Anyone interested in Reviewing?

Hmm, Mic Drop™ seeks for active Reviewers.
You will get kp.
Drop a comment here if you are interested (can pm me as well)
5 years ago
@-FruitsAreBeautiful- Okiee! I will read it now <3
5 years ago
@Jimminniee I did! I hope it was the right site. I answeres all the questions (1-7)
5 years ago
@-FruitsAreBeautiful- My shop Mic Drop™ , Apply and I will add you right away yayy ^•^ thanks for considering. Do let me know your tastes in couples and genres
5 years ago
@Jimminniee That sounds really good! Where do I sign haha
5 years ago
@-FruitsAreBeautiful- The genres and couples you like, it's totally upto you to accept or reject it
5 years ago
@Jimminniee Sounds like something I can manage. Do I have to read every story or only the genres/couples I like?
5 years ago
@-FruitsAreBeautiful- You have to read stories (which we get Requests from) and review it based on grading or even passages, of your point of view.
5 years ago
I would be interested! I don't know how it works but I guess you can tell me :)