Cosmos Review Shop is urgently hiring new reviewers right now. So, if you're interested to be part of Cosmos Review Shop Family, please come and apply as soon as possible. There are a few rules that you need to follow if you want to join us:

= Must subscribe and upvote the shop. Yes, upvote is a must!
= You will be paid for every completed review. 5 karma points for one-shot fanfic and 10 karma points for chaptered fanfic (payments are negotiable).
= Only apply as a reviewer if you’re truly interested and committed enough, no trolling please.
= Provide review samples if there’s any when applying.
= Be reasonable and fair with your review. No biased review allowed (especially when you are reading and reviewing a story which is not your favorite genre/characters/plot etc.) Don't overlook the good points of the story just because you don't like the story, generally.
= Your review should be lengthy and everything must be explained with details.
= Must be able to write a review with 800 words count at least (for chaptered fanfic) & 600 words count at least (for one-shot fanfic). Longer is better, as long as it's relevant and helpful to the author.
= Must be able to accept two (2) review requests at least, per batch.
= Be honest with your review, not rude. Do not curse in your review, please.
= If you want to quit or change your current status (from available to unavailable/busy/hiatus/etc), please PM YodaYeol or MisoCakes as soon as you completed your current request. Yes, you must finish your current request first before leaving the shop. Don't just MIA, without letting us know first and leave us hanging.
= Be responsible, and let's be nice to each other.

To apply, please visit our shop and fill in the HIRING FORM provided on chapter one. Shop link:

After you submitted your apply form, leave a comment at the shop (saying that you have applied). You will be notified if you are hired/accepted or not via PM. Thank you and happy applying! :)
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