Personal Message

Hi, this is A7spider. You can call me Spidergirl if you want. I have been a private reader on this site for quite some time. I decided to make an account because I have fanfic ideas flowing through my brain. Im a bit shy at having  others read my stuff but I feel just as bad hiding them from everyone. Please visit my page and say hi once in a while. ^ ^ Thank you.

About Me

Um about me...hmm. I am an artist. I am someone who dreams alot. Im a bit immature at times. I can speak a little Japanese (it has gotten rusty, i need to study) but my main language is English. I am trying to learn Spanish and Korean. I am madly in love with Jaejoong and the boy group Boyfriend. (im not a bias though, i can be won over even by someone I don't like). I am currently in college at an art school. I've never dated a boy in my life. My favorite color is rainbow,(its too hard to pick one) though i do like black as well. Ummm.... I love fanfiction.