
Those memories keep appearing in my head. When we were happy. We were very, very happy. But those happy moments only lasts for a year. Before he came into our home.

Our home that we built with love, passion, and trust. And it all broke down in a second.

The home that we built for so long, it finally collapses with a gentle breeze wind.

"I can promise you. Even if you want me to let you go, I will never let you go." i said.

And so, here I am. Still trying to keep you by myside.

Like a stone wall

that will never collapse

even if a strong wind came to break me down.



Hi! well, english is NOT my first language so i apologize if i have grammatical errors or typos.

My story is 100% fiction and its just an imagination that i imagined on my own little head. I know its messy or maybe its ridiculous, but i just want to pour my imagination here. i own nothing beside the storyline. If it happens to be similar with other stories, i'm sorry but i never intended to copy anyone's story.

So, have fun reading and comment!








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