How long have you been into Kpop

  • A) Less than a year   (2 votes)
  • B) 1-2Years   (5 votes)
  • C) 3-5years   (7 votes)
  • D) 5-10years   (15 votes)
  • E) My whole damn life   (4 votes)
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A friend put some kpop songs on my mp3 player (10+ years ago) I was heavily into anime soundtracks as well heavy metal and rock back then.

I was curious about who these artists were and what language they were singing in. Turns out it was BigBang, 2NE1, and Super Junior. But I didn't really fall into the kpop hole 'til after senior year during a summer program I attended, when another girl gave me the full rundown on SuperJunior & BigBang. She is the reason I love kpop today. But I love it most, because like metal, Kpop saved me from depression after my grandma passed away.
I grew up listening to Kpop. That means about 20 years ago. The first Kpop stars I knew about are HOT, BoA, Seven... (feeling so old)