What ANNOYS me as hell!

Hello so welcome to my useless rant which i NEED to let out!

Now i will tell you one thing that annoys the hell out of me in real life and in kdramas too!


This is totally stupid maybe for you but i tell u something from real life that has something to do with hopistals or simply doctors!

Many times when i'm talking with foreigners and i mention '' oh my head hurts so much'' the imediate answer i get is : GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW! Like...really guys? Last time i was in school and my friend said this to me and i was on the verge of yelling at my friend for saying such stupidity! Headache is not something u die from or something! You get pills that u have home and problem is damn solved! There is absolutely no need to run to hospital. If i would do it they would look at me as if i am a crazy person lol! And imagine more people say this to u often...u would want to shot yourself! In our school..in OUR country schools we don't have anything as the ''school dr or school nurse'' we go to!  We don't have any of it...than my friends often say ''go home!'' lol i WON'T be absent only because my head hurts like hell! I just quietly go through my pain and i get home my pills and that's all! So please i beg you to stop saying to person who has headache '' go to hospital'' like if it's something easy! Here u go to hospital when u break something!

The same thing is when u have cold or something..in our country we can buy the medical things like painkillers without dr paper! So we stay home and take care of ourselves like that! We can get pills that pulls the tempeture low so look we're fine without hospitals! If it's very serios like pills don't work and it's more than 2 weeks going on u go to dr and he/she gives u strong antibiotics! So please again stop sending me to hospital because NO WAY i get IV!


Basically the same thing i said  up there...the most annoying/romantic thing is putting wet cloth over ones forehead....like really...never heard of pills that lowers ur tempeture?! If no than i gladly sent them to u no problem...=.= guys i am really tired from those questions T.T LIKE REALLY

PS- Sorry if you find this offending it's just...i know the people care for me but...can't they stop saying such stupidity?!


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Shiroshi #1
I hate hospitals too. And people are using wet towels to lower temperature so they don't have to take pills. If you take them every time when something hurts they slowly be less and less helpful. I have epilepsy for example and I can't take even stupid painkillers cause it can change the way my medication works and I can take if this is really necessary. So please try using natural methods so your body be more effective if you would really need some medication ^^ I hope you understand what I mean cause I'm not native speaker and I want to help you :)
Your situation is actually the same as it is in my country. Here are the doctors even that strict, that they will try to do everything they can, before sending you to the hospital.
When you faint because of the heat, they give you a dient with salty drinks. In other country's they send you to the hospital and plug you into the I.V o.o
People use a wet cloth from time to time, which is a good thing, it is more healthy then stuffing a pill into someone elses mouth (and more safe) but in the end you would have to give the pills anyway.
I know, like seriously I get headaches a few times each day and everytime these two friends of mine would come running over and ask me if I wanted to go home and get myself checked at the hospital. I also totally understand that K-Drama-thing you mentioned, like I have a ton of different sorts of Aspirins at home, don't other people do that to?
Ikr!!! I just hate the word hospital n moreover clinics.. Just bcoz my mom is a nurse, she always tell me to get a form from the school for a check up.. But i din do it.. Duhhh its just bcoz of a damn stomach ache =.=# seriously i damn pissed off
Haha, it's the same for me here XD and now that you told about pills that lowers the temperature, I feel so stupid because I wrote about wet cloth and I totally hadn't in mind that those pills exist XD
Omgg i understand how u feel! Like as soon as i say my throat itches its like i have to wear warm clothes and stuff but hey atleast they show they care(:♡
ozwalkr #7
LOL First thing out of my mouth when someone sayd headache is "want some aspirin? Yeah, people who have no common snese irk me too. As for Kdramas..yeah the cloth thing looks romantic, but does little for someone besides a mental comfort. it IS useful if someone is sweating hard, or if they HAVE ALREADY TAKEN FEVER REDUCERS, but alone, nope. Its more useful to drop em in a tub of cold water.
I agree with you