PROLOGUE: Survive!


Seokjin needs to live…even if it meant forgetting the people who kept him alive. 


Hello! I am @bangdopetan (Twitter) // alylylove (AO3)

So after probably watching the Prologue video three times before sleeping as soon as it got uploaded on V App… I dreamt of this theory and ended up crying whilst waking up.

I was so busy with school that I only got a chance to post my revised full theory just now.

So my hunch was strengthened and I became determined to finally post my explanation when I stumbled upon an English subbed version of the video, which is currently uploaded on YouTube in user "Min Suga" 's channel. So basically the English subs I used for explaining were taken from that video(Sorry! I'm too busy to include screen captures though, feel free to watch the video below first before reading to give you an idea regarding the points I'm describing. Then after reading, re-watch the video for further enlightenment lol)


(Video Link:


P.S.     I am aware that ‘Prologue’ meant happenings before the main event (I NEED U Original Version MV) occurred but I’m using the context ‘until the Prologue’ based on the order of upload so yeah, the Prologue video was uploaded last so I think that explains everything. This is purely out from my own perspective and opinions so don’t hate me. Enjoy!


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Chapter 1: I was wondering though at the end of the prologue where Jin was sitting alone in his car but there was water at the side near the mirror. Doesn't that mean he's committing suicide? It's not like it rained... what do you think?