Chapter 14



It was now Thursday and the WooMin duo were seated at the table today after they ate their lunch. None of the others had showed up yet and they wondered if their classes were running late. That was when Junhui showed up to the table by himself.


“Hey, Jun, where are the others?” Won Woo asked after their Chinese friend took a seat at their table.


“Their classes must be running a bit late.” He said before turning his attention to Soo Min who looked at him confused. Even though they’re friends, he doesn’t usually look at her like that.


“What?” She asked.


“How have you been doing?” He simply asked, hoping she’d get the hint without having to blurt it out.


“Um, good.” She shrugged. She didn’t really understand what he was getting at and glanced to Won Woo.

“I think he’s talking about last Saturday at the mall.” Won Woo explained and Junhui looked at him with a surprised look before he sighed. He supposed it was only natural that Soo Min told Won Woo about it. He could safely assume she also told Jihoon, too.


“Oh, that…” her expression faltered a bit. “Yeah, I’m okay.”


“Are you sure?” Junhui could tell maybe she wasn’t telling the truth. After hearing something so dramatic like that, he didn’t blame her.


“I agreed not to think about it until fall break.” She pointed out. “So for now, I am fine.”


“Okay, I understand.”


“We were thinking of going to see the elders during fall break and ask about it. Maybe they might know something about it.” Won Woo added on. “But until then, we’ll focus on school.”


“I see.” Junhui nodded. He hoped his friends could get some answers since Hyungwon wouldn’t give them any. “Good luck.” It wasn’t his business but he was also curious.


“Thanks.” Soo Min smiled before she noticed familiar faces approaching over Junhui’s shoulder and her smile widened. “The Queen is finally here!” It was perfect timing since Mingyu and his friends were also approaching the table from the other side.


After both parties were at the table, both Mingyu and Jeonghan got down on one knee and presented both Soo Min and Won Woo with their test results from Math in a dramatic manner. Their faces seemed so serious when they got to the table and the WooMin duo were worried that the two failed after all the help they got!


“They won’t show us until they’ve shown you the results!” Soonyoung pointed out with a pout.


“We’re so curious!” Seungkwan blurted out next. “Hurry up!”


Both Soo Min and Won Woo took their tests and looked at them. Junhui just chuckled quietly and watched the small scene play out.


Mingyu: 100%

Jeonghan: 95%


“Congratulations, you’re smarter than Jeonghan.” Won Woo joked after breaking the small intense silence.


“Yah!” Jeonghan frowned when his girlfriend laughed with the others.


“You did better than me when I took the second test. I got a 50%.” Soo Min explained while petting her boyfriend on the head. “Good job, babe, I’m proud of you.” His frown soon turned into a cute smile after hearing his girlfriend praise him. He truly resembled a cat enjoying getting pet on the head when he leaned into her touches. He would be purring by now.


“So what did our son get?!” Soonyoung blurted out, his words were directed at Won Woo. He simply turned the paper around to show the number 100 marked big in green marker. Mingyu’s friends went wild once they saw how well he did and started to praise him while Soo Min turned Jeonghan’s paper over to show their friends who simply congratulated him.


“You guys aren’t going to flip out like them?” Jeonghan pouted.


“We’re too old for that.” Seungcheol joked. “Might throw our hips out.”


“Speak for yourself!” Junhui stood up with a scoff. “Congratulations, Jeonghan, I knew you could do it.” He said while patting him on the shoulder. “I’d flip out now, but I have somewhere to be, so another time, okay?”


“Don’t worry about it, thanks.” Jeonghan chuckled. Now that he saw other students were staring their way because of Mingyu and his friends, he was glad his friends didn’t flip out after all. Junhui left the table just when Jisoo was arriving.


“Hey guys, what’s all the commotion about?” He asked after looking at Mingyu and his friends who were still celebrating.


“Mingyu and Jeonghan got their math test results and they’re celebrating. Mingyu got a 100% while Jeonghan got a 95%.” Seungcheol explained. “Must’ve been Mingyu’s first 100%.”


“Apparently!” Jeonghan said with a pout. He was a bit jealous now. If only he didn’t miss that trick question at the end of the test!


“You’ll do better next time, don’t worry.” Seungcheol gave him a pat on his shoulder. “Sorry to bail on you too during such an important time, but I have to go get Chan from school.”


“It’s fine, I’m not upset!” Jeonghan shook his head while folding his arms across his chest.


“Then why do you look like it?” Won Woo chuckled and only got a glare from Jeonghan.


“I’ll see you later then.” Seungcheol said before waving to the others. Now it was just WooMin and their two friends Jeonghan and Jisoo, Jihoon must have already headed to his next class already since he didn’t show up yet.


“This calls for more than a victory dance!” Seungkwan suddenly blurted out and caught their attention. “Let’s go camping this weekend! Mingyu’s been wanting to go for a while now but school keeps getting in the way.”


“Yeah, let’s go! It’d be a good stress reliever.” Soonyoung was in total agreement.


“Really?” Mingyu looked excited at the mentioned planned. “Wait, why don’t we invite them?” Mingyu turned to point at Won Woo and the others and his smile faltered a bit when he noticed Junhui and Seungcheol had already left. They must’ve been too busy celebrating his test score to notice the world around them.


“Camping sounds like fun!” Jeonghan said with a bright smile before looking to the others.


“Sorry, I can’t. I have to take care of a few things with Minghao this weekend.” Jisoo apologized.


“That’s fine.” Mingyu assured him. They hadn’t really spent a lot of time with him and the other two so maybe it was better this way, at least they knew Won Woo, Soo Min and Jeonghan more.


“I have some assignments I need to finish before Monday, so I probably can’t go either.” Soo Min said with an apologetic expression. “Sorry.” Instantly she could tell Won Woo was going to say he couldn’t go either but she spoke up before he could. “I’m sure it’ll be fun and a good bonding experience for Jeonghan and Won Woo.”


“Bonding?” Seokmin asked a tad confused.


“It might not be that obvious but these two kind of don’t like each other.” She giggled when the mentioned two looked at her with betrayed looks. “You two really should go on this trip with them. It’d make me happy if you did!” She flashed them her sweetest smile and it was hard to say no to it.


“Yeah, you two should come with us, we’ll cover all the costs, so why not?” Soonyoung gave them a bright smile. Mingyu gave an understanding look towards Won Woo who immediately felt guilty for even thinking of denying the trip.


“Okay, sounds good.” He answered and smiled when he saw Mingyu’s smile return to his face.


“Great! We’ll leave first thing tomorrow afternoon!” Seungkwan stated while pointing a finger in the air.



“I met with Soo Min today.” Junhui said after his friend returned to the table with food. He was currently at the mall again in the food court.


“You did? How was she?” Hyungwon asked with a worried look. They had decided to eat a late lunch together after Hyungwon finished a small modeling gig and Junhui finished his classes for the day. “Was she still upset?” He hadn’t seen her since their encounter last Saturday. He had been quite concerned of what happened after he fled like that.


“She says she’s doing fine.” Junhui assured him. “Though, she told Won Woo about it.” He could see Hyungwon sigh and bury his face into his hands in stress. “He said that they’re going to visit the elders during fall break and see if they know anything about it.”


“They’re what?” Hyungwon quickly looked at him. “Is that really a good idea?”


“I don’t know. Do they know about it, too?” Junhui shrugged and Hyungwon nodded and confirmed that they did. “Well, if you’re not going to tell them, let the elders tell them.”


“But they can’t say they heard it from me first. I promised Soo Min’s father that I wouldn’t say anything!”


“What is with your family and secrets?!” Junhui frowned. “That’s no way to live your life!”


“I know, it .” Hyungwon let his head drop, he could already feel the drama brewing in the tea kettle. It was just a matter of time before it whistles.


“I’ll let you know if they heard it from the elders when they go.” Junhui said with a small sigh before he sat forward and proceeded to take a drink from his fountain drink.


“Thanks.” Hyungwon said with a small smile. He was glad he at least had Junhui to keep him in the loop, even though he didn’t want it to be this way. “Nice hat by the way.”




“Why, thank you.” Junhui grinned. “I borrowed it from the new fashion student on campus.”


“New fashion student?” Hyungwon repeated and just then someone joined them at their table.


“Here he is, I meant to tell you that I invited him to eat with us.” He said while gesturing to the familiar face. “He goes by Ren.” Hyungwon was a bit stunned because of how much this person had changed since the last time he saw him. It was a few years ago and he had shoulder length bleach blonde hair.






“Hi.” Ren waved before looking to Junhui a bit concerned since Hyungwon was gawking at him. “Is he okay?”


“Hyung, snap out of it!” Junhui said after reaching over to nudge him by his shoulder. “What is it? Why do you look so shocked?”


“Uh…” Hyungwon barely got out. “You’re Choi Rina’s son, the son of the most popular female clothing designer in Seoul!” He tried to sound like he was shocked because of that. “I’ve modeled some of her work before, I’m just shocked that I’m meeting her son! I really admire her work!”


“Really?” Junhui’s eyes also went wide when he looked back to Ren who gave a sheepish laugh. Looks like Junhui didn’t do his homework properly on the new fashion student.


“Thanks. I’m glad you’re a fan.” Ren said cutely with a small chuckle.


“Of course… your mother is amazing.” Hyungwon said a bit more calm and Junhui noticed something odd with the way he said it. “She’s such a good person.” Like he knew something he didn’t.


“Thanks again.” Ren said with a bright smile this time when his mother was brought up. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly said that with such a sincere tone, this was the first time they were meeting, to Ren’s understanding. He had recently moved up to Seoul last month and managed to get into the fall semester before it was too late, which explained why Junhui said he was new. It was Junhui who had approached him after one of his classes and complimented his outfit. They got to talking and found out they had things in common and started to hang out a few times until now. Junhui had thought it would be nice to introduce Ren to Hyungwon who was also into fashion and even a part time model. Fashionistas must stick together, right?


The table grew silent before… “I like your hair.” Hyungwon blurted out and both Junhui and Ren gave an awkward laugh at that. “It reminds me of my younger cousin.” He added. “Though, I think her hair is a bit longer than yours.”


“True.” Junhui nodded, since he had seen her earlier. “You’re pretty, like her… too.” He trailed off when he started to notice Ren was starting to look a little more familiar after Soo Min was mentioned.


“I get that a lot.” Ren chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m not offended.” He added, he had thought Junhui trailed off because he thought he said something wrong. “So, is any of this mine?” He asked to change the topic and pointed to the food sitting on the table. It snapped Junhui out of it and he quickly passed out their orders so they could start eating. “Thanks.”


“So, uh… doing anything exciting this weekend?” Hyungwon broke the silence that was almost becoming awkward again.


“Nope.” Junhui chuckled. “Probably will just binge watch shows on Netflix or something.” He added before turning to Ren. “What about you?”


“I'm going camping with my friends.” He smiled.


“How exciting.” Hyungwon managed a small smile. “Seems like the perfect time to go, too.”


“Exactly, we thought to go before we have to start seriously studying for midterms.” Ren explained before looking to Junhui. “Nevermind.” He shook his head when Junhui asked what it was.


“Really?” He pouted. He wondered if Ren was about to invite him camping or something but then again he didn't want to invite himself. Camping does sound fun though… “Be sure to pack properly, heard the weather is going to be bipolar over the weekend.”


“I will. Thanks.” Ren smiled. He gave another awkward chuckle when he saw Hyungwon staring at him again but didn’t say anything this time. I wonder why he keeps looking at me like that?




“What’s wrong, Soo Min?” Min Ji asked after class was over. She had noticed her friend looking a bit glum this evening during lecture and she wondered what it could be?


“Oh? Nothing.” She shook her head and continued to pack up her things.


“Are you sure?”


“Don’t worry about it. Just been a long week, that’s all.” Soo Min assured her before they proceeded to exit their classroom. When they got to the elevator, they both stepped in and Min Ji pushed the button for the first floor. “Oh yeah, Min Ji?”




“I just remembered I had Won Woo take my car to drop off some of his friends. Can I catch a ride home with you?”


“Sure!” The girl nodded with a bright smile.

“Thanks.” Soo Min managed a better smile this time.


“No problem!”


After they reached the first floor, they could see someone was already waiting for them. It was Min Ji’s older brother, Shin Wonho. “Hey girls,” he greeted with a smile. “How was class?”


“Boring. I’m glad it’s finally over!” Min Ji let out a sigh before she remembered Soo Min was with her. “Oh yeah, we’ll have to drop her off on the way home, that’s okay, right?”


“Of course, no problem.” He assured his younger sister. “Been awhile, hasn’t it?” He asked to Soo Min.


“Yeah, sorry about that.” She gave him an apologetic smile.


“Don’t worry about it.” He waved his hand in assurance. “I get it, you’re both young and want to do many things. A grandpa like me would only hold you back.” He added with a small pout, he was clearly joking and he was glad it got a laugh out of her and his sister. Hyungwon had told him what happened at the mall because they were close friends.


“Exactly. It’s almost your bedtime, grandpa.” Soo Min teased. At least she was in a better mood now.


“Then let’s get going!” He ushered them to hurry out the exit.



“You’re already done packing?” Seungkwan asked when he entered his shared room to check on his roommate. He wasn’t out in the living room with them like he usually was after dinner.


“Yup.” Mingyu nodded with a goofy grin on his face. It had been a few hours since Won Woo had dropped them off.


“I can see you’re really excited about this camping trip.”


“Of course, you know I like camping!” His tone matched his expression and his friend thought it was adorable.


“I’m sure it’s even more exciting now that your crush is tagging along, right?”


“That too.” Mingyu gave an embarrassed giggle. “I hope he’ll have fun. I know it’s going to be difficult since Soo Min isn’t coming with us.”


“Ah, they’re inseparable, aren’t they?” Seungkwan asked. Mingyu nodded and the younger frowned. He hadn’t thought it was that serious, he just thought they were really close friends and they happened to see them together all the time. “Well, I hate to say it, but this would be good for him, right? He shouldn’t depend on his friends too much…”




“We’re his friends now, too, right? It shouldn’t be that hard.” Seungkwan pointed out. “We’ll do our best to keep him comfortable.”


“Thanks.” Mingyu gave a genuine smile. He felt lucky to have friends like Seungkwan and the other two. “But none of that match making nonsense during this trip, we’re all just going out to have a fun time, that’s it.” His smile turned into a warning look.


“I’ll try.” Seungkwan chuckled before he dodged a pillow that was thrown his way. “In the meantime, can you help me pack? I don’t even know where to start!”



“Are you all packed?” Soo Min asked Won Woo after she got dropped off by Min Ji and her brother. Now that she thought about it, she really wondered how that car ride with Won Woo and that trio of friends from Mingyu's went in the end?


“No. I don’t think I’m going.” Won Woo said quietly while seated on the floor in front of his half packed suitcase. Uh oh, did it go bad?


“Awh, why not?!” She frowned and joined him on the floor. “Not enough clothes to take with you?” She asked before looking towards his full closet.

“No.” He shook his head.


“Then what’s the problem?” She pouted. He didn’t look up at her not once and she started to understand. “Fine, you can take some of the Choco Pies.” She gave a defeated sigh and proceeded to get up. Before she could walk out of his room, he grabbed her by the ankle and she almost fell forward. “What are you doing?!” She almost shouted in complete shock.


“Can’t you come with us?” He asked. There was a dejected expression on his face and he kept his eyes locked on her ankle.


“I would if I didn’t have so much homework to do, I’m sorry.” At her reply, he let go of her ankle and faced his suitcase again. “You and I know this would be a good experience for you to travel somewhere without me, right?” She could see him nod but he didn’t seem too happy about it. It was expected. He was just nervous, that was all. “I know you don’t like Jeonghan that much, but he’ll be there to help you in my place.”


“I know.”


“It might be difficult, but I know you can do it. So finish packing, okay?” She said and gave him a supportive smile when he finally looked up at her.


“Okay, thanks.” He said with a small smile before getting up to head to his closet and grabbed a few shirts and pants and dumped them into his suitcase before zipping it up. “Done.” He’d properly pack them after this.


“That was fast!” She gawked at him.


“I already packed the other stuff before my clothes.” He chuckled. “It shouldn’t take that long to pack your suitcase up, let’s go!” He said while pushing her out of her room.


“But we just agreed that you were going without me!” She exclaimed while holding onto the doorframe to stop them from going into her room.


“Just in case you change your mind!” He said while trying to push her in.





“I said no!” She said with a struggle.


“It’d make me feel better if I knew you packed, just in case you change your mind.” His pushing started to die down and she could hear the hint of anxiety in his tone.


“Fine, okay.” She caved and entered her room to pull out her suitcase from her closet. “Just in case I change my mind.” She said while dumping some of her clothes into the opened suitcase.


“Pack it properly!” He scolded and came over to fix it for her. When he was done folding her clothes and placed them neatly into the suitcase, ten Choco Pie boxes were dropped in and scattered from not fitting in the small space. “You are not packing all of these!”


“I’m not going then!” She crossed her arms.


“I’ll make it fit!” Won Woo suddenly organized the boxes.



It was about 2am when Mingyu got a text from Won Woo.


Won Woo: Have you gone home yet?


Mingyu smiled and immediately texted him back.


Mingyu: Not yet, my shift just ended.  


Won Woo: I’m outside…


When he read that text, he quickly grabbed his jacket and put it on before rushing out of his workplace. He headed over to the side of the building where the bench was and he didn’t see Won Woo sitting there and frowned. “Boo.” He suddenly heard to his left. Won Woo was blending into the shadows of the night once again!


“Agh!” Mingyu jumped back a little and clutched his heart while Won Woo laughed at his reaction.


“Sorry, I just had to.” Won Woo said between laughs. Mingyu started hoped this wasn’t going to be a recurring thing with them!


“I won’t fall for it next time!” Mingyu pouted.


“Damn, I’ll have to find another place to hide.” Won Woo joked before he headed over to the bench and sat down with the convenience store bag. He had been inside to buy them drinks and a snack last time, but when he saw a different clerk, he realized that Mingyu’s shift was already over. That’s when he texted and asked if he had left already. He hoped he not and his wish was granted. “Come sit down.” He gestured to the seat next to him.


Mingyu happily walked over and took a seat next to him before accepting the drink Won Woo handed him. “Thanks.”


“No problem.” Won Woo said before opening his own drink and took a sip. “I don’t usually spend money on anyone but Soo Min and Jihoon.”




“Yeah, only because I don’t go out a lot and they’re always buying when we eat out. I tend to save me money for more important things anyways.”


“Important things like?” When he saw Won Woo look at him he gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”


“It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting you to ask that is all.” Won Woo assured him. “I save it for when I visit my parents in the states.”


“Oh, they live in the states?” Mingyu seemed so curious now and of course he was. Won Woo hadn’t opened up much to him since they met. He was learning new things about him tonight.


“Uh, yeah.” Won Woo nodded but his expression changed when he mentioned it now. Mingyu worried if it was something he didn’t like talking about so he stopped with his questions.


“Well, that’s good. I hear traveling in the states is expensive.” Mingyu replied before looking up at the night sky. “I want to go there someday and try the food.” He could see Won Woo look at him in the corner of his eye before chuckling at his comment. He found it adorable and smiled. “Is the food good there?”


“Depends on where you eat.” Won Woo seemed to be in a better mood now.


“Ah, then maybe we can go together sometime soon and you can recommend me some places?” Mingyu said with a cute smile and Won Woo couldn’t help but smile back.


“Sure, that sounds nice.”


“It’s made me hungry now, too.” He pouted and Won Woo chuckled before handing him the small bag of chips.


“I’m not sure if it’s a wise idea to eat a meal this late at night, especially if we’re leaving for that camping trip later.”


“Right, I almost forgot!” Mingyu’s expression brightened up. “Are you ready for it?”


“Yeah, I think so.” Won Woo said a bit quietly. He seemed to be worried about it and Mingyu reached over to give him a gentle pat on his shoulder.


“It’s okay. If you don’t think you can go, I understand. I don’t want to force you to go.”


“No, it’s not that… I just wished Soo Min was going, that’s all. It would have been nice.”


“I’m sure it would. Maybe another time?”


“That would be nice.”


“Very nice.” Mingyu flashed him another cute smile and Won Woo had to look away. “Shall I walk you home now?”


“No, I brought the car, I’ll take you home again.” Won Woo said while pulling the keys out of his hoodie pocket. Mingyu seemed so relieved just then and it made him laugh. He supposed the guy was too tired to walk all the way home and that’s why Won Woo came out to give him a ride.


“Be sure to sleep when you get home.” Mingyu said after he got out of the passenger seat and was talking to Won Woo through the rolled down window.


“You too.” Won Woo nodded. “Don’t eat or you might wake up not feeling well.”


“Okay, I won’t!” Mingyu said softly with a small blush, something about Won Woo being concerned for him made him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. “Goodnight, Won Woo.”


“Goodnight, Mingyu.” Won Woo said with a small smile before rolling up the window and drove off. Mingy watched the car disappear out of the lot before he let out a small sigh. He was happy!



“You’re not asleep yet?” Soo Min scolded when Won Woo came through their front door. He flinched from being startled and frowned at her. She was standing near the door in her PJs with her arms folded across her chest like a parent waiting for their rebellious child to get home. Funny how he was older than her.


“I went out to get some air and a snack. I gave Mingyu a lift home after his shift, too.”


“Ah, then I suppose I won’t scold you for being up so late.” Her arms fell to her sides and her expression softened. “Are you still going on the camping trip?” She seemed worried about that now. She hoped he hadn’t gone to tell Mingyu he couldn’t go.


“I am.” He nodded. “Have you changed your mind yet?” He looked hopeful and it made her feel guilty.


“Not yet.” She shook her head and saw his small smile falter a bit. “I still have till morning to change my mind.”


“Yeah. We better sleep then.” He said before he headed to his room.


“Won Woo, please don’t be like that.” She said with a sad tone. “I know you’re nervous, but everything will be fine! I promise!”


“I know.” He stopped by the couch. “Sorry.”


“Don’t be sorry. I get it.” She assured him.


“I’m trying.” He said quietly and the room fell silent because she didn’t know what to say after that other than I know. “I’m going to bed now.” He finally said when he realized she wasn’t going to say anything further. He felt bad that he put her in that situation.


“Okay, sleep well. Goodnight, Won Woo.” She managed to say when he got to his door.


“Night.” He gave her a small smile before entering and shutting the door behind himself. He let out a small sigh. Get it together, you can do this. He spent the next hour thinking about how the trip was going to go and barely fell asleep by 4am.




“All ready to go?” Mingyu asked excitedly at the front door of WooMin’s shared apartment later that morning, it was an hour before noon.


“Yeah, just let me use the bathroom before I go.” Won Woo said quietly before excusing himself out of the room. Mingyu frowned and turned to look at Soo Min who was standing by.


“He’s just nervous.” She assured him. “He hasn’t really traveled that much without me before.” She added. “And if I had to be honest, too, I’m a bit nervous not having him around.”


“That’s understandable.” Mingyu gave her a small smile. “We’ll just take it one step at a time.”


“Please take care of him.” She said softly just in case Won Woo could hear them from the bathroom. “Make sure that he’s okay. If he says no to something, listen to him, alright?”


“I will. You don’t have anything to worry about, I know what to do.” Mingyu assured her with a bigger smile. “If he wants to ditch and come home, I’ll bring him straight home. I’m just happy that he’s trying.” Agreeing to this camping trip was one of those big steps after all.


“Me too.”


“So you can relax! Try to focus on that homework that way Won Woo doesn’t have to scold you when he gets back.”


“Right.” She pouted at that comment. That’s when Won Woo finally returned from the bathroom.


“Talking about me?” Won Woo said in a teasing tone.


“Of course.” Soo Min laughed before she grabbed his hoodie from the coat stand near the door and handed it to him. The season had slowly been changing and it was getting cooler and cooler as the days passed. “Have fun, okay?” Soo Min said with a sweet smile and it got Won Woo returning the same smile.


“I will. Thanks.” He felt like he could really do this now after seeing that. Like her smile gave him the strength. “Good luck on your homework.”


“Thanks!” Now she looked like she got strength from his words.


After saying goodbye to the two at the door, Soo Min let out a deep sigh. Even if she knew her best friend was in good hands, she just couldn’t help but worry about him. I’m sure he’ll be okay. Jeonghan will be there too… I have nothing to worry about. She snickered at herself, it seemed like Won Woo was the one who couldn’t handle it, but it was actually her! I should be more worried about my homework! When she finally got it together, she headed back to her room to sit at her desk and started her long journey hoping to reach the top of Homework Mountain before the end of the day!



“Good.” Jeonghan said when he opened the van door that currently had everyone who was attending the camping trip today. Soonyoung was driving and Seokmin was in the passenger seat. Seungkwan and Vernon were seated in the first row behind them and the third row was empty. Won Woo and Mingyu were seated in the back row.


“Care to explain why you said good?” Won Woo said with a frown. He knew he must be referring to Good, you didn’t chicken out last second.


“I didn’t know if you were going to get Soo Min to change her mind or not?” Jeonghan explained himself before looking at the two empty seats in the middle row. “But even if you did, I think we could have made him fit.”


“Him?” The rest asked.


“Right… I hate to burden everyone last second but, Seungcheol and I were still looking after our younger friend Chan while his parents are out of town. Seungcheol mentioned the camping trip and when he heard Won Woo was going, he wanted to come, too. Is that okay? I promise he won’t cause trouble!”


“Chan?” Sooyoung asked after looking at him from the driver seat. “Sure! He can come!”


“Chan is a close friend of Won Woo’s right?” Seungkwan looked back at Mingyu for confirmation. He nodded. “I think it’d be a good idea!” It seemed like there would really be no issues during this trip now that Won Woo had more than one companion to keep him calm.


“Really? Thanks!” Jeonghan said happily before excusing himself for a moment to fetch the younger boy and his packed suitcase. “Everyone besides Mingyu and Won Woo, meet my baby, Channie.”


“Hyung!” Chan frowned at the introduction before giving a sheepish laugh to the others. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you all and thank you for letting me join you, too.”

“So polite!” Seungkwan gushed.


“He’s so cute, too!” Soonyoung added on.


“I can tell this trip is going to be 10x more fun now!” Seokmin said with a bright smile. He could tell everyone was in a great mood now, especially Won Woo who had seemed pretty nervous since they picked him up earlier. “Once everyone is buckled in, we’ll go!”


And with that, they were off~!



It wasn’t even an hour later and Soo Min already left her shared apartment to head straight to Jihoon’s place. She made sure to text him first instead of dropping in unexpectedly without notice like she usually does. It seemed the only reason why he didn’t deny her from coming over this time was because she promised to bring him lunch. That guy sure liked food.


“Do you think he’s doing fine?” She asked the second they started to eat.


“I’m sure he’s fine. Chill out.” He scolded her. “Enjoy your food!”


“But I’m so worried. Maybe I should have gone!” She pouted while pushing her food around her takeout tray. “Maybe it’s not too late?”


“It’s been an hour already, right? I’m sure they’re out of town by now. Do you even know which camping site they were going to?”


“Yeah, Won Woo wrote it down for me just in case.” She nodded and pulled out her phone to pull up the memo she saved it in. “I think it’s about three hours from here by car.”


“Then it’s too late.” He said bluntly before he continued to eat.


“You’re so negative!” She complained.


“I’m just being logical!” He chuckled at her expression. “Unless you leave now and try to catch up to them.”


“You’re right.” She said seriously before standing up. “Let’s go.”


“What?!” He blurted out when she took his tray of food out of his hands and closed it up to put it back in the bag.


“You can finish eating in the car. Hurry and go grab a few changes of clothes. We’re going camping!”


“Are you crazy?!” He almost yelled and she nodded with a small laugh.


“I’ve decided that I still don’t have the perfect photo of Mingyu yet for my portrait project! Maybe taking his picture in an outdoor setting will be perfect!”


“You are officially the most indecisive person I’ve ever met!” He blurted out before pausing. He also knew someone just like that back in Busan. “We don’t even have a tent!” He quickly added after snapping out of it.

“I think Seungcheol has one!” She said before pulling out her phone to quickly send him a message. “Junhui probably can help, too!”


“Won Woo is going to be fine, you don’t need to always be there!” Jihoon placed his hand over her phone to stop her from her rash behavior. She stopped and looked at him silently before letting out a small sigh. She looked so sad and dejected and he couldn’t stand it. “Okay, okay! Fine! I’ll go get my clothes! Cheer up!” He said quickly before rushing to his room. She let out a small chuckle at how fast he left the room before going back to contacting their other friends.


“I just realized we’ve never been camping before.” Jihoon muttered when he came back with his duffle bag packed with what he needed a few moments later. “This could be a good experience for us, too.”


“True. I only said no because I have homework, but I guess taking more pictures is homework! I could get some background shots for other projects while I'm at it. I really should have thought about it before saying no so quickly!” She gave a sheepish laugh. “But who knows when we’ll get this chance again… I’m just mad at myself for being so indecisive and not thinking about it long enough.”


“Well, it’s good. Had you not been so indecisive, I probably wouldn’t get to come along.” Jihoon pointed out and she laughed.


“Everything happens for a reason.”


“Exactly.” He nodded in agreement. “So, did Seungcheol get back to you?”


“Not yet.” She sighed before looking down at her phone. “But Junhui said he doesn’t mind tagging along.”


“At least we’ll have our own personal bodyguard.” Jihoon snickered before they heard her phone buzz in her hand.


Seungcheol: I don’t have a tent, but I can buy one!


“What did he say?”


“He doesn’t have one!” She whimpered. “But he said he could buy one. I don’t want to make him do tha-”


“Let’s go buy the tent with him!” Jihoon cut her off before pulling her to the front door. “I know they have those giant ones that have separate rooms. I’ll pitch in!”


Soo Min was shocked to see him look so eager suddenly but she supposed the idea of that nice luxurious tent would make anyone excited. She agreed and they were off in her car to meet Seungcheol at his place after picking up her already packed suitcase back at her place.


“Junhui said he’s almost finished packing, we’ll pick him up on the way to the store.” Seungcheol explained after letting them into the apartment.


“Alright.” Soo Min nodded before looking around. “Where’s Chan? I thought you and Jeonghan were still watching him over the weekend?”


“Oh, Mingyu’s friends let him come with them since he heard Won Woo was going.”


“Really? Awh, how cute!” She gushed and slapped her hands to her cheeks and quietly squealed. “I guess I was worrying for nothing! If Chan is there, Won Woo will be just fine!”


“But we’re still going camping, right?” Jihoon’s expression faltered a bit. They had agreed to go because she was worried about Won Woo in the first place.


“Of course! Wouldn’t it be fun to camp with the others?” She pointed out. “Too bad Jisoo and Minghao couldn’t come along. I remember hearing they had a few things to take care of over the weekend. I suppose since Minghao is still new around here.”


“Maybe we can all go camping again another time.” Seungcheol mentioned before eyeing Jihoon who looked excited for that idea. It was true that this would be WooMin and Jihoon’s first camping experience and maybe that’s why Jihoon didn’t bother protesting on tagging along. For the first time he dropped working on his music to come on this trip with them.


“We probably could go in the winter? But stay in cabins or something? I’ve always wanted to do that!” Soo Min suggested and she looked excited now. “We can have a big campfire with s’mores and tell spooky stories and snuggle and keep each other warm with our body heat in the winter nigh-”


“That sounds more like a romantic getaway with you and Jeonghan now.” Jihoon interrupted her with a disgusted look on his face. Seungcheol laughed at the two’s antics.


“Whoops, sorry.” She gave a sheepish giggle before Seungcheol got the text that Junhui was ready to be picked up.

Chapter fourteen!



Seems like WooMin still struggle on being separated.

But that’s okay, in time it’ll be easier~!


Mingyu: Don’t worry, he has me.

Jeonghan: He has me too~


Won Woo: … I’m fine with just Mingyu.


Jeonghan: … *why does he hate me so much?*



Won Woo: It’s not like that. I just… don’t need you.


I’m so sorry Jeonghan, 😂 lol, but don’t worry, he’s going to regret saying that soon~!


Won Woo: Why would I regret that?


You’ll see soon enough~*MYSTERIOUS AF*


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A lot of authors tend to cringe and get embarrassed over their past works... Then there's me, laughing my off as if I didn't write this myself lol


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ashkhen #1
Chapter 146: Welcome back back

Ohhhhhhh all the tea is dropping one by one. Soo Min if your pregnant, it’s going to be great news and protective Wonwoon + Jihoon 😎😎 Jeonghan might be toasted lol Ren is going to be that “BIG DEAL”

The parents need to stop acting up and forgive one another. Be happy for the sake of your kids and rekindle with all the kids plus Rina.
Chapter 146: Welcome back
ashkhen #3
Chapter 145: Take your time and we will wait until your ready.
Chapter 145: Cheers my dear! We're behind you 100%! You can do it!
Chapter 143: Looking forward to it.
Chapter 142: 😢 Our deepest sympathy to the Jeons of course.
As far as the continuation I think it would be ok since you will be updating a few months from now. Right now it would seem a little weird, but I don't think it will be bad later. Go with your heart though.
Chapter 141: Welcome back!
Chapter 27: this is so wonderful!
mastermind #9
I’ll wait for more :)
Broken_mango #10
Chapter 138: do you want me to unsubscribe so you can be spared of the spooky number? (´▽`)ノ♪