
I Wish...
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No One’s POV


Sooyoung woke up after her long hours of sleeping. She has always been tired and worn out these past few days due to her packed schedule. She stretched her arms and legs and walked out of her room. She went to the kitchen and made herself some coffee and decided to have it in the living room. She slide her curtains aside and had her eyes squinted as the sun shines brightly to her eyes. With her mug in her hands, she pulled a chair and sat near the sliding door for a better view outside of her apartment. Too bad she can’t hear any birds chirping as she’s living in a busy city.


“Ah, what a good day” she muttered as she sipped her coffee


She turned to her side and saw the remote control on the coffee table. Felling a little bit bored, she took the remote and pressed the power button, turning the tv on. She kept on switching channels as she thinks that there are no fun programs to be watched. Then she came across to one channel where it shows some peaceful forest and hills. She somehow felt the same peaceful emotions. She then looked outside and found that it was a really good weather to do something that is quite useful rather than sleeping at home all day long.


“Maybe I should go for a hike one in a while”


She stood up and placed her mug in the sink. She washed it and went to her room to get ready for hiking.







Sooyoung arrived at one suitable hiking place. She started her hike step by step as she doesn’t want to get tired easily. As she walked up the hill, she noticed that there’s something weird on that one particular tree.  She went toward it so she could look examine it closely. Something was shining under that tree. She picked it up. And it was something that was gold in color and box-like shaped and has a small hole on top of it. It was weird. When she turned the box upside down, she realized that at the bottom of it lies a word.




Sooyoung tilted her head and started shaking that….thing. She shook it hard. Like, real hard.


She waited for something to happen, but nothing actually did. So she threw the box to where she first found it.


“Pft, useless”


When she was about to walk away, suddenly she heard a noise. She turned around and saw that the box she threw earlier, started shaking by itself and letting out somewhat bell noises. Sooyoung had her eyes wide open and stared at it. Out of nowhere, a lot of smoke came out from the small hole on top.

Shocked, Sooyoung backed away slowly but unfortunately hit one rock that was on the ground that causes her to fell and land on her . She groaned. When she looked upwards, the smoke was still coming out from the box. And then out of nowhere, something else came out from the same gold box.



It was a girl.



A lady, I must say.



The girl came out and dropped herself on the hard ground. She was wearing a white, knee-length dress. Her hair was golden brown and she got such a beautiful pair of mesmerizing eyes, that could easily sweep anybody off their feet.




“What the hell?!” Sooyoung exclaimed, looking at the other person




The other girl, was trying to balance herself and stood up. Dusting the dirt off from her beautiful dress,



“Damn it, it was hell in there” she talked



Sooyoung tilted her head. Still on her and stared at this beautiful young lady in front of her. She somehow thought that the latter wasn’t aware of her presence. The other girl suddenly exhaled.



“It feels good to be free again. I’m so tired of being in the same tiny box for the past few years. Ugh, my head.” The girl held her forehead




Sooyoung kept mum. But then the girl turned her head, facing Sooyoung. Pointing a finger at her.




“You” she started


“Were you the one who shook the gold…thing?” she suddenly saying it in a fake british accent



Wow, out of nowhere she turned british.



“Um, y-yeah”

“Next time do it carefully. Now because of you, I’m dizzy” she glared



Sooyoung nodded nervously. Staring at her, still trying to process everything that’s going on. Where did the girl came from and who is she?



“What are you? I-I mean who are y-you?” Sooyoung asked

“Oh, my name is Jessica Jung” she answered


“What?” Jessica asked

“Aren’t you going to explain further more about who you are and where did you come from?”

“You shook that thing so I, obviously came from that box”



Wow, so rude



“How did you manage to get out from that, tiny hole? And those smoke…”

“Oh, I forgot”

“What?” Sooyoung asked

“Before I tell you, could you please just stand up first?”




Sooyoung stood up and dust off the dirt from her . She fixed her shirt and stared at the girl again.



“You were saying?”

“Oh yes. I’m a fairy.”

“Oh- wait, a fairy?” Sooyoung asked again

“Yes, a fairy”

“How come?”

“Well you see, the box that you’ve just found is actually really rare and could only be found at certain places. And for a certain reason, I was tossed…here.” Jessica replied




Sooyoung just don’t know what to say. She’s just really confused about everything. One, she’s a fairy. Two, she’s beautiful. And three, where did her british accent had gone?




“I still don’t understand..”

“Tch, you’re really useless. It’s so hard to explain to people like you” Jessica said

“Wow, quite rude for a fairy, huh?” Sooyoung talked back

“Yah!” Jessica exclaimed

“’Yah’? And a korean fairy. How unusual”




Jessica gritted her teeth and exhaled deeply. She’s calming herself down and fixed her hair. She then paid her attention to the other girl again.




“You, what’s your name”  Jessica asked emotionless

“Britney Spears”

“Don’t be stupid”

“Oh, so you do know who Britney Spears is?” Sooyoung grinned

“Yah, just because I’m a fairy, doesn’t mean I don’t know any artists. Plus, you’re too skinny to be Britney Spears. You look like a dead tree”

“And look who’s talking. A witch trapped in a fairy’s body” Sooyoung scoffed




Jessica looked at Sooyoung in disbelief. She had never encountered such person before. Such person who talks back to a fairy. More like, to her.




“Tch, I’m just wasting my time arguing with you. Now, make a wish” Jessica said as she stood up while checking out her nails


“Yeah wish”

“What wish?”

“How am I supposed to know? That’s up to you. My job here is just to grant people’s wishes and then I have to go back to the Mainland” Jessica answered


“Yes. It’s where we fairies should go after we grant people’s wish and list all the things we did so we, ourselves, could ask for our own wish”

“You’re a fairy and you can’t grant your own wish?” Sooyoung tilted her head

“No. Because if we could, I wouldn’t be a fairy right now. This job .”




Sooyoung then understood everything. She walked towards the tree and sat under it since the weather was getting hot. Jessica just stared at her




“So, you’re a genie” Sooyoung said as she sat properly

“No, a fairy”

“No, genie. Only genie grants wishes. You know, like in the movie Alladin”

“Could you just, tell me your wish and get this over with? I hate wasting time being with you”


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astauf03 #1
Chapter 4: This is soooo cute! I love the fairy idea
neospazzer #2
this is so cute~~~ too much sweetness in one story. a fairy jessica must be ultra cute kekekeke thank God jessica finally turn into human and lol at tiffany who want to change everything into pink hahahha
Egaaladin #3
Chapter 4: Sweet!!! Omg
bananabekahh #4
Chapter 4: So fluffy n sweet imma to die
lightningmeiqueen #5
Chapter 4: Yah, That was so Cute, Unnie! Thanks for the Sequel, You're my Favorite Writer here in AFF :3!
sone49 #6
Chapter 4: Ahhh this is so cuteeeee soosica are the best! Thanks for writing this authornim<3 I love it^^
Chapter 1: My soosica hearrrt it was so cute ! So... everything ! I'm so happy right now it was... Anw wjwnekrnrmt.
Chapter 4: Dieu! I think i got diabetes ahahaha thanks for the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: waaaaaaaaa. thanks for the sequel. soosica are so cuteeeeeee. i love it. hehehe