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About Me

Heyo. This is supaxluv; years and years later. I never did finish any of my stories, I know that. I apologize to anyone who looked forward to reading furthermore into my stories. Even if my spelling was an absolute disaster. But, anyway. I just wanted to leave this little message here. I feel like this is some type of timecapsule. I’ll probably come back again many years later to laugh at what I’ve written when I was younger. See ya! 06/03/18 — Brie <— Cool Easter egg 

If any of you managed to find this, you may or may not know that I'm transitioning one of my stories, "Promises" over to my new account. I'll be re-writing the story from there. Here's the link to my new account: — Momo out! ( ՞ ڡ ՞ )