Jaded & Tricked


Tittle: Jaded & Tricked


Genre:Action, Angst, Fantasy

Warning:  Mentions of child abuse 


All she wanted to be was normal. Normal in the sense of living her duration of her life of a teenage girl. Ironically, Eunyoung had no clue of her heritiage or her destiny just happened to be beyond the living.





Eunyoung wouldn't of realized the truth behind all the lies without coming to understand what laid beneath the surface was horrendous. It was nothing but downright messed up as her once normal life would take a turn for the worst.  Oh how worst it was about to be. 


She just didn't understand some things were best left buried. It was best to keep things in the dark and unnoticed to those around her. It was suppose to be kept a secret. Nothing but a secret. 


A well kept secret. But secrets were always carefully hidden from view for long. It was only the beginning for the lass to learn of the true trickery of what lies in the dark. 





Author Note: hi c;




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Subbing to this! I hope you continue your story! This sounds interesting!