Come Back To Me


Kiseop is tired of waiting for AJ. So he and the UKISS members go the States to bring him back.


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kaiwaiilove #1
Chapter 8: This is a beautiful story :)
mini13min #2
Chapter 7: can't wait to know who is this unwelcome person... please update soon!
Chapter 6: can't wait to read their date omg... I miss 2seop so bad... ;_;
thanks for writing this fic! :)
Chapter 6: AJ better not back our from telling Kiseop. Though his intentions are noble in wanting to shield Kiseop from all that, it's better to have everything out in the open and deal with it together then to keep up with his charade.
Bella2298 #5
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, looking forward to your update :)
Chapter 2: B-But...A-AJ...W-why??