Advent Drabbles 2k15


A series of drabbles centered around EXO (ot12), posted daily from December 1st to 24th.


Hopefully I'll be able to put up one a day.  There will be a header on each with the pairing, rating, summary/prompt and warnings included if they're needed.


Last year I was in the midst of moving when I was posting, and most of the advents weren't filled.  For that I apologize and they will be posted /this year/ in the old thread which is >>HERE<<.  So it's like *double* advents for a while, lol.


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Chapter 19: I'm not sure why but I read your follow up to Trial and Error only now nd I'm so happy things work out just fine between the 2 omegas, Kris and Jongin. Again, how you make it work, even if conceiving between this pair was nearly unheard of, was beyond me
Amazing work!
Chapter 6: I always find comfort in your writing, even if its about the weird and/or the unthinkable (such as mpreg or with tentacles like this Krisoo fic you've written).. My guess is it's about you put humanity and normalcy in them that renders me defenseless thus I find it foolish to question why it's absurd to even think about having with a male specie with tentacles and be pregnant right after. Or maybe it's because of you and your amazing talent! Sounds like it's all the same for me... ;D your writing always makes me feel privileged to be introduced to Exo ff!
Chapter 19: Slap me sideways I never even thought of Yifan and Jongin lol
Chapter 19: so many unexpected ships and already loving it <3
thank you so much ^^
Chapter 19: I LEGIT JUST FINISHED READING THE EMOTINAL ROLLERCOASTER THAT IS TRIAL AND ERROR AND JFC THIS IS SO HAPPY, I AM HAPPY OMG. also nice to see that kyungsoo and zitao are coming through, i never would have expected them lol
Chapter 17: Well, I never really thought of Joonmyun and Kyungsoo together before... but now, I ship it.
Chapter 19: I am crying so much rn!!! I am so so happy they can have this !!!!
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 19: Looooooooved the chapter and the original story
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 18: Am laughing so hard . Loved baekris so cute
Chapter 19: I'm not gonna lie, I shed a tear at the end... This is so sweet and perfect and I have the highest respect for you and your writing.