Personal Message

May 08th - May 18th; university acceptance
End of May; preparation for university admission
Early June; university registration and orientation week

I will try to finish the graphic requests that come in.

About Me

We were born with different skies,
skies that reflect our memories
You have your own story and tears
I know nothing about,
I might have been smiling
at the same time you were crying,
There may be similar kind of happiness,
but I doubt that for sadness

You place a border on the future
with promises and adorn it with words,
I'm sure you wanted a guaranteed tomorrow 

more than anyone

Like a single season goes by
Let your sad times remain sad
It's okay, I'm here for you
It's okay, I'm not going anywhere
When it's time to run,
I will still run together with you.

-Niji (Rainbow) by Aqua Timez
// musicbox-


I want to know if our souls can still be saved
Leaving our lasting marks,
We are drifting apart as time ticks away,
Feeling the weight of love,
If  it's just a dream where everyone
will no suffer

Sadness, please do not weep
Even though we can see almost nothing
The memories are by our side
forever and ever
For me,
happiness changing is more lonely
than happiness coming to an end

Even if our words are far away,
if we feel connected
our wounds will heal,
though it will not be granted for now
How long are the rainy days,
that tear apart our smiles? 

-Kanashimi no Yukue by Xiah Junsu-



wallflower.  bookworm. dreamer.

edited: May 8th, '12