What motivates you to keep writing?

Say you hit a dry spell or you're not enjoying writing a particular piece as much as you used to, how do you move in from it and continue your fanfiction?

Everyone deals with this stuff differently I guess but maybe using different methods might help in the long run. For me, nowadays, whenever I get ready to type up the next chapter of one of my fics I just freeze up and find ways to avoid it by writing a new series or watching a drama. It's not that I don't like my fics because I too want to find out what happens next and for the story to progress and I feel bad for my readers because I haven't updated in a while.

So how do you guys move forward, and what motivates you to continue writing when it's difficult?
7 years ago
that's happening to me too, and too bad i don't have that much passion in writing to continue. real life situations don't help much too since i got quite busy and not really much time to write.
what keeps me writing is that i left my readers waiting for a long time, so i feel the need to update. but as comments stop coming and i got no idea and the will to continue, i lost interest and just focus on real life things.
you know, it's hard to do something you lost interest in and not even obliged to do.
7 years ago
i try to calm myself down first and really think to myself "you've written this far, are you really going to stop now?" but if that still doesnt motivate me, i really look up some writing quotes online and that immediately motivates me. but then again, by the end of the day, its your story and your imagination. its your choice whether you want to write it out or keep it trapped in your mind hahaha!
[deactivated] 7 years ago
This may seem strange, but I look at quotes and poems on google image XD it truly helps bring out the writer in me
7 years ago
I force myself write a little everyday. Few sentences are better than nothing. Drabbles can also do the trick
7 years ago
What makes me to keep writing is by watching good drama with a good story in it, plus people's experience that I think it's nice to bring to the story.
chanbob 7 years ago
I don't have thatmany readers to be concerned about updating soon but I myself feel motivated to write because of the story itself. I feel indulfed in it and wamt toput an ending to it soon lol
[deactivated] 7 years ago
I honestly take a break from the story and let it sit. I think it's better not to force something to happen if the stuff you produce are not going to meet your own standards. I do feel bad if I leave a story hanging but sometimes I just run out of fuel and inspiration as a writer. However, sometimes it's just necessary to take a break when you hit a writer's block. Work on another story and then come back to this one.

You can also get a friend to read your story and ask for his/her opinion. I find that when I read someone's comments or hear from friend about their thoughts about the chapter/story, I become more motivated to go on!
7 years ago
Most of the time I write a killing spree because that motivates me to write in general. This is not related to a specific fic but just if I enter the block. Killing characters are somehow very rewarding, haha.

If we're talking specific fics, it usually requires a reread of the last 1000 words (no way I'm reading my entire fics through before I continue, I would be exhausted and dying from embarrassment) and then I simply force myself to write 100 words. Sometimes 100 words become 250 because I /need/ to finish that scene. Sometimes they are a struggle. But then I do the same the next day. And the next day. And suddenly I have a scene fleshed out, something that leads me to build onto it.

This is not to say that this process can't take months because it can.
7 years ago
To be honest? Nothing motivates me other than that I want to see the story finished. When I start writing a story, I already know how it's going to end, whether it be good or bad.

I'd say the readers, but I don't have that when I am actually writing (I completely write and edit everything before I post anything). When I am posting, however, the readers are what make me hit the publish button, even when I don't want to.
7 years ago
@EXOmniac Not planning can lead to writer's block and plot holes though. :/ I've only started outlining recently and even if it's not entirely fleshed out - it's simply just key events - it helps give me the general gist of things in order for me to work my magic. I feel it's when people go TOO far into planning is when they get sick of it, but outlining is certainly a good thing to do when writing a story.
7 years ago
@Kai-chan The only problem with that is, authors tend to abandon their stories by that time. If you know what is going to happen, you lose interest because there isn't that adrenaline of "What's going to happen next?!" and your mind starts wandering to create a new story, a new plot. It is a good technique though, for beginning writers.
the_raging_midgit 7 years ago
@zan8901 yesssss like the curiosity that you have but you're the only one in the world who can satisfy it lol. ahhh that "feeling". That sounds like really great advice, thinking about that feeling does motivate you to continue!!! I'm gonna channel that feeling as much as I can, thank you so much xxDD
I know what you mean, once you get into it, it gets so easy - it's the initial push and the first 500 words that are the hardest lool.
7 years ago
I usually take a break when I have those periods because I know if I start writing a new chap without being there 100% mentally then it will turn out to be crap. I'll then think of my readers and the plot and slowly regain strength and ideas, lol.
7 years ago
I think the best thing to do ever is to settle down the whole story and organize it from start to end BEFORE writing it. It really helps you from getting a writer's block mid-writing.
GrassMower 7 years ago
@the_raging_midgit it's actually not that fun LOL
the_raging_midgit 7 years ago
@--Skye-- restless? that's awesome! give me some of this neuroticness pleaaaase hahaha. I agree, you miss the feeling a lot after a while - it makes you happy XD
7 years ago
I tend to get "writer's block" every time I start a next chapter. But I usually think about the readers and then myself. I love my stories, as in they are my babies, so more than anyone I want to pop out new chapters and start writing because I want to know what happens. I want to experience the adventure and the excitement when something amazing happens between my characters. I love that feeling more than anything, so I remind myself of those feelings and I force myself to write. Usually a few paragraphs in I get the hang of it and the words just start flowing. =D
GrassMower 7 years ago
i know myself very well and i get restless if i dont finish a fic and my neurotic habits force me to finish it LOL. other than that if i dont update for a very long time i will start to miss it and want to write it again!!