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Personal Message

Read my fics,hahaha that sounds like vixx hahahahahaha....no?.....not funny?..ow...well this is awkward....uhmm..yeah.....okay bye.

About Me

I'm a nice often misunderstood(let´s just say ´´misunderstood´´ instead of weird as f....) teenager with an awkward sense of humor wanting to make the best of it.

Occupation : Professional and fulltime BABY(makin'with BAP),ARMY(I´ll fight you for some Suga(r) ),SHAWOL(This place is nice,man),Angel(These boys straight from up there,Thank you for sendin them down),KissMe(any time you want,boys),VIP(BB is all i see,that rhymes...no...okay) and Hottest(abs all day erryday)( You don't even understand how much i love my jobs ugggh.)

Interships:  MBLAQ Absolute quality music ent. ,VIXX(Girls) and co. ,Block BBC World News,Jwalkerz Tattoo shop,F(x) school of mathemalogy and phisicolagaly and other stuff I get C's for in school,Sistar's all-girls dance academy,Secret's super discretion gift shop and lastly Super Junior's stand-up club.
Yeah i'm a busy person but i manage.

Age:NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS.Hahahha no just kidding i'm......well,you judge by my fics XD
(J-) Hope that says something about me and otherwise feel free to ask.