Chapter 16

Boys over flowers

Victoria's P.O.V

       Its been a week since Minho got here and i been with him non stop, i noticed Jun Pyo has been acting strange lately, i think he is jealous and i im going to make it up to him. I put on my jean shots and black crop top and decided to out and find a gift for jun pyo and i was going to get gan di and ga eul so they could help me find something, i went to there shop and seen them messing with a bunch of food on the table, well more like chocolate's and sweets.

"Hey"-i said walking up to the table

"hi"-they both said

"what are you doing?"-i asked

"making chocolate's"-jan di replied

"for what?"-i asked

"myn's for yi jung and her's are for ji hoo, you should give some to jun pyo"-ga eul said tossing me a bag

"sure, thanks. i was trying to find something to get him since i haven't been around him lately and i felt bad"-i said looking down

"aw, well you could give him the chocolate's and take him somewhere"-jan di suggested

"i would love to, but where would i take him?"-i asked

"you could take him to the namsan cable car's"-ga eul said

"oh yeah i seen those before, they look so fun"-i said smiling

"well im going to go see what he thinks"-i said getting ready to leave

"ok, have fun"-jan di and ga eul said as i walked out the doors

i walked for a little bit and decided to go to ji hoo's house since it was on the way and ask if he thought it would be a good idea.

*knock knock* i waited patiently before the door opened revealing ji hoo

"hey sis, what you doing?"-he asked

"nothing much, i was on my way to jun pyo's house but decided to come here first"-i said walking in

"oh why were you going over there?"-he asked leading me to his living room

"well i was going to see if he wanted to do something with me tonight"-i said sitting next to him on the couch

"ok, like what?"-he asked

"well i was going to see if he wanted to go on the cable car's with me, i seen them when i first got here and i wanted to go on them"-i said

"oh ok, that sounds like fun"-he said

"yeah, i haven't been able to spend much time with him since Minho been here"-i said

"yeah, he has been talking about him"-he said

"like what?"-i asked

"well, he said said that he thinks you like him more then you like jun pyo and that he doesn't know if you really want to be with him. He said that he wants to spend time with you but you always seem to be busy with Minho and that you don't like him no more"-he said

"Really? its not even like that, its just i haven't seen him in so long and i just missed having my best-friend around"-i said looking down and ji hoo wrapped me into a hug

"its ok, he will see that you love him when you ask him to go with you tonight, do you want a ride there?"-he asked

"yeah, that would save me a trip"-i said smiling

"ok lets go"-he said getting up and we walked outside

we got on his bike and he drove me to jun pyo's house, when he pulled over i said thank you and goodbye and with that he left. I couldn't wait to see jun pyo again and i really did miss him. i walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hello"-jun pyo's butler greeted me

"hello, is jun pyo home?"-i asked

"yes he is in his room, would you like me to take you there?"-he offered

"no thank you, i know were it is. thank you though"-i said and started making my way to jun pyo's room i heard someone shuffling around in the room and instantly knew it was jun pyo, i opened the door with a wide smile witch instantly went away and i threw my hands to my cover my face

"Victoria?!?!"-jun pyo said/shouted



ok so there is another part guys, comment and tell me what you guys think <3 ..........and to be honest im not sure if im going to be continuing this story.......bye bye <3

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