Winter Days - Cerulean Themes

23 buyers
Chapter 1

It was a cold winter night. Christimas was close. That time of the year when mostly everyone is busy with shopping. But for some this only made them sick. This time of the year was not a joy for them. They didn't have with who to celebrate or share presents since they were alone. Meanwhile somewhere in Seoul was having the fun of their life.

She was running for 5 minutes already but she could still hear his voice, he was still behind her. She looked behind and he was there, walking slowly towards her and laughing his off. He was laughing of her, of her pathetic hope of running away from him. She turned her head and started to run faster but then she ran into someone. Two strong arms wrapped around her. She tilted her head up slowly with widen eyes. "There you are. Missed me?" the girl shouted and started to punch his chest without any other result than his annoying laugh. "Now, now. Stop shaking, it's hard to enjoy your meal if it's still moving." he whispered to her ear and slowly moved his lips to her neck but she wasen't about to give up just now. She was shaking even harder but it seemed useless. He was far stronger then her. Despite the fact that she managed to take him by surprise. She stopped from shaking and made him think she finally gave up but just then she shoved a little cross she remembered she had at her neck on his face. He shouted in pain and that was when she pushed him away and continued to run but she didn't got far enough when she was pinned against a tree in no second. "You. You aren't going to make it easy for me huh? This was supposed to end already damn it." he shouted and her mind went blank. Why was he in such a hurry? She didn't had the chance to think twice as in a second the black haired guy in front of her was standing at about 4m away from her. She was shocked. What or who was it now? "What are you doing here?" a demanding voice that made her shiver asked. "Getting a bite, wanna join?" the black haired guy smirked. "Why are you hiding? Are you scared that she might see you?" he laughed. "Don't involve her in your selfish game to provoke me, Jongin." the red haired guy appeared out of nowhere next to the girl, picked her up and dissapeared with her. Jongin smirked even more as he managed to atleast piss him off since he got what he wanted some way or another.

Next thing she knew it was that she was on top of a building near the park where she had been attacked. She stood on her feet and stepped back from her saviour. "Are you like him?" she asked directly and took another couple of steps back when he tried to get close to her. Even if he shook his head to answer her that he's not like him, she was still suspicious. "What are you?" she took out again her little cross and prepared to defend herself once again. "I won't hurt you." he emphatized you , thing she didn't noticed."Why? You're like him, right? You will try to kill me?" she asked and stepped back.creating more distance between them. "I am not like him." he said simple and plain. "I don't believe you." she furrowed her eyebrows. "You don't have to." he turned around and was about to leave when he felt someone grabbing his sleeve. "Thank you anyway." she said and he only nodded. She didn't knew what to say, it was the first time this ever happened. Her phone rang. It was her manager, she was in charge with the night shift this friday and was already late. "I have to go or my manager will kill me." she noticed his confused face expression and his clenched fists. "No, no, not for real. I am late for work, that's all." she assured him and was about to ask him how she'll get down from there when he picked her up and made his way to the coffee shop she was working at. As they got there he let her on the ground behind the coffee shop. "How did you knew? " she asked and only he patted her head, turned around and left. She looked clueless and pinched herself as so far this night she almost got attacked by some thing , she got saved by another and now it seems that her saviour even knew where she was working at. After she changed into her waitreess uniform she kept thinking at that strange night. She already got a lot on her mind and this sort of things didn't helped at all. She was trembling at the thought of her being attacked again in the future and she couldn't tell what happened to no one. They would just think she's crazy. At the though she will have to walk through that park to get back home she sighted.

Things weren't going to become simple any time soon.

Layout coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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