Sweet Dreams or Horrible Nightmares

I'm Married to SHINee's Jonghyun (PG-13)

Chapter 7

It was already 11P.M. and you are so tired of unpacking everything. You waited for Jonghyun to get out of the bathroom so you can take a shower.  People say that girls take longer time in the shower but they are wrong, Jonghyun was in there for more than 35 minutes. You got tired of waiting, so you bang on the door, yelling,"YAH! KIM JONGHYUN! YOU BEEN IN THERE FOR MORE THAN 35 MINUTES! SO--" you got cut off because to door was surprisingly opened and inside was a half-nake Jonghyun. He looked at you and your face was super red. He was about to say something, but you pushed him out of the bathroom with your eyes closed. You closed the door and your heart was beating fast, so to get your mind off of what just happened,you took a hot bath and got into your white PJ's.

You walked out of the bathroom and saw Jonghyun staring at you, then squealing, "OMG! Your PJ's are so cute! It has little teddy bears and everything!" You rolled your eyes and started to set up your blanket on the floor. Then Jonghyun asked with concern, "Are you reaaly going to sleep there because it's pretty cold today." You sighed and said, "Look, I can take care of myself and I'll be fine." Jonghyun looked at you for the last time and walked away. You laid down and close your eyes then your nightmare started.


Jonghyun's POV

It was 2:37 A.M. and I am up so early because I had to use the bathroom. I walked outside and into the bathroom and came out. On my way to my room, I heard small little chatters and cries. I knew it had to be from _______ because she was the only one here with me. I walked next to _______ and looked at her. I couldn't see her clearly, but I know she was crying and her whole body was shaking. My eyes widen and I had to do something. Maybe she was cold, so I laid down next to her and put one of my arm around her head and the other one around her waist.She stop shaking, but her tears kept on coming.


Your POV

You was cold and the nightmare is getting worse. You were dreaming about your brother, who died in a horrible death a long time ago, and in your dream you saw him being stabbed so many times. You were there, but when he called out your name, you didn't help him, you just stood there and cried. You tried to open your eyes, but when you did, you saw a beautiful face infront of you, just like an angel's face. You were warmer than before. Who was that angel who protected you?



This chapter was long! lol! I bet you know who was the 'angel'~

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Chapter 42: Finally finished reading this in one go! They're really cute, but why do I feel every chapter is too short:(
Chapter 42: I had fun reading this. Thanks to you guys, I've been able to love Jonghyun even more ^^
kamsahamnida author-nim~ >:3
SHawol_Gal #3
Chapter 42: SEASON 2!!
Chapter 42: Can you do like the season 2 of this incredible story? Hahaha
Chapter 42: This is one of the best fanfic i've ever read
Chapter 42: This the best chapter
Chapter 42: I'm screaming like a crazy kid right now
Chapter 34: The last sentence of this chapter made me jumped
Chapter 31: Damn i love this chapter so much
Chapter 26: Back with the kissing scene..... awww i was like jumping on my bed ,fangirling about this whole thing... good job