Chapter 10


15 Years Ago… Age 5


It was a warm summer day in June while a 5 year old little boy by the name of Won Woo stood in the corner of the room by himself. All the other kids at daycare were playing with with a large variety of toys at the time. It was currently play time and he just stood there and watched since he didn’t really have an interest in playing with the others who had way too much energy at the moment. It literally felt like his parents dropped him off at a daycare for dogs with so many puppies running all over the room and playing with each other. He didn’t have anything against dogs, he just wasn’t a dog himself… possibly a cat, a jet black, quiet and adorable kitten.


It had only been a few weeks since he moved to Seoul from Changwon with his parents due to a job offering in the capital city. He was still adjusting to his new surrounding and the fact that his stay at home mother finally started to work again, he had to go to daycare right after getting off from school(kindergarten) until 5pm. He honestly hated it. Things had changed so quick and out of nowhere… he didn’t like it at all. Him standing in the corner by himself only proved how much he didn’t want to be there with all the other kids.


Whenever the staff at the daycare would tell Won Woo to join the other kids, he refused. He spent the first two weeks by himself for 3 hours every day until his parents would come to pick him up. Though, by the third week that started to change when someone joined him in his corner one rainy day. Another jet black kitten.


She was slightly shorter than him with straight cut bangs and long jet black hair that reached her waist. She was wearing a baby blue shirt with black shorts and almost looked like a doll the way her face remained calm and unchanging. For some reason, Won Woo felt like they were clicking well together as they stood in the corner silently and watched the other kids. Neither of them spoke a word to one another for the first hour and there was no awkward or uncomfortable feelings between the two, it was like it was meant to be that way, oddly. Two kittens in a room full of puppies.


“What’s your name?” Won Woo finally broke the silence between them when he turned his attention to her.


“Chae Soo Min. Yours?” She glanced his way in reply.


“Jeon Won Woo.”


“Nice to meet you.” She gave a small smile. Won Woo nodded with a small smile of his own and said the same back to her. The two turned their attention back to the noisy kids across the room and sighed in sync. “I really hate it here.” She muttered after a few minutes.


“Me too.” Won Woo agreed, then something came to mind… “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around till now.”


“Mommy went and got herself a job and dumped me off here.” She pouted and hugged her knees close to her chest.


“Mine did the same…” So they shared something in common.


For the rest of the week they both sat together in the corner of the room, but they weren’t as silent as before now that they shared some information with each other. Won Woo explained he recently moved from Changwon to Seoul with his parents and Soo Min explained that she’s originally from Seoul, why they were there was already discussed from the first day.


The staff were finally relieved that Won Woo was interacting with another kid despite that ‘other kid’ also wasn’t interacting with the rest of the bunch in the room. They were starting to look like the outcasts of the group, seated in the corner while they watched everyone have fun. Eventually, they contacted their parents to let them in on what was going on and that luckily gave a chance for past best friends to reunite with each other.


Won Woo’s father and Soo Min’s father looked so happy to see each other when they entered the room for the small meeting about their kids. They were naturally concerned for their children, but upon seeing their friend from the past, their attention immediately drifted to that. There wasn’t much said during the meeting anyway, other than the parents telling the caretakers to let the kids be, there was nothing wrong with them staying in the corner, at least they were interacting with each other.


“I suppose that’s why we get along so well…” Soo Min said while she and Won Woo watched their parents catch up with each other. Now they were seated alone in the corner watching the adults talk! One of the staff on the other side of the room brought the palm of her hand to her forehead before leaving with such a disappointed look, it made the two kids laugh at her expression. They weren’t even doing anything bad yet they were getting so worked up about it.


After their parents caught up with one another, they decided to go to dinner together that night and brought their kids along with them, of course! Both of their mothers gushed over the other’s child for the first half of the dinner, they pinched their cheeks and ruffled their hair. From then on, Won Woo and Soo Min have stuck together through everything since they eventually became neighbors two weeks later.




It was the day Won Woo knew he had made a friend that was going to be in his life for a long time.


The day he moved into Soo Min’s neighborhood he was unfortunately picked on by the kids playing outside. His parents were too busy helping the movers in the house as well as Soo Min’s father. Soo Min and her mother were inside their own home making lunch. Won Woo had wanted to help move things into the house but was told by the movers that he was too small to carry most of the stuff and that he should just leave it to the professionals. He thought to go knock on the Chae’s door to wait with them, but he was too shy at the time to do that, so he just stood outside at the fence by himself.


Five minutes later, a small group of kids came down the street. Some were Won Woo’s age with others that were a bit older. They greeted him nicely, but he didn’t reply because he was shy and nervous. The older kids took it the wrong way and they started to pick on him for being so quiet. It escalated pretty quickly to the point one of them shoved him by the shoulder and he almost fell backwards.


“Hey!” Suddenly he heard Soo Min’s voice shout behind the fence. They all saw her running over to them and she stood in front of Won Woo to protect him. “Why are you pushing him?!”


“He was being rude!” One of them exclaimed. “He wouldn’t greet us back when we greeted him!”


“Is that really a good reason to push him?!” None of them had anything to say after that.


“Tch, let’s go. We can let Chae teach the new kid some manners.” One of the older kids finally said and turned to leave.


“He’s not the one who needs to be taught, it’s you!” Soo Min shouted and was about to run after them but Won Woo grabbed onto her arm to stop her.


“Stop. They’re not worth it.” He said quietly.


“Gosh, they’re so mean! They do that to every new kid that moves here. They did it to me too!” She said with angry tears.


“Sorry, I didn’t know.” He frowned. He wasn’t sure what to do to help his crying and frustrated friend. “They’ll learn not to do that in time. One day they’ll get a taste of what it’s like, so don’t worry about it.”


“Fine.” She let out a defeated sigh and wiped her tears. They were kids, what more could they do other than snitch on each other?


“Is everything okay out here?” Soo Min’s mother asked after coming out with the small tray of snacks she was preparing with her daughter who suddenly ran out of the house.


“Mommy! Those kids were picking on Won Woo!” Soo Min immediately pointed a finger at the group of kids who were coming back down the street. Once they saw Soo Min pointing at them while her mother was present, they scattered and started to run so they could hide but it was no use, their punishments were just one phone call away.


“I’m sorry, Won Woo.” Soo Min’s mother knelt down to comfort Won Woo with a pat on his shoulder. “I’ll be sure to call their mothers and let them know. Hopefully it won’t happen again.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Chae.” Won Woo muttered out.


“In the meantime, why don’t you eat? Lunch will be ready soon. I’m making enough for you and your parents to join us when they’re on their break.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Chae.” Won Woo said and bowed this time and made the older woman giggle at how cute he was.


“No problem, Won Woo.” She patted him on the head before getting up and left back inside. That left Soo Min and Won Woo sitting on the sidewalk outside with the tray of snacks resting on their legs. They were sitting closely together now. The neighborhood kids never bothered them again after that day.



Because Won Woo recently moved, he transferred schools at the same time. Luckily, it was the school Soo Min was attending and he didn’t have to worry about being alone. He was fortunately placed in Soo Min’s class as well! Talk about fated to be best friends.


“Jeonghan will show you around the school, okay, Won Woo?” The teacher said and Won Woo couldn’t help but be disappointed. This kid was a year older than him and in a different class. He had really thought his teacher would have picked Soo Min since she was his age and in his class. He was more comfortable around her but now he was being faced with a stranger. He wasn’t understanding his teacher’s logic right about now, but then he supposed there was probably a good reason behind it. He hoped this kid wasn’t mean like the neighborhood kids.


“Nice to meet you, Won Woo.” The kid named Jeonghan smiled warmly at him and right away, Won Woo didn’t feel that uneasy. At least he was kind! “Yah~! Who threw that?!” Jeonghan snapped when a wadded up piece of paper hit the back of his head. There was a kid nearby giggling and Jeonghan immediately picked up the piece of paper and marched over to shove it in the other kid’s face. “Next time I’m telling the teacher, Cheol!” Later on he had found out that he was supposedly an Angel among the students at the school. That was why the teacher picked him.


“He’s distracted, I’ll just show you around the school!” Soo Min said with a small scoff before grabbing Won Woo by his hand and left the room with him. Jeonghan was confused when he found Won Woo missing but soon shrugged it off and went back to his friend to pick on him some more while the teacher was out. He really was distracted.


“Do you know those two?” Won Woo asked once they were down the hallway?


“I just know their names. I don’t know them personally.” She explained.


“I see.”


“There’s nothing special about him anyway.” She quickly added with another scoff. That confused Won Woo. “I don’t know why everyone likes him so much! He’s just a normal kid like the rest of us!” She sounded jealous now. It kind of made Won Woo laugh. “What are you laughing for?!” She pouted.


“Nothing.” He shook his head. He wondered how the rest of their school life would be like after this, and what would become of his friend’s jealousy?


5 years later… age 10


“Hey, knock it off or I’m telling the teacher!” Soo Min shouted after she rushed over to Won Woo’s side. He had been pushed down by the other boys during lunch after refusing to give them his candy he brought to school today.


“Nobody likes Chae The Snitch!” The boys taunted before scattering away. They knew she always threatened to tell on them, but most of the time she just got them to back off and left it alone. As long as Won Woo was okay.


“They’re so annoying.” Soo Min complained after helping her friend up. “What were they picking on you for today?”


“Candy.” Won Woo said quietly and pulled out said candy from the pocket of his uniform shorts.


“Seriously?” She deadpanned and stared at the two small ers in his hand. “Boys are so strange sometimes.” She added with a small snicker. “But you’re different.” She quickly added.


“Of course, I know.” Won Woo managed to chuckle at that.


“Hey.” Suddenly a voice called out to them and they turned to see Seungcheol and Jeonghan from the grade above approach them. “Is everything okay?” Seungcheol asked.


“Yeah, I handled it.” Soo Min assured him with a confident stance. “Don’t worry about it.”


“What were those boys picking on you for?” Jeonghan asked directly to Won Woo.


“Candy.” Won Woo held up the candy again.


“Really?” The other two asked and sounded confused.


“I know, pretty dumb, right?” Soo Min rolled her eyes and folded her arms.


“Don’t they call those “dum dums” in the states?” Seungcheol pointed out.


“Oh, right!” Soo Min nodded. “His parents recently traveled there and brought some candy back with them.”


“Nice.” Seungcheol smiled, he seemed interested while Jeonghan didn’t. That was something Soo Min didn’t like about him while growing up, he was popular and it seemed like most things bored him, like he was too good for them. But they didn’t know each other that well and that was why she had that impression of him. She wouldn’t know that he was a fun person because her judgment stopped her from even trying to speak to him.


While Seungcheol asked Won Woo questions about his parents trip to America since he was interested in going to visit that country one day, Soo Min and Jeonghan stood by and had a stare off with each other. At first it felt like they were two rivals trying to defeat each other with their intense stares, but seconds later it felt like there was a connection. Their expressions softened a bit, almost like they realized something and then Soo Min blinked.


“Ha! I win!” Jeonghan pointed in her face and she pouted while rubbing her watering eyes. “Don’t cry!” He added, but it was still in a teasing tone.


“I’m not crying! My eyes are dry because you suddenly started that staring contest!” She defended before she grabbed Won Woo by his wrist and started to drag him away from the two.


When the two were out of sight, Jeonghan looked to his friend Seungcheol who was giving him a scolding look. “What?”


“You should be more nicer to girls!” He said and nudged him. He walked off without Jeonghan who only laughed and followed after him a moment later.




“What was that all about?” Won Woo asked Soo Min who had finally got her watering eyes under control.




“The staring contest between you and Jeonghan?”


“I don’t know. Let’s not talk about it.” She sighed and looked clearly annoyed.


“Okay.” Won Woo nodded, understanding that she was too worked up about it to say anything. “Here.” He handed over one of the “dum dum” ers.


“... thanks.” Her bitter expression softened into a cute smile after she accepted it.


They sat together on one of the school benches and enjoyed the candy in comfortable silence. Encounters like those didn’t happen too often, but occasionally. Won Woo was just glad that he had someone on his side to help protect him when he’s weak. And he promised he’d do the same for her if the time ever came. Does she even need protecting? He wondered when a soccer ball suddenly crashed into her shoulder and knocked her candy to the ground.


“Yah! Who threw that?!” She stood up and grabbed the ball before looking around. When she spotted a group of boys laughing at her from the soccer field nearby, she dropped the ball and proceeded to kick it as hard as she could and knocked one of them down.


“Chae Soo Min, go to the principal's office!” A teacher shouted from the field.


“Whoops.” She muttered with a small laugh.


“Idiot.” Won Woo chuckled before he got up and pushed her towards the principal’s office. At least he made sure she doesn’t get away in these kinds of situations. Too bad he couldn’t keep her out of it.  



“Not only am I called Chae The Snitch, I’m now Chae The Witch.” Soo Min let out a long sigh. She was seated on the same bench from last week when she kicked the soccer ball.


“Why witch?” Won Woo asked, he was confused.


“They were saying there was no way I could perfectly knock someone down like that with the soccer ball, there must have been some weird witchcraft going on or something. They don’t even understand physics.”


“Because we’re only 10.” Won Woo pointed out. “We’re only in the fourth grade.”


“True.” She shrugged at that before they laughed.


“Careful!” Suddenly a boy shouted. “Chae The Witch my knock you down with her creepy powers!” They were passing by the bench they were sitting on.


“Please stop. That’s mean.” Won Woo spoke up for once.


“Aw, and what are you going to do about it, Won Who?”


No words were said and Won Woo got up and grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her away from the area. There was no need to keep throwing back words and insults, nor did they need to get worked up about it, either. “Don’t listen to them.”


“They’re right, I’m going to knock them down with my creepy powers!” Soo Min said in an angry tone.


“Just forget about it.” Won Woo laughed. “They’re not worth it.” Her expression quickly died down now that she remembered that day long ago when they were 5. “They’re not worth it.” Won Woo had said about the neighborhood kids. The neighborhood kids. Their neighborhood kids. They were those lame neighborhood kids just now!


“I’m telling mom when I get home!” She grinned. “That still counts as using my creepy powers, right?”


“I guess so.” Won Woo shook his head, but he laughed. His friend was so silly sometimes.


“What creepy powers?” They heard Jeonghan ask from behind them.


“Nothing! No one asked you!” She quickly said and she expected Jeonghan to get mad for sounding so harsh, but he surprised her with a laugh.


“I took care of those boys outside for you, so don’t worry about it anymore, okay? Chae The Cute Snitching Witch.” Jeonghan flashed her a charming smile.


“Yah!” She was about to yell at him for using that nickname on her but stopped and turned away when she felt her cheeks start to burn up. Jeonghan had called her cute. It was the first time a boy had ever called her anything nice like that, despite the rest of his words weren’t really a compliment. “Whatever! Thanks!” She shouted before running off and left Won Woo behind.


He was surprised to see her run off while Jeonghan laughed. Interesting. He was witnessing for the first time his best friend getting flustered from a boy she said she didn’t like. The boy she’s been jealous of for the longest time.


“Will she be okay?” Jeonghan asked and snapped Won Woo out of his thoughts.




“Soo Min… will she be okay?” He repeated and he looked slightly worried under his smile.


“Oh,” Won Woo nodded. “She’ll be fine, don’t worry. Thanks for helping, I’ll go after her now!” Won Woo added with a small wave and ran off to find his friend. Despite they’ve been schoolmates(not classmates) for the past 5 years, Won Woo didn’t do well with talking to people by himself.


“Those two are…” Jeonghan just smiled to himself before he left to go find his own friend, Seungcheol.


5 Years Later… age 15


It was a slightly warm summer day, fall was soon approaching and Won Woo stood at the back of the classroom with his best friend Soo Min. They watched the other noisy teenagers make a racket since it was free period. They both wore the same expressions they did as children all those years back when they’d watch the energetic kids at daycare. They didn’t want to be here either!


“I want to go home.” Won Woo said quietly.


“Me too.” Soo Min mumbled.


“Me three.” Another voice joined in. The two looked to Soo Min’s right to see a shorter student standing there with a somewhat similar expression as them, though he seemed a little more annoyed at the headache inducing noise coming from their peers, their classmates.


Both Won Woo and Soo Min glanced at each other briefly before looking back at the other students. It was quiet between the three as they stood there, and just like 10 years ago, there was no awkward or uncomfortable feelings between them.


“What’s your name?” The two asked the smaller a moment later.


“Lee Jihoon.” He answered. “Yours?”


“Chae Soo Min.”


“Jeon Won Woo.”


“Nice to meet you both.” Jihoon nodded at them before they replied the same and faced the chaos before them. It was going to be a long day.



“Jeonghan will show you around the school, okay, Jihoon?” The teacher said to the new student.


“Nice to meet you.” Jeonghan said with a warm smile.


“Excuse me, teacher?” Jihoon ignored greeting Jeonghan who pouted. “Why can’t someone from my own class show me around the school?”


“Oh, uh…” the teacher thought about it. “Jeonghan is one of our best students, I felt like he’d be best suited to show you around the school.” Nice save, teacher. Jihoon didn’t say anything in reply to that and looked up to Jeonghan who gave another warm smile. “Have fun!” The teacher said before leaving down the hall.


The two stood there in silence before Jihoon finally spoke. “Well? Aren’t you going to show me around?”


“Right!” Jeonghan gave a sheepish laugh before he felt something hit the back of his head and he whipped around to yell at who threw the wadded up piece of paper. He spotted his best friend Seungcheol innocently reading his textbook and was oblivious to the girl escaping the classroom at the other end of the room.


“He’s distracted, I’ll show you around!” Soo Min called out while grabbing Jihoon by the hand and led him off down the hallway before Jeonghan could notice.


“I didn’t throw it, I swear!” Seungcheol pouted when Jeonghan threw the piece of paper at his face.


“Sure! You’ve been doing this since we were kids!”


“I stopped after high school started! I’m not that childish anymore!” Seungcheol chuckled before opening up the wadded piece of paper and noticed some writing on it.


Yoon Jeonghan is always distracted!


“What is it?”


“There was a first year in here a minute ago. I think it was her.” Seungcheol said while turning the note around for Jeonghan to see.


“First year?” Jeonghan repeated before he cringed. “Crap, I was supposed to show one of the first years around!” He added before dashing out of the room. He ran down the hallways until he found the first year he was looking for. That’s when he noticed he was with two other first years. So it was you, huh? He snickered while taking a step back to hide himself around the corner of the hallway. Miss Chae Soo Min, formerly known as Chae The Cute Snitching Witch.


She was that girl he always noticed in school since the first grade. The girl he had the pleasure of encountering a couple of times these past few years. He never thought she’d be so mischievous, throwing notes at the back of his head like that, even though she was known for knocking a kid down in the 4th grade with a soccer ball. He was glad it was a paper ball and not a soccer ball!


She and Won Woo always seemed to keep to themselves and were quiet. He supposed people changed with age. Though, she had some real guts, didn’t she? And he actually liked that about her to be honest.


He had recently broken up with his selfish and self centered girlfriend and started to think he had bad choices when it came to girls lately. Should I risk it? He thought to himself on his way back to his classroom. Do I really want to go through all of that again? It was probably wrong of him to judge Soo Min without truly knowing her yet… that’s when he came up with an idea.




Later that week, another reunion happened when Jihoon’s father invited Won Woo’s and Soo Min’s parents to dinner, including their kids!


Won Woo and Soo Min sat with Jihoon in the corner of the restaurant…




“I knew it.” Soo Min chuckled lightly.


“Strange how we have this connection despite living in three separate cities.” Jihoon said with a hint of amusement, he had moved to Seoul from Busan shortly before high school. It was strange how he had found two other individuals that he felt a connection to. Soo Min seemed to remind him of his friend from back in Busan in a strange way, but he never brought it up. He never brought up anything from his past when he was with Won Woo and Soo Min.


“It’s interesting.” Won Woo agreed, snapping him out of it.


“Fate.” Soo Min smiled. “It’s fate.”


“Destined-” Jihoon said.


“-to be together-” Soo Min added.


“-forever.” Won Woo finished off the sentence.


The three stared at each other before breaking into laughter. This was a start of a great friendship. His relationship with Soo Min was enough already, but adding Jihoon was going to make it just that much greater. People who understand him and don’t question much. But after a few weeks, a new student showed up and he reminded Won Woo so much of himself!


His name was Im Changkyun who went by his English name Daniel. On the days Soo Min was busy with other school related things with Jihoon since they were more talkative and a little more comfortable around strangers, Won Woo would make attempts to talk to Daniel. He felt okay on approaching him since he was reminded of himself. They managed to talk a few times and established some sort of friendship, but it wasn’t a strong friendship.


Daniel was the one friend he’d sometimes hang out with depending if his other two friends were busy with things. Won Woo was interested in getting to know him since he was homeschooled when he was younger due to moving around a lot as a kid. He decided to stay in Seoul when high school hit. He had hoped Daniel would have been able to join his small group of friends with Soo Min and Jihoon, but he insisted he had a small group of friends of his own and not to worry about it.


Then a year passed… Age 16


The bond between Won Woo and his friends grew immensely when his parents had left for their overseas jobs in the states shortly after high school started, leaving him by himself in Korea. Of course he had a guardian, his workaholic aunt from his father’s side. With that said she was rarely ever around, only when needed.


She was never needed, because he had learned not to rely on people after his parents left, despite that’s what he was doing whenever he’d stayed with Soo Min or Jihoon, but it was different since they had been inviting him, knowing he wouldn’t ask for himself. That first year was a struggle yet… it made his bond with his friends a lot stronger, especially with Soo Min.


The year ended and things were starting to run smoothly until they started their second year of high school. So much happened that year… Soo Min got her first boyfriend that didn’t last very long. They didn’t like to talk about it too much and after the breakup both Jihoon and Won Woo stuck around her and made sure no other boys would hurt her ever again. That was until their small group of three expanded when four new faces came around.


They were seniors, familiar seniors, which made it funny. Seungcheol and Jeonghan were no strangers to Won Woo and Soo Min, but they were to Jihoon. The new faces were Hong Jisoo, who recently moved from the states and Wen Junhui from China. They weren’t sure why the seniors were hanging around them all of a sudden, they hadn’t talked during their first year, so why now? And it wasn’t long until Soo Min was seriously crushing on one of them, Jeonghan to be more exact. The boy she didn’t like for all these years! The one she complained about because everyone was always talking about and swooning over him, she too ended up becoming a victim to his beauty. But he had become a victim to her mischievous ways, so they were even now.


When summer break rolled around, the seniors made plans with the younger trio, claiming they should socialize more instead of standing and sitting in corners watching life pass right by them. Because Won Woo and Soo Min were known for that, and they think they Jihoon into it during first year. The seniors were successful on getting them to hangout during break and just as break was ending, something major happened.


SooHan happened… Age 17


“You came.” 18 year old Jeonghan smiled at the 17 year old blushing Soo Min. He had requested her to meet him at Han River this evening from the note he threw at her yesterday in one of the hallways at school. He made sure that she knew it was from him before he left with a small laugh at her pouting face. She seemed so annoyed but he knew after she opened the note that it would change. “Did Won Woo ask where you were going?” Because he knew about Won Woo's parents leaving and that he would stay with Soo Min sometimes.


“No, he’s at Jihoon’s place today.” She answered quietly after getting CLOSER and looked out at the river. She was clearly nervous because she knew why Jeonghan had requested her to come out to the river like this. He wanted an answer to the question he threw at her yesterday, quite literally.


Will you go out with me, Mischievous Chae?


Meet me at Han River tomorrow evening to give me your answer.


“I guess it was better that I called you out this evening, huh?” He said and took a step CLOSER to her and reached out to take one of her hands into his. He could see her tense up and stare at their hands with wide eyes before shyly looking up at him. For the past few weeks, Jeonghan had been giving her hints that he was interested in her and he could tell she understood that after some time. Now he had made a move. “So, did you decide on your answer?”


“Yes.” She nodded, “and I don’t know.”


“Really?” He chuckled with a funny pout.


“I’m just nervous!” She quickly looked down and her cheeks started to burn.


“That’s okay, I’m a bit nervous, too.” He assured her and hooked his finger under her chin to make her look up. “But I won’t push it.” He retracted his hand and took a step back. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed, but at the same time he was glad it wasn’t a straight up NO. “I’ll ask again another time, don’t worry.” He gave her a sweet smile when she looked up at him. “You can go before Won Woo gets back. I’ll see you around at school.”


Soo Min felt bad, she could see the disappointment in his smile and she couldn’t say anything when he turned to walk away. Don’t let him walk away! Say something! She scolded herself but when she opened nothing would come out. No. Damn…


Despite Soo Min had felt like she lost her chance, Jeonghan on the other hand was thinking of ways to increase their bond so he could ask with a more successful answer next time. He wasn’t going to give up on her. He knew she wasn’t a very talkative person since they started to hang out and he worried maybe he asked too soon, but he just couldn’t help it. He wanted to ask her to be his before it was too late, before other guys started to take interest in her, too. He realized maybe he was being a little impatient, but could you blame him? His heart wanted her.


When he came up to one of the crosswalks on the walk home, he waited for the signal to come on. He planned to go home and relax for the rest of the night since it was the weekend. Just as he was thinking of what movie he was going to watch, he felt something hit the back of his head. It was light and he could tell it had to be a wadded ball of paper or something. What the… he turned and was surprised to see Soo Min standing behind him with that shy and nervous expression again. Her eyes panned down to the ground where the paper ball was in front of his feet. It finally clicked in his head and he bent over to pick it up. He opened it up and smiled.


Yes. I’ll go out with you for the price of unlimited Choco Pies.


“Wow, what a coincidence, there’s a convenience store nearby.” He pointed out and held his hand out to her. “I promise I’ll always buy you Choco Pies.” He added.


“I was just kidding about the Choco Pies… but okay.” She said with a small smile before she stepped CLOSER and took his hand. They walked to the convenience store hand in hand and he bought her a box of Choco Pies to officially start their relationship.




It was bittersweet for Won Woo and Jihoon, watching their friend get swept off her feet (quite literally) by their senior. After the terrible breakup she experienced before, they were worried for her, naturally, but Jeonghan proved that they could trust him after he told them he had noticed her since they were young. Neither of the two had any jealous feelings as they never saw her that way like Jeonghan did, but there was some sort of jealousy present as she slowly started to spend less and less time with them because of all the dates Jeonghan asked her out on. As silly as it sounded, they felt like she was stolen from them for the first few months of their relationship.


Won Woo struggled with it the most as Soo Min was the only person he was the closest with. Not having her around made him feel empty, incomplete, anxious and all sorts of uncomfortable feelings. He had relied on her a little too much and now it was showing. Jihoon was at least there to help his friend out during that time, sticking by his side whenever Soo Min wasn’t around.


That didn’t last too long as Soo Min started to go out less when she noticed Won Woo’s increasing distant behavior at school. She managed to put a stop to it before it started to happen at home, too. With Soo Min back at his side, he was relieved and things started to go back to normal.


The day their seniors graduated was the day he felt so guilty watching Soo Min parting with Jeonghan. It wasn’t over and maybe they were over exaggerating a bit, but he realized how she had stopped spending time with her boyfriend at school to be by Won Woo’s side, how she invited him over every weekend instead of going out on dates with Jeonghan. She had sacrificed that just to be by Won Woo and honestly that was really touching and sweet yet…


“I’m sorry.” He apologized to Soo Min few days after their seniors graduation. “I didn’t realize how much you sacrificed for me, I feel like a horrible person…”


“Ah, don’t say that.” She nudged him with a small laugh despite his dejected expression. “Don’t feel like that… I like Jeonghan, a lot… but I started to miss you after awhile. I cut our time together short because it’s not like he can’t call me, or text me, or come visit me. We’ll be fine. But I just feel so… uneasy when I leave you alone. You must feel like you rely on me too much, huh?” She asked. He nodded without looking at her. “Well, I actually feel like I rely on you too much as well.”


Won Woo looked over at her quickly, causing her to laugh with his surprised expression.


“What do you expect, we’ve been friends for 12 years… we’d naturally feel empty without the other.” She grinned, wrapping her arm around him, bringing him close. “I’m always going to be by your side through thick and thin, remember that, alright? I love you, man!” She chimed, hugging him.


“Yah! Don’t two time on Jeonghan with me.” Won Woo joked with a small laugh.


“He’s two timing on me with Jisoo!” She pouted, hugging him tighter.


That’s right, the JiHan ship sailed shortly before Jeonghan tried to ruin it by asking Soo Min out, but it obviously didn’t work! Speaking of Jeonghan, there was a knock on the door and Soo Min got up to answer it.


“Jeonghan?!” She said slightly shocked that he was at her door on a Sunday afternoon.




“Hi.” He smiled and gave a cute wave. “Are you busy?”


“Oh… uh…” she stuttered out before turning to see Won Woo was already making his way over to the door after hearing Jeonghan’s voice.




He should legit be wearing this!

Same for Jeonghan



“Really? You took her out last night, give her a break.” Won Woo said with a displeased expression. “Sundays are homework days. Remember that.” He added before shutting the door in Jeonghan’s face.


“Won Woo?!” Soo Min couldn’t help but laugh. “Right, I forgot about my homework.” She wasn’t going to argue with that. Before they could go back to the couch, they heard Jeonghan knocking at the window, complaining and telling them to let him inside. As much as Soo Min wanted to let her boyfriend in, Won Woo didn’t let her. This is why he and Jeonghan didn’t always get along that well.


About Two Years Later…Back to the present


Won Woo stood at the corner of the living room, reminiscing memories of growing up to the most recent events in his life, like meeting Mingyu and his crazy bunch of friends. He started to think maybe what happened with Soo Min was going to happen to him! Suddenly meet a small group of new friends and later on, hook up with one of them.


The thought alone was enough to make his heart start to race.


Mingyu already said he liked me…


It was going to happen, there was no doubt. And after that thought came a ton of other thoughts, all about Kim Mingyu. They ranged to how kind he was, how funny he was, how handsome he was, how every time they were together he indeed felt happier. Briefly remembering those feelings he felt towards his passing crush back in high school… they definitely applied in this situation.


Maybe I really do like him, too?


How much longer was he going to push these feelings aside and act like it wasn’t affecting him? Running into doors, tripping over things, stuttering with his words, wasn’t that proof enough that he gets nervous around the guy? The kind of nervous people get when they’re around their crush? Or was that just him?


Just then, someone joined him in his corner and he smiled softly.


“Hi.” Soo Min said quietly, a smile on her face, her gaze was focused on the room in front of them.


“Hey.” He said back in the same quiet tone.


They stood there for several minutes in comfortable silence and examined the layout of their apartment.


“I hate it.” Soo Min muttered and her expression turned into one of displeasure.


“Me too.” Won Woo laughed. “Let’s rearrange it soon.”


“Sure!” She happily agreed and looked at him for a second before returning her attention to the living room and tried to think of better layout options.


“Soo Min?” Won Woo asked a moment later.




“I think I like Mingyu...”

Chapter nine!




Since I’m revamping, of course I’m going to change some things up and add stuff

So now their relationships are so much cuter aha

Won Woo and Jeonghan’s feud from high school LOL


Jeonghan: Some things just never change.


Won Woo: Like your attitude


Jeonghan: I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.


Won Woo: *Laugh*




Won Woo’s corner is the best corner LOL


Hey! It’s senior Jeonghan! *0*


JiHan even existed back in the day...


Fresh out of middle school Jihoon!




High School Jihoon and Won Woo lol excuse Mingyu HE WASN’T THERE!

(Different School)


Then we have needy Jeonghan right before graduation!


(Acts like these gifs relate to this story haha)


It’s happening… Meanie is getting closer guys!

I hope you’re ready…

(Lol, Woozi’s expression)


I wrote until my shoulder started hurting… *in pain* but it was SO WORTH IT BECAUSE DID YOU SEE THAT ENDING?! WON WOO LIKES MINGYU TOO?! AHHHHHH!!!!


Until next time! >< Bye~!


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A lot of authors tend to cringe and get embarrassed over their past works... Then there's me, laughing my off as if I didn't write this myself lol


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ashkhen #1
Chapter 146: Welcome back back

Ohhhhhhh all the tea is dropping one by one. Soo Min if your pregnant, it’s going to be great news and protective Wonwoon + Jihoon 😎😎 Jeonghan might be toasted lol Ren is going to be that “BIG DEAL”

The parents need to stop acting up and forgive one another. Be happy for the sake of your kids and rekindle with all the kids plus Rina.
Chapter 146: Welcome back
ashkhen #3
Chapter 145: Take your time and we will wait until your ready.
Chapter 145: Cheers my dear! We're behind you 100%! You can do it!
Chapter 143: Looking forward to it.
Chapter 142: 😢 Our deepest sympathy to the Jeons of course.
As far as the continuation I think it would be ok since you will be updating a few months from now. Right now it would seem a little weird, but I don't think it will be bad later. Go with your heart though.
Chapter 141: Welcome back!
Chapter 27: this is so wonderful!
mastermind #9
I’ll wait for more :)
Broken_mango #10
Chapter 138: do you want me to unsubscribe so you can be spared of the spooky number? (´▽`)ノ♪