I came back.. (Kris)


He left her? The only person who ever mattered to her, left her. For what? Fame?


Special thanks to : yoon_art and Chanshysoo ChubbabyPuff Moon-Walker  for the cover photo


“I have to go...." He looked any where but her, "what?" She asked closing in when he held a hand back up-motioning to stop.


"It's over...I'm sorry....I won't be able to keep this relationship anymore...."


"WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!" She yelled as his figure kept on dissolving with the surroundings.




"Good morning!" She smiled entering the flower shop,tying a flower patterned apron around her waist she went up to the counter. "You look pale my dear, are you okay?" The lady touched her for head. "Oh if only you knew...."she thought, "Yes,of course!"she spoke up, "Don't you have to go home for your grand daughter? Go go!" She pushed the lady out. As the farewells finished,she sat on the counter turning on the small T.V. "Rumor has it that Exo M leader Kris has filed a lawsuit against the company."


She sighed and switched it off. How long has it been? She looked at the calendar.Four years, four years since she had seen him....four year since he had left and four years since he had talked to her.She had to move on, but why couldn't she.


The small bell chimed when to high schoolers came along, the young girls smiled at her. "______, how are you?" They asked the young sales girl who smiled in return.


As they were searching for some flowers she overhead them talk, "Did you know Kris is leaving exo?" "I know!why?" "Some problems, but where'd you think he'll go?"Indeed where would he go? He used to live with ______ but now that they were no longer together and his mom was in Canada, what will he do? But why is she so worried about him? He left her for God's sake!She shook her head as she her vision blurred with tears,she felt her phone vibrate, "Meet me in front of the park tonight."


That number, the number she swore to forget, the person's number who scared her. He wanted to meet her? Why? So he could use her again.....or was he serious?"Oh God,"she slid down the wall sobbing. What should I do now?



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