Pink Venom Comeback

What do you guys really think about the new comeback? I think the girls look gorgeous and everything but I don’t know how I feel about the current concept.
1 year ago
@dontwantheaven I can see that, but I do belive that it might be because it's more their creative team controlling the whole thing. I would love to see the girls work on something together and kinda show is their creative process and what they would like to share.
[deactivated] 1 year ago
@notanotherkpopfan I think more than too mainstream, too uninspired. What do you think?
1 year ago
@dontwantheaven Do you think they've become too mainstream?
[deactivated] 1 year ago
I liked blackpink for their music when they started... but now the music doesn't slap for me anymore and pink venom was the final nail in the coffin.