
. Valentines day is nearing, yet I don't have a boyfriend or a special guy to share the day with. And I envy my friends, they have crushes to give cards to, and special somebody's to eat chocolates with. Yes, I have a crush. But I'm not close to him, plus its not like he even knows me and he just recently broke up with his girlfriend. And duh... I'm just one of his 50 admirers so if I will probably give him a card, a teddy bear or chocolate bar, he wouldn't remember. I'm just a sad ugly potato lip locking with his picture on valentines day. :(


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chrst25 #1
Hey, Valentine's day is a day for you to confess you know! We're sooo similar! I mean I don't have a crush, but still I envy my friends because they can celebrate it with their boyfriends, but hey! Valentine's day is not all about couples you know :)
It's about sharing the happiness and express your feeling to your loved ones, it doesn't have to be a crush, boyfriend or lover. You can celebrate it with your friends, families, and lots of people, like me :D
You are not. And he would remember. Give him a card. Bl
Confidence baby. That's what makes a winner.