Thinking about story titles

I was thinking about using these title for my new story but I need help on which one is better~!

Title is: Sublime and Dark knight

I originally have pick Sublime already but I just want to hear it from others too~

which one is better?  

I need help I can't decide who I want as the main boy character~~~ Help!!!

Please leave a comment down below~ ^^


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Sublime is something different compared to other titles, I think you should use it! It's unique and it easily catches the reader's interest :)
suhominded #2
I think you should pick Sublime! :D
exolover1237 #3
Tbh, Sublime is better. Dark Knight seems so.. Cliche and overused. If you want readers to be attracted to your story, i suggest you give them and interesting title. Sublime seems to do the trick. :)