Personal Message

Hi! My name is Jen!


I'm a lurker by nature, so you can probably find me surfing through the archives as annoymously as possible, enjoying the work and effort of other authors. But I love chatting with new friends, fangirling, and just hanging out. Drop me a message if you want to chat, or just wave as you pass by. I'm a fan of both.

About Me

As a college graduate who spent just as much time writing fanfic as writing papers, I'm pretty seasoned when it comes to fandoms. But outside of Kpop I enjoy reading actual published works, going to movies, hanging out with friends, and all the normal stuff.  I'm a night owl because I work the graveyard shift at work, so while I'm sleeping hard during the day, you can usually catch me online at night. I'm also pretty friendly, I'd like to think.