Band AU! Plots


- t i n g  b a n d m a t e s

Every idol has it's own way to deal with the restraint from any ual or romantical interactions to prevent scandals. Person A found his way in downloading an anonymous ting/dating app which Person B witnessed accidentally, but did not confront Person A about it. Since Person B is kind of in love with Person A he signs up as well and contacts him, not wanting Person A to write with some erted old man. Things get complicated when Person A finds himself falling for this mysterious stranger.

- h o w  f a s t  o n e  c a n    t h i n g s  u p

In which one single trip to Osaka threathens to ruin the strong brotherly bound of the group. Everything started with a dumb round of 7 minutes in heaven, when Person A and Person B are forced to go into a closet together and Person B ends up getting a . Confused and panicked both of them drown themselves in alcohol during the rest of the evening, not such a good idea since they share a room. Scared and conflicted about his uality, the last thing Person B needed was Person A telling him that it was a mistake and that they absolutely need to forget and never talk about it, because he himself is in a secret relationship with Person C since months, not having told the members one word about it in fear of being judged or them talking to the entertainment. (the rest is expandable and things can be added during the course to make it more interesting, obviously a lot of drama, triggers, cheating, ..)

- s a v e  m e

Being an idol can get lonely and destructive. Over the years Person A suffered more and more under the negative side effects of being an idol, all of them had, but being told over and over that he's not good enough the person behind his happy and optimistic mask shattered and being away in america over the timespan of their promotions added the final pressure and loneliness for him to collapse as the only person who truly understood him was far away in south korea, not being a part of the new subunit. Person A finds himself falling into a downphase of drugs, alcohol and depression, returning to korea as a complete mess.

- t h e  s w e e t  c l a s s i c

There's an undeniable and chaste tension between Person A and Person B that blooms like a sweet spring even though both knew it was forbidden.

- t h e  p r e g n a n c y  c h a o s

Person A somehow ends up sleeping with a few different members, not knowing that he has a strange biological mysterium which causes him to get pregnant by god knows whom of the guys.


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