The Collection


Drabbles and stories where Kim Ryeowook is the focus.


Drabbles and stories where the focus is Kim Ryeowook.


There are no rules, anything goes



(examples : kyuwook, yewook, minwook, changwook, minwook, heewook, haewook, hyukwook, ryeoyeon/hakwook/nwook, and wooksik/ryeosik/sikwook)

Start Date


End Date


I may write 20 stories/drabbles in a week, and I may not write anything in this little collection for weeks, so there is no set schedule for updating.


Not open right now, have to catch up on the list I currently have

Word Amount

There is no limit for how short a story can be, but I will not go over 7,500 words.


So I own none of the people mentioned in this.

I will give crerdit where credit is due too ~

Stories have been cross posted over onto livejournal at pulchritu_ryeo

If you want to get in contact with me then @ me on twitter @ryeostar0715





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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 17: Podrías hacer la continuación de esta historia Yewook xD digo Kyuhyun debe ver que se perdió.. Si no se puede realmente pienso que quedo como KyuWook <3 hahaha xD
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: T^T primero que nada mataste a Ryeowook T^T segundo me rompió el corazón la actitud de Kyuhyun
T^T y luego Changmin es tan triste <\3
jesyuchiha #3
Chapter 15: Oww tan cute adoro cuando hacen a Changmin tan dulce <3 y junto con Ryeowook es una buena combinación! :D
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 14: Omg asdfg no lo puedo creer >\\< es lo mejor YunhoxChangminxRyeowook es lo mejor hahaha me encanta en parejarlos <3
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 13: T^T me haces llorar... Se suponía que debía ser feliz no romperle el corazón a Changmin >\\< me siento mal por Changmin... Gracias por escribirlo .

Saludos! :D