
Hello, I've always seen applyfics around AFF but I don't actually know how it works? Do you just apply for a certain au and the author makes a plot with your character or?
6 years ago
It works basically like that. there are two major types of apply fics - the idol!verse ones and the au!ones. each apply fanfic has an application form which you need to fill out and submit as a blog post. the author picks his favorites from all the submitted characters (usually 7-12) and writes a story about them. sometimes, when there is a set number of characters that the authors wants to pick, there are plot lines which depict specific requirements that the author is looking for (for example, in the idol verse, plot lines could be 'main dancer, lead vocalist', for an AU for example 'was raised as an orphan, black belt in taekwondo).
6 years ago
Apply fics are super fun!