Walk on Fire

Next Stop, You


When Jongin went in for his shower Namjoo took her chance to snatch her pillow and a spare blanket from the room. A few minutes later, as expected, Jongin marched down the hall with heavy, angry steps. Fluffing her pillow out she paid him no due when he arrived huffing.

After a moment of staring down at her perturbed he asked, “Are you really going to do this?”

Namjoo slightly shrugged, “Better out here than on a bed you’ve lain on with some other woman. Maybe there were a few more visitors when I was abroad.”

“Namjoo!” Jongin’s voice went a depth lower.

Fuming, she sat there quietly with her eyes on the dead TV. She was angry some other woman had touched Jongin’s bed, the exact one she shared with him! The picture of it sent blood rushing to her head. She hated it even more because Jongin had come home to see that woman in their room, their room! And she felt like snapping at him for even walking into the bedroom, for even touching that woman.

“Turn the lights off when you leave.” lying down on the sofa Namjoo pulled the blanket over her.

“You know what you saw isn’t real,” Jongin tried again. “Just come to bed.”

“I’m not sleeping on a bed some other woman has touched.” Namjoo grumbled.

Jongin scoffed flustered. “Are you serious? You’re really going to be like this?”

Closing her eyes Namjoo shifted so that her back was to him. Ignoring his presence as he continued to stand there, she only opened her eyes when Jongin walked away and the lights went out. Apprehension settled like foam at the bottom of her stomach as she lay there. She hated herself for being like this but it was true that she was upset, angry, and possibly jealous. Jongin had nearly toppled over Yeji when she walked in, and the sight just made her so…sore!

She knew that if she lay on that bed with Jongin tonight she wouldn’t be able to forget it; not tonight, not tomorrow, or the night after.


“Damn it!” Jongin swore when he shut the door and walked into the bedroom.

He was feeling cross and victimized. It wasn’t as if Namjoo didn’t know he hadn’t invited Yeji over. Why the hell would he let another woman walk into their space?! Namjoo knew him better than that.

Tousling his hair out of frustration he swiftly walked over to his desk where his phone was sitting and immediately dialed Secretary Hong.

“Why weren’t you picking up your phone?!” Jongin scolded after trying two times to call him.

“I was in the shower,” his secretary responded. “Sorry. Did I miss something?”

“Find a warehouse and get me a king sized bed, and it better reach my house by morning,” Jongin demanded.

“A what? At this time of night?” Secretary Hong questioned perplexed.

“Then call someone! Don’t you have a network of people?!” Jongin impatiently ordered before hanging up.

Tossing his phone down he turned to stare at the empty bed. Only Namjoo’s pillow was missing and it already looked desolate and empty. He had wanted to hold her to sleep tonight. Groaning loudly he punched the switch to turn the lights off.


Namjoo was up early pretending to be absorbed at the kitchen table with a cup of warm coffee in her hands and a bowl of cereal in front of her. Jageun copied her immediately when he saw what she was eating and sat proudly at the side with a glass of orange juice instead of coffee. A moment later the doorbell rang and her mother turned from the stove to glance out the kitchen doorway.

“What is going on?” she asked when one of the housekeepers appeared from down the hall.

“Some delivery men are here.” The elder housekeeper answered formally.

Namjoo’s ears perked up before she heard Jongin’s voice and the obvious indignant tone in it, “I ordered a new bed because someone didn’t like the old one.”

He would never give her a rest, would he?

Playing cool, Namjoo continued feigning ignorance and took a sip of her coffee.

“Why does uncle need a new bed?” Jaegeun asked her innocently.

“Because he likes using money,” Namjoo simply replied with a smile.


Following routine, Namjoo waited for the bus with Jaegeun outside and waved him goodbye then started toward her car. Jongin was quick on her tail after sending two of the housekeepers off to take care of his new bed. She expected him to get her to go to work with him, but all he said was, “Have fun driving to work.” before unlocking his car and driving off.

Wheeling around, Namjoo watched him disappear into the distance wondering what was wrong with him. Jongin’s usual would be nagging her not to waste gas and get in his car since they would be returning to the same destination after work. Dissatisfied, she bit down on her lower lip before getting into her car.

Jongin wasn’t in the office when she got to work nor did he come back into the office later during the day. He didn’t even call her and not even Secretary Hong made an appearance. It was as if Jongin was purposely leaving her hanging, and it was working because all she could think about was why he wasn’t there. He always made sure to tell her when he had meetings and when he’d return.

Doing her best to ignore the void he left, Namjoo lazed about his office and returned home to discover that he wasn’t in. The rest of the afternoon was spent teaching Jaegeun the basics of spelling and structuring sentences. She even learned some new lessons about writing which left her highly amused.

After eating dinner she took a quick shower, brought her pillow back to the bedroom, and glanced over the new bed Jongin had ordered overnight. The sheets were freshly laundered, the pillow covers changed, and the blanket neatly made over the mattress. As her eyes roved over it she couldn’t help but wonder if it would be as comfortable as the old bed.

People driven by emotions were really petty, she realized. Never before had she imagined herself becoming mad or upset over the tiny matters. Thinking of yesterday made her feel pathetic, but it had been Jongin with Yeji. Jongin, Jongin, Jongin. It was because he was her husband. He was legally hers under law.

Namjoo felt the urge to ground that into Yeji’s face, but the door swung open distracting her thoughts. Behind her was Jaegeun hanging off the doorknob with a huge grin on his face.

“Auntie, lets go sing and dance,” he said excitedly. And so she did, jumping with arms hurling out to a dance revolution on his game system before she gave up and they moved on to his little karaoke machine.

A few hours later after tiring, Namjoo turned the lights off and plugged his nightlight in.

“Can you sleep with me, auntie?” Jaegeun asked.

“Hmm?” she turned.

“Uncle’s not home, so can you stay with me?” the young nephew questioned.

Pressing her lips into a smile she stepped away from the door and slowly crept onto the bed beside him. Way back in the past, she recalled, she used to comfort her brother like this. Like them, Jaegeun was without parents. How was his little lonely soul doing?

“Can I sleep on your arm?” Jaegeun asked turning to face her.

“Of course.” extending her arm out to him she felt the light weight of his head settle comfortably on it.

A few moments of silence passed with her eyes closed. Namjoo nearly drifted off before Jaegeun called for her again. Opening her eyes she glanced at him, “Yes?”

“I’m really happy you’re home,” Jaegeun said. “It doesn’t feel lonely anymore.”

“Yea?” Namjoo smiled. “You must be the happiest.”

Jaegeun shook his head, “I think uncle’s the happiest. Auntie, thank you.”

Namjoo laughed under her breath, “For what?”

“For bringing uncle and grandma back. They went away after you left,” Jaegeun told her. “If you live with them as long as me then you’ll know and see, auntie. Uncle has a hard mouth, but I know he’s dying of happiness. He looks the same way he did when you were dating.”

Namjoo merely snorted, “You remember that?”

“Mmhmm!” he nodded his head.

“You were too young to remember.” Namjoo teased.

“Nuh-uh! I remember uncle used to look at you like this,” he lifted his head off her arm to show her his slow blinking eyes, “and you looked at him like this,” he fluttered his lids fast.

Namjoo laughed, entertained and adjusted the blanket over him. “All right, kiddo. You win. Go to sleep. It’s pretty late.”

“Do you love my uncle?” Jaegeun asked after putting his head back on her arm.

“What do you think?” Namjoo patted his chest comfortingly.

“I think you do, because I know my uncle loves you,” Jaegeun confidently said.

“Ok, go to sleep.” Namjoo urged, dismissing his earlier sentiment.

Jaegeun persisted, “You have to believe me, auntie. I know my uncle loves you even more than the money he loves to spend. He’s sad because of you and he’s happy because of you. I know, because I know or else I wouldn’t be his nephew. Auntie, you have to believe me. So you can’t ever leave again or else my uncle will never come back if he leaves us again. Can you promise me? Please?”

Namjoo locked pinkies with him. “I promise, Jaegeun.” Then she looked into his eyes. “So you don’t have to be sad. I’m not leaving again.”

“Please make my uncle happy forever,” Jaegeun hugged her. After releasing her he said, “I’ll go to sleep now.”

Namjoo drifted off and when she awoke again she noticed the bedroom door that had been left somewhat open earlier, was now closed. Jaegeun was deep asleep beside her. With arm numb, she gently withdrew it from under his head and sat up. Feeling slightly groggy she stood and quietly left Jaegeun’s room.

The house lights were off with the exception of one light shining down the end of the hallway. Using that as a guide Namjoo made her way toward Jongin’s bedroom sleepily. The lights in Jongin’s room were off, too, and he was well asleep in bed. Closing the door softly she walked over to the bed and crawled under the sheets. An instant later after closing her eyes Jongin moved over to wrap an arm around her sleepily.

“You’re here?” he muttered under his breath.

Digging her head into the pillow to find a comfortable spot she hummed underneath her breath.

“You weren’t at the office today,” Namjoo mumbled.

“I was doing an onsite evaluation,” Jongin told.

“The whole day?” she didn’t mean to sound doubtful, but it came out that way.

“My only accompaniment was Secretary Hong,” Jongin assured then pressed his lips against her jaw. “You’re not angry?”

“I’m not angry,” Namjoo sleepily replied.

“Then good night,” he said before she dozed off.

For majority of the night Namjoo slept like a baby. When she awoke Jongin’s arm was still securely around her and in such a masculine way her heart fluttered. Rolling onto her back she glanced up at him lovingly. Urged to touch him she reached a hand up to caress the side of his face affectionately. Jongin was still as handsome as ever in his sleep state. A smile swept over her lips uncontrollably upon the thought.

Jongin’s eyes opened a moment later and he turned to look at her before smiling. Warmth seethed through Namjoo’s small body and she felt like an infant wrapped up in a warm blanket smothered with love. Their eyes locked and he leaned over to kiss her with his fingers entwining through hers. With the tiniest effort, Jongin always took her breath away.

When Jongin withdrew she leaned over to kiss him again and skimmed her hand across his torso to hug him. Namjoo gasped pleasurably when she withdrew from the kiss. Glancing into his eyes once more she smiled again before leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Mom and Jaegeun leave tonight, so we have the weekend to ourselves. Want to do something?” Jongin wondered.

Namjoo quietly nodded and felt him gently touch the top of her head with his chin before he started playing with her hair.

“Lets have a romantic dinner,” Jongin said. “We never had one before.”

“Eating noodles isn’t romantic?” she joked.

He snorted, but continued, “So after work we come back home to get dressed and head out. I’ll make a dinner reservation, so be on time.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she cheerily agreed.


“Glad you’re not going to school today?” Namjoo asked Jaegeun while Jongin helped the driver load luggage into the back of the family car.

“Yep!” Jaegeun nodded. “Are you happy you have the house by yourselves? Will there be a baby when I come back?”

Namjoo laughed flustered and frowned, “There’s not going to be a baby.”

“Why?” Jaegeun innocent pressed on. “I heard grandma talking about a baby.”

Namjoo frowned again bewildered and confused before Jongin called Jaegeun over.

“I have to go now,” Jaegeun said, “you and uncle won’t fight?”

“We won’t,” Namjoo assured as she led him over to the car.

“You don’t want to hold your grandma back,” Jongin said as Jaegeun got into the car. “Have fun at the temple and take care of grandma. You be careful, too.”

“I know, I’m not a kid.” Jaegeun rolled his eyes.

Namjoo watched Jongin smiling before touching Jaegeun’s head affectionately then closed the back door.

“Take care, mom.” Jongin turned to her mother.

Namjoo watched her mother take Jongin’s hand naturally, as if he was the son she had birthed and looked up into the woman’s face as her body swarmed with mixed emotions.

“You two will be all right?” she worried.

“We’re ok,” Jongin slightly glanced back at her, “better than ever.”

“If you need anything…”

“Don’t worry about us, mom,” Jongin said and the way he said ‘mom’ made Namjoo’s ear ring. She felt uncomfortable for a moment.

“You two take care of yourselves, we won’t be long,” Hunmi assured. Namjoo concentrated her eyes on the lawn and felt the woman glance at her before getting into the car. Once the engine roared down the road Namjoo finally turned to watch it speed off into the distance.

She had barely talked to the woman when she returned, shared even less words with her than she had two years ago. It was even harder than facing Jongin again.

“You ok?” Jongin touched her hand. “You look dazed.”

“Of course,” Namjoo smiled.

“I have to go back onsite, you know, to make sure the construction process is proceeding carefully,” he said. “You can go to work on your own? Or you don’t go in at all.”

Namjoo shook her head, “I want to go in.” Right now, it was even better than staying at home with thoughts of her mother swirling through her head.

“Ok,” he gave her a quick peck. “Dinner, remember.”

Namjoo smiled and watched him walk to his car before heading toward hers. On the way to work she wondered if her mother had tried staying in touch with Joohwan. If she had, Joohwan would have pushed her away like she would. And if not, well…there really wasn’t any more to ponder about.

Thoughts about her mother’s last two years bombarded her mind nonstop and she quickly hoped to get it off her mind with work, but the moment she opened Jongin’s office door other unsettled thoughts began flourishing through her.

“Morning,” Goo Yeji greeted from the couch. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

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sammyssi_rm #1
Chapter 45: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1018482/45'>Jongin's Scheme</a></span>
I just realized that Naeun suddenly disappeared.....
Chapter 32: I think i am the only one here who symphasises namjoo, i an truly understand her as well as jongin's character here. Namjoo.... wanted money but at some point, even before marriage, she fell in love w him but she kept pushing him back. We should try to understand her feelings too. A girl who has begged her mother, the person she loved the most, has abandoned her at the age of ten w nothing but a younger brother to look after, it is pretty understandable how badly she was left scarred. it was namjoo, a little girl against the world. however, her being the way she is had made ber incapable of the feelings jongin had felt. which is, in fact, sadder to know.
Chapter 61: So much drama and angst. It has been a very long and tough road for them but I’m so glad it ended well for them.

Chapter 44: This fanfic has so many problems which drives me nore how things will come about. I’m just so frustrated over Namjoo hiding her true feelings. All the more makung it conplicated...
katykaty_ #5
Chapter 37: I don't get it..this story looks like jongin is all at fault. Everyone hated him to the bones but he is the one who's badly hurt and been lied to all along. So I don't get why it turns out that he is the bad guy here and the one that needs to apologize.. But anyway, this is a good story, I'm enjoying reading it
Misshopes #6
Chapter 61: A niiice story
I really liked it
Chapter 61: This story was so beautiful. ..It was one story full of a lot of emotions.
Written beautifully. ....
Definitely I am going to read again and again! !!!
Thank you so much AUTHOR ♥_♥
Chapter 60: I never knew reading can make cry...
Lolypop123 #9
Chapter 61: TT^TT beautiful fic ☺