The Missing Year


One shot stories depicting the married life of Lee Ji Yi and Yoo Chang Soo. Although their personalities boast a drama filled life, they live very simply compared to Joon Ki and Yoon Ha. Explore stories of Ji Yi getting along with her mother-in-law, Chang Soo battling his brother to become heir of the Yoo Min company, and their growing family. One thing is certain in their life, Ji Yi and Chang Soo love each other very much.


I love the Chang Soo and Ji Yi pairing from High Society. So I wanted to write more about their life. So here is their missing year told in a series of one shots.


Lee Ji Yi

Yoo Chang Soo

Choi Joon Ki

Jang Yoon Ha


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kellneriner_yo #1
Chapter 1: I just rewatched the show and was in need of a dose of this cute couple. Flawless one shot!