stayed in the kitchen and I would’ve had to take it off anyways. I’m your mate as well as theirs, what’s eating you?” She stepped backwards into the house.

“It was hard being bonded but apart for so long. We both like our space so most of the time I stay quiet and let you have yours. And it’s hard when there’s six others now that I have to share you with but that doesn’t mean I never want you.”

Shaye wrapped her arms around him “You sound a bit jealous. But remember, you’re the first. And before that we’ve known each other since we were little. It makes our bond a little more special than the rest from the pack. But even so, if you need time with me I know you’re perfectly capable of taking it. Also…”She kissed his jaw before stepping back and marveling at the jobs her brother did.

“They did a good job. It’s almost exactly how I would’ve done it.” She ran her hand along the wall “It just needs one last little spark.”

“Don’t you dare, if we get stuck here-”

Shaye rolled her eyes and looked at him over her shoulder “You sound like you’re trying real hard to convince me not too. I doubt we’ll need to but we can always catch a ride from Yongguk if need be. I have to call him afterwards anyways. Teleporting wasn’t enough. And I know you can feel the energy buzzing under my skin.” Shaye explained as she drew around the front door. “I bet its part of why you’re so worked up. You don’t normally say anything about whether I have a shirt on or not. This will make us both feel more at ease.”

“Fine but I’m taking this back” Yoongi pulled his phone out of her pocket “So you don’t accidentally blow it up.” Shaye spun around in protest “You can have it back afterwards.”

She rolled her eyes as she muttered a few words under her breath before turning back to slam her hand on the door. The writing glowed before fading quickly. She face Yoongi once more silently holding her hand out for his phone. “Thank you” She muttered when her fingers closed around the phone.

“That still wasn’t enough.” She sighed as she looked up Yongguk’s number “can you talk to Jin about not mixing my brothers’ blood together if there’s a next time? Hey Guk!”

‘When are you going to call me oppa?’

Shaye rolls her eyes “I’m not having that conversation with you again. Anyways I’m sure Maru would like to go home, are you guys ready to see the house?

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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 33: Loving your story!
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 31: Update if u can ^3^
Chapter 24: Woah Zelo and Rav en threw me off a little and woot for alpha ability
Chapter 23: interesting enough I had not even expecting Taehyung to be that high with the bonds but i kind of understand. I wonder how and when her inner potential will surface ^_^ can't wait to see!
Chapter 22: This has been a great story so far! I like the cool sci-fi details and Shaye has got to be one of the coolest protagonists! Please keep updating!
Chapter 19: BTS - Yoongi
B.A.P - at first it's Himchan.. but then Bang happened.. so.. I can't choose between the two.. so it's BangHim. lmao
Chapter 19: I have biases in BTS and B.A.P and they r jhope and zelo :D
raexnae #8
Chapter 9: Update please!!
Kitty16 #9
Chapter 6: OOOOOOOO now let me say that this story is straight amazing I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE111
Chapter 3: This story is so good!!! But, I have a question, do you perhaps watch Teen Wolf? Because it seems to have a few small similarities.