Chapter 35


“You had us worried sick!” Baekho scolded after Ren got into the backseat of his car. “Why can’t you just leave a text like I asked?!”


“I’m sorry.” Ren apologized, he could tell Baekho was really upset now.


“Your mother is going to have to hire extra people at this rate.” His friend let out a tired sigh. “I’m sorry that I didn’t do a better job.”


“It’s not you, it’s me.” Ren assured him. “I won’t be so reckless anymore. I promise.”


“Do you really mean that?” Baekho didn’t want to doubt him, but he did.


“I promise.” Ren nodded with a small smile. “I’m done snooping around now, there’s no reason for me to sneak away anymore.” He added.


“So, did something happen at their place?”


“Maybe.” Ren shrugged and chuckled when he remembered how freaked out Soo Min was about his possessed body. “I’ll go visit my mother this afternoon. I need to talk to her again. Won Woo also said he wanted to talk to me, too.”


“He wants to talk?”


“I’m not sure what about?” He lied, he knew what it was probably about. Because of what Soo Min told him about what he said to her before knocking out earlier this morning. He probably has questions now.


The rest of the car ride was spent quietly until Bakho reached Ren’s small two story house. “I have a class this morning, but I shall be free before noon.” He said to Ren from the driver side window.


“Okay, good luck in class.” Ren gave him a small thumbs up before heading up to his front door. He watched Baekho’s car drive off and let out a small sigh and turned to head inside.


He tossed his keys onto the small table near the door and hung up his coat before heading upstairs to change his clothes. “Damn, I slept in my makeup.” He muttered after entering the bathroom for a shower. “It should be fine.” He assured himself. He didn’t put that much on yesterday at least. He was glad since he cried so much.


His shower was over within a few minutes and he got out to do his normal skincare routine for the morning. It was still pretty early, so he decided to hold off on putting on more makeup and went to his room that was connected to his bathroom because it was a master bedroom. He towel dried his hair a bit before lying down and stared up at the ceiling. He started to remember how small Soo Min’s room was compared to his spacious one. “Does she like it there?” He thought out loud. “Do they like living in that small place?”


Ren lived alone in a two story house that was bought by his adoptive mother when he decided to move to Seoul. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, a big living room and dining area as well as a nice kitchen. He had a back yard and even a pool. It was a really nice place, but he was the only one enjoying all of that. It made him sad. He wanted roommates, but all of his friends were fine with where they were living.


Aron lived alone as well, and it was because he moved out recently from his parents place to get away of having to help take care of other people, aka, his younger siblings. Not like Ren would be a problem, he just much rather live alone for a few months before deciding if he wanted to roommate. Ren understood that. Baekho lives with his family, they’re a close family, so he understood why Baekho wouldn’t want to be roommates right now. JR was also in a similar situation, he just wasn’t ready to leave the nest. Even his boyfriend, Minhyun, he was still living with his family, too. He liked living with his family and Ren didn’t blame him, his family was really nice, his older sister is quite pretty, too. He’s been envious of Minhyun having a sister ever since they met and now he’s come to discover he had a sister of his own. He low-key was looking forward to introducing Soo Min to Minhyun’s older sister sometime down the road.


“I want to live with my family, too.” Ren sighed now that he really thought about it.


It to think that his birth mother lived in a different country with her husband. His birth father lived with his own wife here in Seoul. His half brother and half sister live together and here Ren was, alone in this house. His mother is always so busy and rarely ever home, she told him it was best that he lived in the house she bought for him. But he wasn’t liking this. “I wonder if Jihoon would want to roommate?” He wasn’t sure if that would be something they younger would go for. Ren could easily get a studio set up in one of the bedrooms for Jihoon if he wanted. “Maybe I’ll ask him later on?” He muttered before turning on his side and saw the time displayed on the digital clock on his nightstand, it was still pretty early. He let out a small sigh before turning away from the clock and started to think about earlier.


There was a dream Ren had before he woke up at WooMin’s place and it was stuck on his mind ever since he left their apartment. It seemed like a real dream, you know, those too good to be true dreams. Those dreams when you snicker and say yeah, right. He felt like that because of how cliché the dream was. Soo Min was wearing a dress and already he knew it had to be dream because the girl said so herself that she doesn’t like dresses. She seemed so happy to be wearing it and well, that got Ren conflicted, it was a dress he designed, too. Won Woo had also been wearing something Ren designed as well. Then their parents were there, only Won Woo’s mother was recognizable, the rest weren’t since he had no clue what they looked like yet, they had faces but they were random faces. They were gathered at what he assumed was a family dinner. It seemed to go nicely, no one was fighting and everyone was happy, but now that he was awake and conscious, he started to wonder if things would be like that in real life?


He had a feeling it wouldn’t be so picture perfect in the end before he accidentally fell asleep again and had another dream just like the first one.




Seungcheol dropped Jeonghan off in the lot of WooMin’s apartment complex since he was going to see about giving Jihoon a ride to campus this morning. The oldest was worried about him and Jeonghan also felt like it was something more than that, so he decided to let them have their alone time. I wonder if anything would ever happen between them? He had thought while walking up the stairs to the front door. He’s noticed how the two act around each other lately, but he hadn’t said anything about it due to other things going on.


He sent a text before he got to the door that he was there, to Won Woo, since he knew he would be awake unlike his girlfriend who liked to sleep until almost noon. “Morning.” Won Woo greeted after opening the door. “Believe it or not, she actually is awake.” He added with a small chuckle when Jeonghan seemed a little surprised. “And she’s coming to campus early, too.”


“Wow. Did something happen over night?” Jeonghan asked after entering the apartment. Soo Min’s door was closed due to changing.


“A lot happened.” Won Woo nodded. “She talked to me about Jihoon later after you left last night, she ate the food you brought and then I went to bed, but she said she couldn’t sleep, so she went out to get some fresh air and bumped into Ren. They talked but he fell asleep and she ended up bringing him here. He left a little over an hour ago.”


“Oh…” Jeonghan was concerned now.


“He said more strange things to her again… he called her his little sister when he was comforting her when they talked about Jihoon.” Won Woo said with a small sigh. “So… I guess this really means our suspicions might be true.”


“How do you feel?”


“What do you mean?”


“If Ren really is her half brother, how do you feel about that? You and her grew up together, so I assume you two feel like siblings already, right?” It seemed that way now that Won Woo thought about it.


“I don’t know. I think I’d be happy for her.” Won Woo shrugged. “Even if I acted like her older brother growing up, at least she can say she actually has one.” Jeonghan could tell Won Woo was slightly bothered about it, though.


“Do you wish you had a sibling of your own?” That might have been a stupid question to ask, but he asked it anyway.


“Of course.” Won Woo admitted with a sad smile. “I wouldn’t feel so alone if I did.” He couldn’t help but think about Ren and how… brotherly he seemed that night they ran into each other, when he assured Won Woo that the barking dog in the distance wasn’t a threat. Maybe he would have done that anyways after learning Won Woo was afraid of dogs, but still, there was that strange connection there when it happened. He also thought about Ren’s mother now. How she’s been acting towards him, too, so motherly… shouldn’t she be doing that with Soo Min, not me?


Just then, Soo Min exited her room and was surprised to see Jeonghan there with Won Woo on the couch. “Morning, beautiful~!” Jeonghan grinned and got up to greet her. Won Woo snickered before getting up to head to the door. “Ready for another day of school?”


“Not really.” She pouted at his expression, it was too early to be that excited about school.


“Let's walk to school! Maybe it'll help you wake up!” Jeonghan suggested with a bright smile.


Soo Min looked to Won Woo for help but he just laughed and agreed with Jeonghan after putting the car keys back on the small hook by the door. She accepted defeat and the three started on their 20 minute journey to campus.



“I'm screwed.” Jihoon muttered when he got to the front door. “I'm ing screwed.”


“What's wrong, sweetie?” His mother asked after walking out of the kitchen. He tensed up before turning to face her. He hoped his precious mother didn't hear him swearing like a bad kid. “You haven't left yet?”


“... yeah.” He wasn't sure what to say really. And yes, he hadn't left because he's been standing at the door for nearly five minutes now! Today is another study day, so he's not late for anything, but it would be bad if he stayed at the door all day.




“I'm going, I'm going! Bye!” He quickly muttered out before exiting the house. He let out a deep sigh and looked up to see a familiar car pull up near the front gate. It was Seungcheol’s car. He could see the passenger window roll down and Seungcheol beckoned him to get in the car. Well, I guess I shouldn't avoid it any longer. He thought to himself before he headed over.


“Good morning.” Seungcheol was the first to greet him with a bright smile.


“Morning.” Jihoon said back with a hint of a blush after getting into the passenger seat. His expression faltered a bit when he noticed Jeonghan wasn't in the car. He thought since they're roommates that he’d be in the car too? “It’s just you?” He asked quietly.


“I dropped Jeonghan off at Won Woo's place. He wanted to check on Soo Min before school.” After mentioning her name, he could see Jihoon’s expression die down again. He supposed things were still tense between him and her. And like that, the car ride was quiet except for the music playing on the car speakers. Jihoon could tell the Seungcheol was being cautious around him by not saying anything and while he appreciated it, it made him feel worse. He wondered if it was going to be like this all day?




“Oh?” Mingyu sounded confused when he saw Won Woo walk up to him at the end of his apartment complex parking lot. “No car today?” He kind of was expecting the car since Won Woo asked him if he wanted a ride earlier, before Jeonghan was dropped off.


“Sorry, things changed last minute.” Won Woo said and glanced over his shoulder, SooHan was following behind.


“Oh, I see.” Mingyu nodded before giving him a small smile. “It's okay, walking is a healthier choice.” He added.


“It is.” Won Woo also nodded before smiling. He was glad that Mingyu wasn't complaining about it. He wouldn’t be sure why if he did.


“Good morning, Mingyu!” Jeonghan greeted happily, his girlfriend snickered at his tone, she still didn't understand how her boyfriend could be so energized this early in the morning? Maybe he drank one of those energy drinks because if she remembered correctly he's always lazy and tired!


“Good morning, King and Queen!” Mingyu chuckled at the sight of the couple. “You two look adorable as usual!”


“Thanks,” Jeonghan grinned while nudging Soo Min and muttered for her to stop being so irritated about the morning. “Let's get going before we're late for class!”


“Right.” Mingyu nodded and Jeonghan started to lead the way again. The couple let them have a moment to talk alone by walking ahead.


“So, yeah. Good morning.” Won Woo muttered a few seconds later.


“Good morning!” Mingyu beamed and it made Won Woo chuckle, he was happy to hear his energetic greeting again, and it was kinda cute, it was reminding him of SooHan just now. We could be a couple like them? “Ready for another day of hell-I mean, school?”


“Not really,” Won Woo snickered, he had replied just like Soo Min did earlier. This must be a sign, right? “But I paid for the education so might as well not let it go to waste.” His unamused reply had Mingyu laughing, it was the cutest thing ever. “So, let's go.” Won Woo added and held his hand out to him in a shy manner.


“Oh?” Mingyu was surprised, he hadn't expected this, especially with his friends around.


“Don't just oh!” Won Woo scolded in a whisper and gestured for him to hold his hand. “Hurry, before I take it back!” He was getting super shy now.


“Okay, okay!” Mingyu chuckled and took Won Woo's hand into his. He interlocked his fingers with Won Woo's and the older froze for a second when reality hit him. He was about to walk to school with Mingyu, holding hands, like couples do. . They hadn’t held hands like this before, either. Double .


They started to walk and it was a bit quiet. Mingyu was incredibly happy while Won Woo was incredibly embarrassed… but he loved it anyway. Just let it happen. Those words echoed in his head while they walked and caught up to the SooHan couple. When Soo Min looked back at them, she managed to contain her excitement, she was definitely awake now! “Are they…?” Jeonghan asked after he also noticed.


“Maybe?” She shrugged. “I'm so happy for him.” It suddenly seemed like she was going to cry.


“I am, too.” Jeonghan chuckled and held her hand tighter. Won Woo seemed happy and they felt like something was actually going well for him, finally. There must be a small celebration later on for their dear Prince and his Knight in Shining Armor~!


While they were thinking about that, the SooHan couple crossed the crosswalk before the signal turned off and the two hadn't noticed Won Woo and Mingyu were left behind, but maybe that was a good thing.


“They totally ditched us.” Mingyu chuckled, but he said it in a joking tone.


“That's fine.” Won Woo snickered before his hold tightened on Mingyu's hand which caused the younger to look down at him. It looked like he had something to say.


“Whats wrong?”


“I really like you.” Won Woo managed to say with his eyes locked on the other side of the crosswalk. He figured since it was just the two of them, he’d say what was on his mind. There weren't many people around on the street they were on currently. “I haven't been in a relationship before, so naturally I'm scared I'll it up but… I'll never get anywhere if I don't try.” He looked down at their conjoined hands before looking up to Mingyu. “I know you've been patient and I appreciate it… so if we can really just let things fall into place, I'll be happy.”


“Me too.” Mingyu smiled at him and gave Won Woo's hand a small squeeze back.


“Today… let’s let it happen.” Won Woo had a difficult time looking at Mingyu while saying that because he was so shy and embarrassed. “I still don't know about the affection part yet, but I know I want to start something.”


“... o-okay.” Mingyu stuttered and Won Woo immediately looked up at him.


“Why are you getting shy?!” Won Woo blurted out.


“I don't know!” Mingyu chuckled. “You said that so suddenly, I wasn't ready!”


“Sorry.” Won Woo was secretly happy, though. At least he wasn't the only one getting flustered. “The signal came on, let's go.” He said before leading them across the street, maybe he really needed a signal after all. Once they were on the other side he felt Mingyu stop him and turned him around before pulling him into a tight hug. “What-”


“I'm just so happy, thank you.” Mingyu said softly before parting from him and looked him in the eye. There was that look again, that in love look… that I want to kiss you look. Won Woo thought now would be the perfect time to let it happen, but they were in public and he felt like now wasn't the time. He wanted it to happen when they were alone and where no one could judge them. Mingyu must've read his mind, because he stopped and took his hand again before leading them on their walk to school again. Won Woo had a smile on his face the entire trip to school. He was happy.


SooHan never questioned where the two were once they caught up to them a block later, their biggest fan was on her best behavior today. They made it to the campus shortly after. “You guys have fun in class while I wander around all by my lonesome.” She said with a small pout.  


“Just go straight to the lab.” Jeonghan nudged her after giving her a hug. “We’ll see you after class?”


“Maybe.” She said softly, her expression had died down a bit and they could assume why. It was probably about Jihoon. “Later.” She managed a small smile and waved at the three before turning and heading off to her class building by herself. Jeonghan would have walked her to her building but his and Mingyu’s class would be starting soon, he didn’t have time..


“Awh, is she going to be okay?” Mingyu felt bad now. He remembered how upset she was yesterday and wondered if she had talked to either Won Woo or Jeonghan about it? He didn’t want to be nosey but he was definitely worried.


“Hopefully.” Jeonghan sighed before looking to Won Woo, it was like he was asking for some reassurance from her best friend.


“Just give it some time. It'll be okay.” He assured the two.


“Alright,” Jeonghan nodded, so did Mingyu, “I guess we should head to class now.” He added a second later. They were in agreement and Won Woo left for his class building after telling them his temporary goodbye. That left Jeonghan and Mingyu to head to their class since they were already in their building. Before they could leave, Jeonghan noticed a familiar face coming from the front entrance. “You go ahead without me, I'll be there in a few minutes.” He said to Mingyu before sprinted away. The younger could see what he was up to and frowned. He hoped it'd be okay.


Jihoon was on his way to class after parting from Seungcheol before Jeonghan caught up to him. . He wasn’t sure what the older was going to say to him, whether it was going to be out of concern or anger for hurting his girlfriend like that yesterday. Or maybe it wasn’t even about what happened? Maybe he was going to ask to borrow a pen?




“Yeah?” He turned to face him. He could tell it wasn’t about borrowing a pen just by Jeonghan’s expression alone.


“Please tell me you’ve thought about how you’re going to approach Soo Min today?”


“Of course I thought about it… all night.” Jihoon admitted, and that’s when Jeonghan noticed the dark circles under his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll go find her after I’m done with classes. Sorry for worrying you.”


“It’s okay. I just hate to see you two on bad terms, I want you two to be okay before we have to leave on the trip to L.A”


“I know. The pressure is on.” Jihoon said with a small snicker. “Go, before you’re late to class.” He made a shooing motion at Jeonghan and turned to head to his own class. He was able to leave before Jeonghan could say anything else.


When he made it to his class, he sat in the back like usual and let out a tired sigh. He barely got an hour of sleep before he had to get up for class this morning. He really had spent all night thinking of how he was going to approach Soo Min, he almost didn’t know what he was going to do until it came to him at 5am and he quickly started doing what he needed to do. I just hope it will count for something. He thought while looking at his bandaged fingers. He was glad his friends didn’t notice yet, maybe they won’t notice if he just kept his hands hidden. A moment later, the instructor entered the room and class began.




Soo Min sighed when she noticed the time, it was almost noon and she had yet to set up her laptop to work on her portrait. She skipped going to see everyone at the cafe because she just wasn't in the mood do anything at the moment and she realized maybe she should have just stayed home today.


“Soo Min, you okay?” Min Ji asked to her left.


“Yeah.” She gave a simple reply with a sigh, it was clear she was not okay but she didn't have it in her to hide that right now. She was definitely tired after what happened earlier this morning. How on earth does she function on only three hours of sleep? Even though it isn't the first time, for some reason the lack of sleep felt even worse when mixed with the situations going on right now with Ren and with Jihoon. She thought to contact Junhui about meeting with her cousin today but, she was starting to think meeting up with Hyungwon would be difficult at this point. I have his number right? She thought before grabbing her phone.


There was a missed text from someone...


Jihoon: I'll stop by your place after my second class.


She stared at her phone for a good minute and debated if she should reply to him or not? A simple okay would do but then again, maybe it was better that she didn't reply. But then he might think she didn't see it an-


Jihoon: Okay?


Soo Min: Okay#!=%5


“Are you-”


“I'm fine, it's fine!” Soo Min assured her friend after startling her when she dropped her phone on the table.


Jihoon: ???


Soo Min: I dropped my phone!


Jihoon: Be careful.


Soo Min: Yeees!


She had to chuckle at herself, of course something like that would happen and of course it'd lighten the mood. I really hope we'll be okay. She had thought about texting her cousin but then decided she should focus on one issue as a time. The worst feeling in the world is when your on bad terms with your friends… she wanted things to be fixed before anything else happens. “Min Ji, I'm going home. There's something I have to do and right now I can't concentrate on my project.”


“That's fine.” Her friend gave her a supportive smile. “Just be sure to work on it once everything is alright and before next week rolls around.”


“I'm definitely asking for extra credit after this.” Soo Min said with a sheepish laugh while getting up from her seat to leave.



“Yo, Won Woo, my man.” Aron called out to him after he was free from class. “You free for lunch?” He was speaking English, because he learned after doing a background check that both Soo Min and Won Woo knew some English from traveling to the states these past few years. Why did he decide to use English? To test him, of course.


“Why are you speaking in English?” Won Woo replied in Korean with a frown.


“Ah, so it's not true. You don't know English.” Aron shook his head with disappointment.


“I do, but why are you speaking it so suddenly?” Won Woo replied with a bit of an accent.


“Just wanted to see if my facts were right!” Aron chuckled before beckoning him to follow. “Ren said he's free and invited you to lunch today, let's go.”


“Really?” Won Woo remembered he had asked to talk with Ren earlier this morning but he didn't think it was going to be this soon.




“Stop, don't act like you don't know Korean all of a sudden!” Won Woo snickered.


“Fine, fine!” Aron laughed. “He said you wanted to talk so he told me to bring you to him.”


“Ah, I see.”


“Yeah, so let's get a move on.” The older nodded with a suspicious grin. Won Woo wasn't sure what to expect but he supposed he should go to this lunch in the end. “To the batmobile!”


Won Woo shook his head with an embarrassed expression when others started to stare at them while they walked by. In that moment, he got a call from Mingyu. He decided to answer it while following Aron out of the campus exit.


“Are you out of class yet? I thought we could go out for lunch again?”


Won Woo frowned. “Sorry, Ren's invited me to lunch today…”


“Oh, really? That's no problem! Go ahead and go!”


“Maybe we can go for dinner later?”


“Oooh, who is that?” Aron asked in a teasing tone. “Someone special?”


“You are annoying.” Won Woo frowned.


“Me?!” Mingyu sounded shocked. “I might not know a lot of English but I do know some!” He could hear the pout in his tone.


“Not you! That dog owner, Aron.” Won Woo said in frustration while mentioned person laughed in amusement. “We're going now, I'll text you later.”


“Alright, have fun!” Mingyu chimed before hanging up.


Won Woo felt a little worried by Mingyu’s tone when he had said Ren invited him to lunch. Perhaps he was jealous? Maybe he’d understand when he tells him about everything later.


“Wonton, hurry up, time is ticking!”


“Wonton?” His eye twitched before he took a deep breath to calm down. Punch him the second no one is looking.



“What is it?” Hansol asked when he saw Mingyu’s expression after hanging up his call to Won Woo. It was just them two out in Won Woo’s favorite burger joint. They happened to meet, Mingyu was there to invite Won Woo out while Hansol just wanted a burger for lunch.


“Won Woo's going to lunch with some other guy.” He pouted while putting his phone on the table. “Just this morning he was holding my hand and telling me how much he really liked me!”


Hansol almost spit his soda out from laughing at how Mingyu was getting worked up about the situation. “You know it's not like that, right?”


“I know.” Mingyu sighed. “I'm just worried, he has a lot going on right now and I'm trying not to be nosey or annoying.”


“It's okay, at least it shows you care.”


“True.” Mingyu sighed. “I really wanted to kiss him today now that I got the green light. I guess I won't get to if he's busy.” This time Hansol really did spit his soda out. “Yah!”


“Stop talking about it so openly, damn!” He complained. “I don't remember asking you about it!”


“You're so shy when it comes to talking about stuff like this, it's funny.” Mingyu teased. “Fine, I won't talk about it anymore.”


“You can talk about it with the others, they'll react better than I do.”


“You're right.” Mingyu sighed again and took a sip of his own soda. There was a dejected expression on his face and now Hansol felt bad.


“But if you must talk about it… I'll at least listen.” That seemed to get rid of Mingyu’s expression and it was replaced with a small smile.


“Thanks.” Mingyu didn't talk to Hansol often, but they're still good friends after all. “When do you think I should kiss him?” He asked, just knowing it was going to embarrass the younger.


“Kiss him when you want, don't ask me, damn! Different topic now!” It was cute to see Hansol flustered and Mingyu laughed.


“When should I take his firs-”


“Hyung! Seriously... STOP!”



“Hi, again.” Ren said with a small chuckle when Won Woo joined him at his table.


“Hey.” Won Woo greeted with a small smile.


“I hope Aron didn’t annoy you too much on the drive here. I know he can get on someone’s nerves easily.” Ren said with an apologetic chuckle when he saw Won Woo’s expression. It was clear that’s exactly what happened.


“He called me Wonton.” The younger pouted.


Wonton? Really?” Ren couldn’t keep in his laughter but eventually Won Woo joined in with him, it was adorable. “We’ll have to come up with a clever nickname for him later.” He added and it felt like they were a pair of brothers talking about how their one friend annoys the out of them.


“That sounds fun.” Won Woo nodded with a cute smile. “I’m already thinking of some now.”


“Let’s hear it?”


“ Face.” Won Woo said with a snicker.


“I like it.” Ren grinned. “He’s always talking , it suits him.” They both laughed at that comment. “Maybe we won’t say it to his face, but between us we’ll refer him as Face, okay?”


“Got it.” Won Woo gave a thumbs up. “And thanks for inviting me to lunch, though, I really wasn't expecting it so soon.”


“Sorry, were you busy today?” Ren frowned.


“No, just have another class in a bit, but I think it should be fine. Don't worry.” Won Woo assured him. “Shall we order first?” He asked and picked up the menu in front of him. A waitress had already stopped by the table before Won Woo showed up and placed two menus down when Ren said he was waiting for someone.


“Sure.” Ren was in agreement and also picked up his menu to look at. “Do you like pasta?”



Incoming call…



Soo Min stared at her phone for a few seconds before snapping out of it and answered the call before it could go to voicemail. “Dad?”


“Hey, Soo! Are you done with class yet?”


“Uh… yeah.” She lied. It was actually just starting, but he didn’t have to know, right?


“Great, are you hungry? Did you eat yet? I'm coming to get you, wait for me at the front.” And the call ended.


“I hate it when he does that.” She frowned while looking down at the screen. Her father had a bad habit of doing that sometimes, he’d decide on things and you’d just have to go with it. “Why lunch all of a sudden?” She asked herself while putting her phone back into her pocket, it dawned on her a moment later. The trip to L.A. She figured he probably wanted to talk about it, just like the last two years. So many things are happening this time, I can’t even keep up.


“Soo Min!” She heard Jeonghan call out to her from behind. She was almost at the front of the main building and Jeonghan had noticed her before he was about to head to his second class. “What happened earlier? Shouldn’t you be in the lab?”


“Oh, sorry.” She apologized. “I zoned out and forgot about coming to the cafe earlier.”


“It's fine. I just didn't know if you were purposely avoiding it?”


“... maybe.” She admitted. “Jihoon texted me during class though. So I was going home early since he said he was coming over after class.”


“That's good. I hope you two will work things out.”


“I'm sure we will, don't worry.” She gave him a small smile before looking at the entrance. “I have to go, my dad called and said he was picking me up. I think he wants to eat lunch.”


“Really? It seems out of the blue?” He was also confused just like she was.


“Not really, since we're going to L.A. next week, he probably wants me to relay a gift to Won Woo's Father. That's the only explanation I can think of, since you know, this will be the 3rd year they're not going with us.” Her words were bitter and Jeonghan took one of her hands into his.


“Don't think so negatively, it's not good.”


“I can't help it.” She said before he pulled her into a tight hug. She realized maybe she was being a little difficult and hugged him back even tighter for putting up with her and trying to calm her down.


“Just don't think about the bad things, okay?” He said after parting from her.


“Okay, I won't, thanks.”


“I would come with you, but… skipping class isn’t so easy for me, my instructors aren’t as nice as yours.” Jeonghan said with a small pout.


“That’s okay, you shouldn’t be skipping anyway!” She chuckled while nudging him a bit. “I’ll text you later, okay? Pay attention in class!” She added with a small wave and turned to leave. Jeonghan called out to her with his goodbye and watched her exit the front entrance doors before he turned to head off to his class. He’d make sure to text her later if she forgot.


When Soo Min made it to the parking lot in the front, she saw her father’s car pull up and she almost snickered at how perfectly timed that was. She opened the passenger side door and got in. “There’s my awesome and smart daughter~!” He greeted after she shut the door.


“Dad. No.” She pouted while buckling her seatbelt.


“What, I’m just stating the truth, sweetie!” He reached out to ruffle her hair. In that moment, she froze and stared at her father. She couldn’t help but be reminded of that night on the camping trip when Ren called her sweetie. “What? You don’t want to be called sweetie now, either? Gosh, my daughter grew up too fast!” He played hurt.


“You need to grow up, too.” She snickered and turned away to look out the window to hide her dejected expression. So, it must be true. Her father just laughed at her comment before he put his car in drive and they were off to lunch.


“Let’s go for some pasta?” He asked and she nodded.

Chapter thirty-five…



Wow… things are… moving again.


You don’t know how many times I thought about how this chapter was going to go.

I wrote a lot, then re wrote it, and re wrote it… and re wrote it.

It was originally going to be a lot more epic, but I felt like it was too soon for that…


Dragging out the story again.

You’re welcome.



Lol, why do I feel like he’s coming after me?!

What did I do? Are you on the readers side?

You’re on the readers side…



It’s still July 17th in the states, so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WON WOO~!





Despite Mingyu was JELLY about you having lunch with Ren, HE UNDERSTANDS.


Mingyu: Ajeu nice…

He’ll just have to have lunch with Jeonghan…




Jeonghan, why? Is your arm okay?

Did it twitch? XD


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A lot of authors tend to cringe and get embarrassed over their past works... Then there's me, laughing my off as if I didn't write this myself lol


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ashkhen #1
Chapter 146: Welcome back back

Ohhhhhhh all the tea is dropping one by one. Soo Min if your pregnant, it’s going to be great news and protective Wonwoon + Jihoon 😎😎 Jeonghan might be toasted lol Ren is going to be that “BIG DEAL”

The parents need to stop acting up and forgive one another. Be happy for the sake of your kids and rekindle with all the kids plus Rina.
Chapter 146: Welcome back
ashkhen #3
Chapter 145: Take your time and we will wait until your ready.
Chapter 145: Cheers my dear! We're behind you 100%! You can do it!
Chapter 143: Looking forward to it.
Chapter 142: 😢 Our deepest sympathy to the Jeons of course.
As far as the continuation I think it would be ok since you will be updating a few months from now. Right now it would seem a little weird, but I don't think it will be bad later. Go with your heart though.
Chapter 141: Welcome back!
Chapter 27: this is so wonderful!
mastermind #9
I’ll wait for more :)
Broken_mango #10
Chapter 138: do you want me to unsubscribe so you can be spared of the spooky number? (´▽`)ノ♪