Where danger lies

Among The Trees (King of the Fay)**

The rest of the day was tense between the two of them. Ivey just couldn't shake the memory of poor Shelly lying motionless on the ground. Ivey felt partly responsible for what happened to her.

Ever since she met Chester things have been happening all around her. Chester wrote it off as her being awakened by the Bitter Apple. She was the literal Eve of modern times.

She began to think to Chester wasn't as kind as he lead her to believe. If she had never went back to her grandmother's house she would if never met him and her world would be the same.

As soon as the bell rang Ivey stormed out of the school with Chester jogging behind her.

She soon became irritated that he was still following her home, she twirled around wearing a disgusted look on her face.

"Your house is up there" she snapped at him pointed in the direction of her grandmother's house

"Making sure you get home okay, you had a stressful day. I realised that you never used magick so of course it would be overwhelming".

"We are responsible for hurting Shelly and that creature. Have you no heart?"

"Ivey, that creature would rot that girl's heart, she would progress and attract a bigger gollum. She had ine attaching itself to her. That was why she was on the ground. If anything we saved her. If she knew what was happening to her, she would be thankful and owe you a life debt"

"Your not making sense"

"Or maybe you just don't want admit that your different, born of a higher class. How else could you see what was going on"

"I couldn't see it. It was blurry"

In a way she wasn't lying, it had been blurry but she could sense something was there. Something not quite right or friendly. Only when it was doused in the potion did she fully see the misshapen small creature. She took pity on it.

Chester looked at her, knowing she was lying but he said nothing, he only nodded and turned to walk to his temporary lodgings. Ivey watched him walk away, feeling lonely as his figure moved from further from her. When he stopped walking he vanished into thin air.

"Show off" she muttered  then walked to her own home.

When she arrived home, her father was passed out on the couch. His greedy hand was clutching a long neck bottle of Jack. Ivey rolled her eyes and went into kitchen. She could smell dinner cooking, that meant her mom was home.

"How was school?" Her mother greeted her with a cheerful voice and warm smile on her face.

She was clean and smelled amazing, that meant her mother had did laundry and cleaned the house while father was passed out. Days like these were few and cherished to Ivey. Everything was calm until her father woke up. She had her mom all to herself.

Ivey hugged her mother tight and she gave her the normalize version of her day, but when she tripped over her tongue and mentioned Chester.

Her mother did the strangest thing, her eye twitched and fluttered. "Who's Chester sweetie?" Her Mom giggled nervously.

Watching her mom bite her lip hard made Ivey feel like she shouldn't tell her.

"Just a classmate"

"He seems very important to you"


Ivey took a step back, her mother stood up and frantically closed the shutters. She began to mutter to herself about being found.

"Maybe you should stay home tomorrow"

" I have quizzes for maths tomorrow. If I dont take them I'll fail" Ivey lied

"There's always summer school love" her mother fixed and handed Ivey a plate. Her mother rushed her upstairs and locked the latch from the outside.

Once again, she was locked in her bedroom.

Her mom was having an episode again, only this time around Ivey knew what had triggered her mom.


Ivey watched her Mum throw everything into the pot, the fire set high boiling the contents inside. Mummy was stiring it with panic.

When it was ready Ivey's mom filled six bottles, corked then then place then with cure inside a small case. She then handed one to little Ivey.

"Drink it" her mother said with panic "quick dad will be home soon"

"Mummy it smells funny" 

"DRINK IT!" Her mum screamed

Little Ivey looked at the smelly potion and took a sip, it tasted better than smelled. Like a big girl she drank it all.

Her mum smiled and lifted her off the counter. She carried her upstairs to her room, placed her on the bed. "Be a girl Ivey and take a nap"

"But I'm not tired"

"Shh" she said sweetly as she backed out of the room.

Little Ivey heard the latch snap shut, leaving her alone in big, dark room.


Ivey woke up with a quick jerk, someone was in her room. "Who's there?" She almost shouted.

Her Mom could not know she was awake. "Who's there?" She whispered again.

Something jumped on the head board of her bed, Ivey couldn't see who see who it was until they made themselves known.

It was Petal, the flora twin from the realm her visited not long ago.

"Ivey,child of Fauna you must not drink anything your mother gives you. Your very life is in grave danger. I insist you leave but I know you love your mother dearly and will be hesitant. Your mother lost her way and will lead into danger. Please come with me or at least here my warning"

"My mother is sick, I cant leave"

Petal smiled with pity, "you too loose your way..or your light if you stay."

"I can't just leave her" Ivey protested

"Fauna child, please come back with me. I don't know what we do if we lost you"

Ivey looked away from Petal. Her Mom needed her but then again everything Petal had said made sense, her mother did kick her up in her room again with only one meal. A meal Ivey never ate. She wondered why she didn't eat it.

"Ivey please. I don't want to have to get my master, please take my hand"

Ivey sighed and shook her head, Petal looked disappointed, she then held out her hand, a small pink apple appeared.

"If you ever felt the need to leave, take a big bite and find me in the garden. I'll keep you safe..Princess."

Petal vanished into the night leaving the apple floating in her place. Ivey snatched it from the air and tucked it under her pillow.

She had so much on her mind, she decided she would sort it all out in the morning.

When morning arrived, Ivey silently slipped out of bed and began to read the book her teacher had assigned her class the previous day. It was quite morning until the shouting from downstairs started up but that sadly wasnt unsual for her house.

Her father probably woke up in a supper demanding breakfast and her mother was probably slow at getting on it.

Ivey just ignored it as she ate the granola bars she hid under her bed floorboards. Her Mom often had episodes so she began to hide food around her room just in case, she was set off.

But this felt different, she began to regret not leaving with Petal last night 

Ivey heard foot steps coming up the stairs, Ivey chucked the bar back into her school bag and slid into bed. Pretending to be sleeping.

Her mom knocked on the door before opening the door.

"Ivey" she sang. "Are you awake?"

Ivey held still as he mom approached the bed. At first she thought she was just checking but she heard the dish being kicked across the room.

"You know it's not polite to waste food Ivey" 

Her mom hovered over her, "Your breathing is uneven"

She opened her eyes quick, "M-mom" she pretended to wake up.

"Your a worst liar than your father, How dare you lie and bring your tainted soul in my house."

"Mum what are you talking about"

"You been the realms, after all these years I kept you hidden from those snatchers. Your so ungreatful. I hope you rot with your fay husband."


"I banish thee."

"Mum" Ivey whimpered


As if the wind from outside had grabbed her by the neck, Ivey felt herself being pulled. The air grew thick and began to spark. Ivey was throw back into the realms.

Crashing into a thorn garden out the ivory castle, Ivey laid still,breathing shallowly. Her body had saved itself, casting a sleeping spell before landing harshly.

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708 streak #1
Chapter 12: Looking forward to the new story, sounds intriguing.
708 streak #2
Chapter 10: Ivey's mother is a piece of work, who would do that to their own child? I hope either Chester or Petal find her soon. At least her body is protecting itself. Good chapter.
708 streak #3
Chapter 9: Hey girlie, I was starting to worry, hope everything is okay. :) Good update, I can't wait for Ivey to learn more about the different kinds of magic, and creatures. Hopefully Shelly won't be as much of a royal pain when she wakes up.
708 streak #4
Chapter 8: I really liked this chapter. It's really sweet how Chester watches over her, I just wish she'd realize she's worthy of his attention, and not be so insecure. Love what he did to Shelly. haha
708 streak #5
Chapter 7: Hmm...looks like her mom has a lot of secrets. That is interesting that she can supposedly take care of herself, but her husband is able to abuse her. smh Ivey, and Chester are getting closer.
708 streak #6
Chapter 6: What do they have to go through before they can be together? Sounds like it took him a while to find out her whereabouts, and now he is able to watch over her again. Good stuff.
708 streak #7
Chapter 5: Very colorful group, can't wait to see who Ivey encounters next. I also wonder if the blue liquid is dangerous.
evearroz #8
Chapter 3: I actually like this story. The whole fantasy, whimsical dimension idea is pretty neat. And Kris would fit into this part perfectly! But do you proof read after you write? If not I STRONGLY recommend that you do because some of these sentences are so hard to read and understand, and then I get all worked up on one sentence just because of one simple typo. But anyway, great story line. I'll continue to read it.
708 streak #9
Chapter 4: Fingers crossed it works, and she doesn't end up somewhere weird!
708 streak #10
Chapter 3: I really like this story, you're off to a good start. It seems like it's a sort of Fae realm? I can't wait to see what happens when she finds Chester.