

What does it matter? Sehun never needed anyone before and he certainly doesnt need anyone now, not even the love of his life



The crowd went wild as he danced, ' I can do this '
He shook his shoulder, his legs, played with his jacket, ' I don't need her '
And that's all he remembers, before everything just turned pitch black.
He woke up in a white room, the lights blaring his fuzzy vision even more. Rubbing them vigorously, he looked around to see the rest of EXO- or at least what was left of them.
He sat up looking at their leader for answers. "You collapsed after your solo was over, the doctor said you weren't eating enough..."
There was a knock on the door and Jongdae went to open it, Sehun couldn't see who it was, he could hear Jongdae talking with someone. 
"Yeah he's awake."
"No,no, come in, we're here relax"
Sehun looked (glared) at Kai, "Who is it?" Kai shrugged, "The only person who actually cares about you." Sehun looked at him blankly until he heard foot steps approaching towards him.
She stood before him, the only person he despised and loved at the same time, "Sehun-ah, how are you feeling now?" she whispered lightly clutching on the strap of the shopper she was holding. 
He looked at her poker faced then turned away, "Tell her to go away..." he said before laying down, arm covering his now closed eyes.
"No, she stays." Minseok spoke as Sehun stared at him before he sighed, " As you can see i'm fine, now leave"
She looked at him and sighed.
The day was as bad as Suho's cooking, not only was Sehun in depression of his hyungs leaving but recently his training were more intense, he was messing up more and his girlfriend wasn't being any more helpful, she kept on asking about 'how he was?' 'where he was?' 'if he had eaten?' What, was he a kid?
Upon arriving home, he saw her sitting on the sofa reading a book. She looked at him and smiled, "Seeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuunnnn, i missed you so much!"
 She stopped in her tracks when she looked at his face, "Miss me?" he growled. She meekly nodded, "You sent over 32 messages today? have you ever heard of being busy?"
She looked at him and pouted,"Oppa, i never told you to reply and you only replied to two any way."
"THAT MEANT FOR YOU TO SHUT UP!" she flinched at his outburst, "I am not a 5 year old okay! I can take care of myself! and I need my privacy too you know, stop increasing my burdens!" he finished walking towards the room and closing the door shut.
She just stood there speechless, all she was trying to do was make him feel better, make him feel loved. She wanted to make sure he didn't feel over burdened, but maybe she was a burden herself; after all she always was a burden for her brother when her parents died.........maybe she was a burden for them too.
Sehun came out of the room after taking a nice relaxing shower, he couldn't help but feel guilty, maybe he did say too much. Looking around he couldn't find her anywhere, ' where is she? ' he thought. He walked around the apartment until a note caught his attention.
"I'm sorry"
She left him. Just like they did. With a sea of people he didn't even know, they left him, Kris; his older brother, his guide, Luhan; his loving friend, someone always there to support him and now ______; his only reason for his dedication towards all this.
But now its all gone........... Fine then so be it.... He used to live without them before and he can do it now as well. He doesn't need them, he doesn't need.........her.
She looked at him and sighed as he glared back at her, he had so many questions he wanted to ask her, how was she? where did she live? where did she leave to? was she living with someone? Had she been taking care of herself? And most of all he wanted to apologize to her.
But he wouldn't now would he, how would he be the great Oh Sehun if he apologized first. But she should apologise to him for worrying him, she left him like that, to be worried.
One by one the guys left the room leaving the two alone,though Sehun realised that after he heard the door click softly. He opened his eyes and looked at the girl, her head bent down,still standing on the same tile clutching the plastic bag.
"What's in the bag?" he asked casually-too casually. "'s for you.." she whispered."Oh.." he sighed looking at her, "You can sit..." She looked up at him confused, but none the less sat next to his bed. 
She put the bag on his side table, "Why did you leave me?" he asked looking at her hands, he wanted to feel them so badly, but his pride wouldn't let him. "I-...i didnt want to bother you anymore..." she whispered, pressing her hands together, "You were never a bother." He placed a hand on hers, she noticed a tube attached to it, she couldn't  help but release a choked sob.
"Sehun! Sehun I'm sorry, please forgive me! Sehun-ah please, " she knelt down beside his bed, face buried in the mattress, "Hey! Stop! it's my fault all this happened anyway, please stop crying" he sat up,pulling her up as well. Making her sit on his outstretched legs, he rested her head on his chest.
"I'm sorry" he began, "I....I was being selfish I know....I'm sorry for what I were never a burden....and when I came out of the shower that day I felt....I felt like killing myself after I saw you were gone...." He pulled her closer.
"I'm sorry" she sniffed as she inhaled his scent. "So....what is in the bag?" his hand reached for the plastic bag, she moved away slightly and smiled at him, "I told you, it's for you.."
"Bubble tea?" he took out two cups, "Really?" he looked at her with a raised brow, "you get me bubble tea?" "Don't act like you don't like it, Oh Sehun!" She glared and poked his chest, "Meh... HEY GUYS I GOT BUBBLE TEA AND YOU DIDN'T!" he suddenly yelled causing Y/N to jump off him.
"WHAT? that's not fare!!! where's ours?!" the door burst open revealing Chanyeol, and the other following behind, "Um..i-" "Yeah! If we fight with you will you get us bubble tea as well?" Chen snorted as he snatched Sehun's and took a sip, regardless of the whining Sehun.
They all laughed as Sehun grumbled, "Well, didn't Sehun tell you that he's going to buy you all bubble tea?" She laughed as Sehun's eyes widened, "I NEVER SAID THAT!"
"Too late Sehunnie!" Baekhyun hollered as they all laughed. Well, at least he got her back.....He looked her laughing along with everyone.


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that was sooo cute!!!!