which do you prefer?

  • A) wait to finish the story for continuous updates   (16 votes)
  • B) updates whenever there is a new chapter finished   (20 votes)
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I usually have a spare chapter in case I don't feel like writing or I'm too busy. Also, I try to update once a week, just to be somehow constant. However, when I read I like the stories to be completed so I wouldn't have to wait.
Stories here, I like to think they have episodes that I get to wait to see every certain period of time. It makes you look forward to something... Like, "Hey, I can't wait to see how this turns out... Then 8 or so days later, I read in trepidation..."
Yeah, I see chapter updates as episodes of a series I tune in to.
I personally enjoy working with the author as a reader on things that are happening and help change the story here and there ^^ I love also doing this with my readers. People read my stories and I ask THEM their opinion on how things go :) so I choose B ^_~