Wedding Dress

I'm Married to SHINee's Jonghyun (PG-13)

Chapter 31

~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

You woke up and didnt know where to start. Your dad told you to find a wedding dress! Everything was soming too fast. The worst part is, is that the groom has to wait until the wedding to see it.

You decided to call Inhea.

"Hey Inhea, could you be my bridesmaid?" you asked

"OMG! Really?" she squealed

"Hehe well the thing is, is that my dad told me to find a wedding dress by today" you said.

"OK, I'll pick you up and we'll find the perfect gown." and hanged up

You sighed, Jonghyun left earlier this morning to rehearse for another concert.

I have to get dressed!

Inhea kept honking her car outisde

Gosh, she's so impatient

When you were all ready, you ran out and got into her car.

"First stop: Robe de Mariée" Inhea said (Note: Robe de Mariée means wedding dress in French. It is not a real bridal shop)

~~~~At Robe de Mariée~~~~

You and Inhea kept searching for the perfect gown. You didn't want a dress with laces and you wanted it to be strapless and pure white.

You were just looking around until Inhea came running towards you with a pile of clothes in her hands and dropped them all into your hands.

"Come on! Go try them on!" she was so excited.

Your wedding planner was there as well and at least, she sat down patiently unlike Inhea.

Dress #1

This dress was too long.

Dress #2

This dress was too big

Dress #3

This dress was too complicated

Dress #4

This dress was too simple

This went on and on and on. Until dress #20

"Wow! This is perfect!" Inhea said clasping her hands.

Perfect Dress:

(Picture ____ wearing it)

"Really? Do you think Jonghyun will like it?" you asked her.

"Of course! You will be the only girl he has eyes for" she said.

Then, you thought of something brilliant. It was time to get back at Inhea (HAHA!)

"What are YOU going to wear Inhea?" you asked with a funny look on your face.

"Hmmm I don't know. What color do you want your bridesmaids to wear?" she asked.

"Good point. Ummm what about light blue?" you said.

"Sure" and she ran to find one in a speed of light.

It's been only 5 minutes and she found the perfect light blue dress.

Wow.. Way to go ____

This is what Inhea is going to wear:


hey guys! I hope this chapter is a bit longer :)

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Chapter 42: Finally finished reading this in one go! They're really cute, but why do I feel every chapter is too short:(
Chapter 42: I had fun reading this. Thanks to you guys, I've been able to love Jonghyun even more ^^
kamsahamnida author-nim~ >:3
SHawol_Gal #3
Chapter 42: SEASON 2!!
Chapter 42: Can you do like the season 2 of this incredible story? Hahaha
Chapter 42: This is one of the best fanfic i've ever read
Chapter 42: This the best chapter
Chapter 42: I'm screaming like a crazy kid right now
Chapter 34: The last sentence of this chapter made me jumped
Chapter 31: Damn i love this chapter so much
Chapter 26: Back with the kissing scene..... awww i was like jumping on my bed ,fangirling about this whole thing... good job