Rian's New Dongsaeng

Rian and Yong-Guk: Meeting His Family

Rian and Yongguk had returned to Korea several weeks ago from visiting her parents but since she and Yongguk had landed, they hadn’t seen each other since. Yongguk was in Incheon working on his producing, while Rian was busy in Mokpo teaching English.

It was the last ten minutes of the school year and Rian was getting slightly emotional. This was her first time to Korea, her first class of students, and her first doing so in Korean. She stood in front of the class and tried to capture the attention of all the students. After seeing her failed attempts her teaching partner Mr. Soo took out his wooden stick and slammed it on a students’ desk. So much so that it even caused Rian to jump.

“Everyone get quiet. An adult is speaking to you!” Mr.Soo was known to his students as the most difficult teacher becuase he demanded respect and nothing less. He had been the top teacher in the school since he had a rrived and took nothing less. However to collegues and friends he was a good person who was easy to talk and and still demand your full attention when he entered the room. The classroom quickly became quiet as all the students took their seat and sat in perfect fashion. One student cautiously raised his hand in the air.

“Yes Song-Do”

“Teacher are we in trouble?”

“No I just want to talk to you.” With her words having been said the whole room seemed to exhale a sigh of relief.

“I want all of you to know that this is the last time we will be seeing each other.”

Rian began to hear statements of disapproval.



“You’re the nicest teacher we’ve had.”

"Please don't go teacher."

“Shh everyone calm down.” Rian began to quiet the students down again.

“Teacher you mean just this year right?” One of her students exclaimed. With the help of Mr.Soo, Rian decided to have a heart-to-heart with the students and say goodbye.

“I’m sorry Min-gwa but no I don’t. I will be going back to America very soon and I’m not sure if I’ll be back. I just wanted to let you know that I have had an amazing time being your English teacher these past few months. I love each of you very much. I wish nothing but the best for you. Please remember to study hard but to play hard as well. Life is short and should be enjoyed at every opportunity. If you forget everything that I’ve taught you remember this. Each of you has potential to be anything you want to be if you work for it.” Rian looked over her class at each student. “Be nice to your enemies because they could be a doctor you depend on one day. Be nice to your friends because as you get older it will become hard to find ones that are true. Although I have been your teacher I have learned from you all as well. My Korean is good right?” The entire classroom erupted into laughter and applause of approval.”

"Teacher you sound like a true Korean."

"Yeah you have a Busan accent." Everyone in the classroom began to nod and speak words of approval. The bell rang and each student gave her a hug as they left, some gave kisses on the cheek, some gave notes of farewell, some even gave her a gift. As each student filed out Mr. Soo felt left out “Hey you brats where are my gifts, huh? I gave some of you grades you didn’t deserve.”

When the rush was gone there was still one student sitting in the back of the class.  

“Choi Jun Hong, why are you not leaving.” Mr. Soo shouted. Junhong continued to sit in the back of the class with his arms crossed,ignoring Mr. Soo.

“I don’t have time for this. Rian can you see to it that he leaves.” Mr. Soo began to gather his things and exited the room quickly. Rian began to make her way towards Junhong or as some called him, Zelo.

“Zelo is something wrong?”

“No, teacher it’s just that I’m going to miss you when you leave.”

“I find that hard to believe. I can count on one hand the number of times you weren’t sleeping in class.” Zelo began to blush at her statement. “Besides I imagine I’ll come back and visit. There are some people who live here who are very important to me.”

“Do you have a husband teacher?”

Rian started laughing hysterically at his question as she pretending to wipe tears form her eyes. “Zelo I’m too young to be married.”

“How old are you?”


“Can I set you up with my friend then?”

“No, that’s not appropriate and besides I have a boyfriend anyway.”

Zelo sunk into his seat. “Oh okay then.” Zelo began to gather up his things. “Teacher when you come back to Korea can you visit me too?”

“Sure. Although it’ll probably be easier for you to find me than it is for me to find you.”

 Zelo was almost to the door when he turned around. “One more thing…Since I’m not your student anymore technically, can I call you noona now?”

“Why would you call me that? I’m not your sister.”

Zelo smiled at Rian'misunderstanding. “Teacher you don’t have to be my actual sister, for me to call you noona. It just means you have older-sister-like qualities.”

“I guess if you want to.” Rian shrugged her shoulders.

“Okay. Goodbye noona.”

“Bye Zelo.”

Once Zelo left, Rian eyed her watch and moved quickly to catch the last train to Seoul.

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Tiffywiffy #1
Janet Jackson......... Really interesting pair you got there
Chapter 8: So sweet they're getting so close and cure with each other it's jsut so adorable aww;; Thanks for the update~
Lotuspassion #3
Chapter 8: Awe that sweet
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 7: Awwww there a lovely opposite couple and it adorable
Chapter 5: Awww it's so cute and nice right now, if only his dad wasn't so frustrating orz but that's just how some people are ;~; thanks for writing such a nice story! Good luck with your classes c:
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 5: Why is Yongguk so impatient to leave
Chapter 2: Aw :(((
Damn why his dad gotta be like that?
Chapter 1: :) YAAAY! AWESOMEEE. <3