Writing Fun - 30 Unique Author Interview Questions

Writing Fun - 30 Unique Author Interview Questions


"Recently, I've been thinking about author interviews, and how it can be slightly annoying as an author, when I get the same questions over and over and over again," Lydia Howe said.

Agreed.  Or you find questions that are plain boring, or completely irrelevant to writing...

Like:  What's your favorite book, or...  Who'd you date last year...?

Honestly, I'm not sure who Lydia Howe is, beyond the one page I read on her website.  Her profile pic made her seem nice though.  I'll read more about her later.  I'd landed on her website, because... well, I'd been searching for unique questions to answer and share with you and-


Yay.  I found some, and I am respectfully giving her the due credit.



*  I'll post just the questions below my filled out version, so if you want to use them you'll only have to copy and paste.

*  At the end, I'll also provide the link to Lydia Howe's post where the questions came from, so you can read her message in it's entirety, and/or explore her website/blog (not sure).

Alrighty then, Peeps, if you want to have some Writing Fun - Keep Reading.


30 Unique Author Interview Questions

1)  If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to?

  "Snacks and Drinks, definitely.  I needz the music for concentration.  Plus, drinking and eating is a distraction, and a good way for me to lose momentum when I'm writing.  No:  Snacks, and Yes:  Music."

2)  Which is your favorite season to write in, and why?

  "Fall, because there's something about it.  You know what I mean when I say that it's a feeling, not really describable beyond that.  I feel right... and that's also one reason why Halloween is my favorite holiday.  Well, besides the over-all awesomeness of creative makeup, costumes, and spooky atmosphere, cooky foods and... stuff...  I can imagine my doggy babies wearing hotdog costumes.

  (Chihauhau and Chiweeny... haha... as hotdogs)  <3  Imagine it, their velcro costumes bobbing side to side as their already long bodies walk, then them looking at you...  I'd probably fall over, laughing hysterically."

3)  If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?

  "South Korea.  I write a ton of fanfics set in Seoul, South Korea, so, if I were there, I'd learn the language, study the culture, and gain the real experience to not only add to my fics, but original stories to.  No evil readers to stab me with a pitch fork for being inaccurate on certain details.  Who else would do the exact same thing?"

4)  Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve sat at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?

  "Depends on what I'm working on.  Most fics were inspired by either a song or a movie, or a video I saw on YouTube... or from another fic I read.  The thing that inspired me may not have any thing to do with what I became inspired to write.  The minds unique like that.  I just go back to the initial inspiration and get swept up in it again... and if that doesn't work, I go for a walk, draw, take a bath, eat...

  Take a break and watch a movie not related to any of it, which surprisingly can inspire an idea for the stories progression or to make a detail better.  Or even inspire a completely new story."

5)  What has influenced you the most as a writer?

  "Um...  I've always wrote.  My mom said I started at one years old.  So...

  But... if I had to pick one thing...  I'd say that seeing the excitement in other writers' eyes as they accomplish their writers goals.  Just doing what they do, me doing what I do.  Being who you are is what inspires me.  Art is unique to each person, and what can come out of that, all of the projects so unique, because no one's alike."

6)  Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

  "It depends on my mood.  Ebooks are good on the go, plus easier on the fingers when you just don't feel like holding a book or flipping pages.  Audio books - Oh, audio books.  I loooove them.  It's a book that is read to you, in full characters narration.

  The world comes alive.  It makes me so happy.  I become completely captivated with all of it, their individual voices, unique personalities, the real emotion, high tension drama, what ever the story has to offer.  There are some audio books that are so good, I'd never own the ebook or physical copy, because it'd never be the same experience."

7)  What is your preferred font to write in?

  "Times New Roman:  It has that whimsical, old book style, without being outdated, or over the top."

8)  Do you use any special writing software? If so what is it, and what are a few of your favorite perks of it?

  "Evernote (makes it easy to organize everything) and Writer Plus:  Write On the Go (It's a blank page app that pops up and covers your entire screen so that you won't be distracted by notifications or anything like that).

9)  If you have pictures on your writing desk, who/what are they of?

  "I don't, but I do have this desk name tag that says, "GIRL BOSS."  Something about that phrase makes me smile and feel empowered.  Bring it, world."

10)  What is your most unusual writing quirk?

  "Um...  I get really inspired while using the bathroom.  I will sometimes just go in there to write or think.  It's a good thing I keep the toilet bleached and clean.  I also wished it were possible to write while in the bath.

  I get inspired there to.  The bathroom seclusion does it for me...  I think.  :D  Haha."

11)  Do you feel like it’s most important to have A) Strong characters B) Mind-blowing Plot twists or C) Epic settings?

  "I think having Strong Characters is the most important, because they make the story.  Without them being real and believable, the other stuff doesn't matter.  You wouldn't even have a story without them."

12)  What is your favorite genre to read, and why?

  "Supernatural/Paranormal Comedy Romance.  Because, the magic otherworldly atmosphere, humor and lovey-dovey-ness does it for me.  It's also what I like to write.  Just up the anty on the humor, add some ridiculous, but totally believable sh*t, and bam, awesome Supernatural/Paranormal Comedy Romance 2.0./A.K.A.  Crack.

  For all those who love Stand-Up Comedy, raise your hands."

13)  What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?

  "Um...  Um...  I have cereal that actually tastes like Cotton Candy.  No, seriously, that's the actual flavor."

14)  What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?

  "As a writer, I have a perfectionist problem, so typo's aren't funny.  Especially, when I'm on a roll, and the typo is glaring at me... and I want to keep writing, but... I just... can't.  And I have to go back and fix it.  Or, I've already posted something and BAM, typo.  Even after I edited it like five times before I posted it.  Uuuugh.

  Just thinking about it triggers my rage.  *Hulk Smash, but not the computer, because I need that.  I bet you're feeling my pain right now."

 15)  Do you feel like you’d be a better writer if you wore sparkly socks during your writing sessions?

  "YES.  As long as they weren't scratchy... and weren't toe socks...  I really don't like those."

16)  What does being a successful author look like to you?

  "Having new things to learn about writing, always be writing or planning something to write, never not doing something because it's scary - having to do with writing, and finishing something AND being proud, because you worked hard on it.  You deserve that bold scented, non-dairy, recharging double espresso shot, steaming hot grande' (large) macchiato."

17)  What are two of your favorite covers of all time? (Not your own.)

  "Honestly, a Cover can draw me in to check out the summary, but I never remember them.

  I'm a 1) Check to see if the story has at least three and a half stars, 2) Read the Summary, 3) Read some positive and negative reviews, 4) If satisfied with the end result, buy the book, 5) Remember the story as vivid, because of the world I became immersed in (good job writer), 6) And never remember the Covers, type of Reader/Writer."

18)  What is your favorite cover out of all your books? Why is it your favorite?

  "Like I said, I'm more of a Summary person.  If I like it, I'll read it, and it's nice to meet other writers who aren't drawn in by shiny things.  Except sparkly socks, but that's a whole differen't story.  A writer who isn't afraid to delve in to a new world by just text, because it sounds interesting, is to be respected."

19)  How do you come up with names for your characters?

  "Sometimes, a name comes out of no where and I write it down.  When this happens it's usually so strong that the character slams in to my mind - with a profile ready to go.  Other times, I go through lists of names, girl names, boy names, uni names, international names, genre related names (sometimes I use a name generator for this).  I also look up weird names, unique names, names based from States in America.  I also use random letters from first names and last names, or a random word I looked at - and smash them together.

  It's interesting to see what combination comes up.  I don't just read the words back and forth-

  'But side-ways, slant ways and any other ways you can think of.'  ---Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)"

20)  Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

  "There are family members and friends, so I'm not in the dark."

21)  Do you ever take random writing breaks to dance? If so, when do these breaks generally occur?

  "Easy.  I listen to music when I write.  Sometimes, I become more interested in the video instead of writing, and I must dance.  I cast the video from my phone to the tv and it becomes larger with better sound.  And... I do the Dance.  To the left, to the left.  To the right, to the right.  Haha.  Ok, the right, left thing only happens sometimes. ;) "

22)  How many drafts do your books generally go through before publication?

  "I've never really counted.  I'm gonna go with five.  It's most likely not accurate, but... hey, I write stuff, like the finished result, get better the longer I write and post... and eye-twitch at glaring typos after it's been posted.  Then, I go in and fix it.  *Hugs self.  'It'll all be ok.  You've got this.'"

23)  Do you have any writing blogs you recommend?

  "Yes.  livewritethrive.com with C.S. Lakin, also known as J.F. Penn - or Joanna Penn.  She gives tips and advice on how to be a better writer/self publish, she has fiction and non-fiction self-help books she's written, writing courses, videos on YouTube, even a podcast.  Also, sign up for her newsletter, so you get emailed with updates."

24)  Give a shout-out to a fellow author.

  "Um...  I should really make it a priority to communicate with more writers.  If I don't talk to them enough, I can't remember their names or pennames for nothin'.  How 'bout this...

  If you're a writer who's working hard on your project, then give yourself a pat on the back.  You're doing a good job and deserve it."

25)  What would the logline be for your book?

  "In a post-apocalyptic world where  humans are as dangerous as the zombies who roam the earth, trusting someone could mean the difference between life and death, and sanity is questionable..."

26)  What was the hardest part of writing your author bio?

  "That I now know I need to change it.  As you grow as a person and a writer, the info changes.  It's inevitable.  I accept it.  Begrudgingly."

27)  What is your favorite time to write, and why?

  "Night time.  Any time after eight pm, because I'm a night owl.  That's about when my inspiration and drive to write kicks in.  It's inevitable that I'll be writing something, or at least doing something creative.  I say, 'I should go to sleep now.  I'll be tired tomorrow.'  But, my life starts at night, so I never listen to that nonsense."

28)  How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?

  "Things you can't say out loud, you can put on paper.  You can say, do, go, any where, any thing, you want.  No repercussions, no apologies, and no one expecting you to explain yourself, or giving you the, 'You Freak,' expression.  You're a freak who can put them in a story and kick them off a mountain... or (like the sims), erase the door and let the stove burn the house down... with them locked in their room.  Not like I've ever done this or anything.

  That would be... just...  *Sniffs.  Ok, fiiine.  It may have been done multiple times.  *Sigh.

  Sorry, not sorry.  Sometimes their Sim-ulish (Sim-language and it's not really called that) is so annoying though, and they throw their arms around and complain like...  obnoxious characters that led to their being... burned to death.  Hey, though, supernatural genre writers, at least they can become ghosts:  Burn the characters and let them rise from the dead, For Science.  *Nods."

29)  What is your favorite word, and why?

  "Intrigued.  Because it draws me into something that just may be life-changing-awesome."

30)  Do you have any writing buddies?

  "Yes.  The SOTRIE on Facebook/AO3.  SOTRIE, you say?  What's that mean?  Well, oh nice one.

  Thank you for asking.  My friend, bless her heart, tried to title our group chat: STORY.  She mispelled it.  I never questioned it.  One day she said she mispelled it.  I think it's hilarious, and it always makes me think of them.

  My goofy, supportive writing group."


Wrapping Up

Well, that's all 30 questions.  I had a lot of fun answering them and I hope you enjoyed reading them.

If you want to crack yourself up, fascinate yourself when you get on an answering roll (I had answers come out of me that I knew, but hadn't really thought about until I wrote them down), or just share in the fun with your friends, then scroll down, copy and paste the same questions, AND answer away.

I hope you'll share the link to your post, so I can read your answers.  If not, that's ok.

Lydia Howe's Website Link>>>  (Where these questions were originally posted).


Writing Fun

___ Copy and Paste, starting from above the title just beneath here and stop at the STOP:)  I left it mostly unformated for you. ___


30 Unique Author Interview Questions


1)  If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to?

2)  Which is your favorite season to write in, and why?

3)  If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?

4)  Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve sat at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?

5)  What has influenced you the most as a writer?

6)  Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

7)  What is your preferred font to write in?

8)  Do you use any special writing software? If so what is it, and what are a few of your favorite perks of it?

9)  If you have pictures on your writing desk, who/what are they of?

10)  What is your most unusual writing quirk?

11)  Do you feel like it’s most important to have A) Strong characters B) Mind-blowing Plot twists or C) Epic settings?

12)  What is your favorite genre to read, and why?

13)  What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?

14)  What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?

 15)  Do you feel like you’d be a better writer if you wore sparkly socks during your writing sessions?

16)  What does being a successful author look like to you?

17)  What are two of your favorite covers of all time? (Not your own.)

18)  What is your favorite cover out of all your books? Why is it your favorite?

19)  How do you come up with names for your characters?

20)  Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

21)  Do you ever take random writing breaks to dance? If so, when do these breaks generally occur?

22)  How many drafts do your books generally to through before publication?

23)  Do you have any writing blogs you recommend?

24)  Give a shout-out to a fellow author.

25)  What would the logline be for your book?

26)  What was the hardest part of writing your author bio?

27)  What is your favorite time to write, and why?

28)  How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?

29)  What is your favorite word, and why?

30)  Do you have any writing buddies?



(Don't forget to share your version with me.  Leave the link in the Comment Section Below :)

~Demitria_Teague (Author)


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lilith9999 #1
I found your blog in the feeds section, promoted by a friend. I don't have problem for writing, but I may be discouraged, sometimes, as you said. You perfectly described one of writers' favourite dilemmas. I hope your blog will comfort writers. That's what I do too, keep on writing, keep on writing... Because feedbacks or not, writing is my pleasure!
Oh tell me about silent readers.. ikr but it’s okay. Eventually it’s on us as you said 😉
This truly gave me goosebumps. Thanks for sharing this ♡♡♡
this was really an eye opener, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for writing this ^^
I'm not good in commenting but as you had said... I should tell my feeling so there. Thanks and have a good day ^^v