I Need An Explanation Please

There are a lot of tags out there I guess that mean pairings and instead of using  namexname people use double zeroes [00] as the seperating item? I really don't understand what's going on with that.

If you didn't understand the question then here's a bit of an equation with a question mark [i know the best of us hate math but what can you do]


kai00kirs = kaixkris = kai/kris = kairis?


Do all of these mean the same thing or am I simply missing something? 


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Youngblood #1
Maybe 00 is standing for married? In a lifetree you use two linked circles as a symbol for married right? And in another story a few years ago there was a lifetree with names written so like: Name1 00 Name2
XDDD but maybe not -something else don´t came up in my mind :D
Too many tags actually that mean the same thing. The tag is a problem here in AFF, its not consistent enough.
We always wanted to fix it.
I have no clue, I've really never seen them used though...
Perhaps it's kairis but not as a couple, like beasties or freebies? Irk, I'm bs-ing