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Comments (7)

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The musts: The Complexity Of Being A Nerd, Settling Differences, Pinky Promise

My personal faves. :) but, all in all, I love all of them.I have mixed feelings about Pink Carnation though. At one point, it was boring, and then it began to take interest in me, so yeah, I have mixed feelings about that one shot. It gets a personal 7/10. Good job though!
The musts: The Complexity Of Being A Nerd, Settling Differences, Pinky Promise

My personal faves. :) but, all in all, I love all of them.I have mixed feelings about Pink Carnation though. At one point, it was boring, and then it began to take interest in me, so yeah, I have mixed feelings about that one shot. It gets a personal 7/10. Good job though!
grumpy and what are you thankful for? ♥
Grumpy and When Rudolph's Nose is Pink
I still in love with 'Grumpy'.
But I Loved all your stories, Pink Carnation make me cry hard.
Grumpy and what are u thankful for..its so touchable
putrilisa7 #7
Grumpy and what do i like about you please..