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About Me

I cleaned out my profile so everything is brand new! 

Hello, I'm Yuki and like most everyone here on AFF, I aspire to be a writer and shine in the spotlight. I mainly write clichéd romance stories because I am a very clichéd person myself. I love the idea of forbidden romance and danger, but I also love angst and sad things, so my stories will mainly revolve around those. I also absolutely adore AUs, they're my babies. 

I'm very open to criticism on my stories, and I love seeing reviews on them as well. My update times are very sporadic becasue I'm no good with keeping to a schudule, but if you leave a comment or upvote, it'll motivate me to write faster. Not to pressure you into it or anything, I just enjoy seeing people like my stories so even a small comment about you saying it was nice to read would be a pleasure for me.

I love B.A.P and NU'EST so most of my stories will be about them and whoever my bias is at the time, though my bias does keep jumping a lot so just be prepared for a bunch of badly paced and thought out stories for whoever my bias is at the time. 

I try to be as friendly as possible on the Internet so if you ever want to spazz about B.A.P or NU'EST, my PM is always open for you to jump right in! Or if you need anything, I'll try my best to provide. 

Follow me on ;

Instagram { @ni.veous / @ni.veoustext }
Twitter { @gwy_yuki }
tumblr. { }