Lol No bro.


I attended this LOOOONGGGG conference/seminar/lecture event yesterday and I got back at almost midnight. OTL It was SUPPOSED to be from 10 am - 10 pm but nope. The last lecturer finished his speech at 10:30. Mind you, the drive from my house to the venue is around 20-30 minutes depending on the traffic, but there was none yesterday so YAY! Additionally, I caught a ride with an awesome friend. (THANK YOU LANA. YOU ARE THE BEST.) Plus another 40 or so minutes were dedicated to dropping off the rest of our friends.



It was pretty awesome since even though they took it seriously, they had fun throwing shade as well. THIS ONE SPEAKER THO. I just can't. He came up on the stage and the first thing he said was "We just had news. 12 men died. We're holding their funeral after this." And I reacted like any other person, "Oh dang. What happened?" UNTIL HE FINISHED. OMG. THIS GUY SAID, "They commited suicide because they heard the Cowboys were coming." AND I WAS LIKE OH NO HE FREAKIN DIDN'T. YOU CAN'T DO THAT IN 12th MAN COUNTRY MAN. XD




So we boo-ed him in a loving manner. (He's come to WA before and he likes to pull borderline rude jokes. He knows we're just returning the favor. lol No harm done.) But you don't understand the satisfaction I got from boo-ing him. lol Then someone in the crowd was like "SEA!" and the rest of the crowd said "HAWKS!" It was so fun. But dat shade doe. >_>  SEAHAWKS FO LYFE.

Most of the speakers came from different states. Most of them came from Texas, inculding the Cowboys guy. -_- One was from SoCal, one from Michigan, one from ia and one was local. The local one pulled a Kaepernick joke. lol Of course he would. Seahawks VS. 49ers is a long standing rivalry. Seahawks > SF ANY DAY. /flips hurr



B42x4uaCUAAOe5W.jpg:large (AHHAHA EXCEPT IT WILL ALWAYS GIVE ME AN OPPURTUNITY TO TALK CRAP TO MY CALI COUSINS. XD "49ers will always be better." =_= "Oh yeah? Well guess who lost to the Seahawks. Apply ice to burn." lol I'm a terrible person. XD)




GIF: Marshawn Lynch with a 40-yard touchdown run. (Marshawn Lynch is the man.)

834430082.gif?1390186297&Expires=1421187 (Dem skillz doe. You go [Glen Coco] *cough* Richard Sherman!


(You must excuse my tangent. Lol No wonder people don't believe me when I say that I'm not even a football fan. XD)

ANYWAYS. My FAVORITE part was the dialogue. They invited the captain of the SPD(Police department) and I think it was the head of investigations in the WA branch. I could be wrong though. And somebody else involved with law enforcement. (I'm sorry dude. You were a really awesome speaker, but I just can't remember your role. OTL) They were speaking about relavant issues between the muslim community and law enforcement. They also answered great questions from the audience and all in all, it was a good experience and we were glad to have them. 

THE LAST PART KILLED ME. SOMEONE EITHER THREW AWAY OR ATE MY BURRITOS. If you have known me long enough, you'll know I'm CHEAP AS CHEAP CAN GET. I DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, WASTE CASH. EVER. I payed 8 bucks for a burrito which was really delicious! It was worth the price. It was really filling so I only ate half at lunch which ended at 3pm and I didn't eat anything afterwards. (Remember the lecture ended at 10:30 pm.) I started getting hungry towards the end but I didn't want to miss one of my favorite speaker's lecture so I figured, "I'll just eat in car." Oh yeah, and I bought another burrito for my mom. It was an unopened see through front paper bag that obviously had two whole halves of the damn burrito. I REALLY NEEDED the bathroom at the end I was rushing because I was afraid this would happen. When I got back, my fear was realized and my damn burritos were gone. SOMEONE BEST BELIEVE THAT THEY BETTER EAT IT. IF A VOLUNTEER THREW IT AWAY, I WOULD HAVE THE WORST HISSYFIT EVER. Seriously, if someone ate it, I hope you damn well ENJOYED my 16 dollars. =_= And I should have the reward of unintentionally allowing you to eat my food. lol 




JUST SAYIN. LOL I'm over it, but it was still mine. 

Over all I had a great day and I hope you guys did too!


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elle_kpop14 #1
Go seahawks! Our superbowl rivals last year, broncos, just went DOWNNNNNNNNN WHOOP

So.. havent' talked to you in quite a while. I'm assuming you are well
Tbh Richard Sherman is hot...XD