Shouldn't we do this together?



Happiness is so hard to achieve because it seems that everything is against you.



If you just keep pushing through the bad and laugh at the way it thinks that it can stop you from getting what will make you happy, you will gain the happiness eventually


The way the enemy fights to take your happiness is like...


-Typing an essay and your computer dies and the whole thing disappears


-Going to go swimming and the second you get in, adult swim starts


-Offering to help a friend but they turn away and leave with another friend


-Staying up all night waiting for someone then getting a text that hadn’t loaded before saying they couldn't come


-Taking the blame for something that you definitely didn't do


-When your best friend doesn't believe you when you really are telling the truth


-Not saying what you want when you could have and later wishing you had


-Saying something without thinking and regretting it the second it leaves your mouth


-Lying to someone that had all of their trust in you




There are many things


But mainly, the battle will be like climbing a steep moutain with many dangers...


Some people will struggle to climb and others that aren't having as hard of a time will try to help. Maybe the "struggler" will accept the help at first but eventually they will push the help away.


The "helper" might fall and skin their knee. But they will get back up because they know if they stay down, the cut will get infected. 


The helper will limp up the mountain where maybe they will meet another helper. That other helper will go to support the injured. Suddenly a storm will rush in and start raining on the help.


The helpers will try to get to shelter and will slip on their way. 


"Do you want help?" A voice will call out over the crack of lighting striking a tree


"Yes! Yes please help us" the newly injured helper will cry out desperately


Both helpers are desperate


One has just twisted their ankle. The other has the cut that is now dangerously close to becoming infected


"Take my hand" the potential helper will reach out their hands


Each helper will grab one of the potential helper's hand


They will be rescued and they will be helped into a dry cave


"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Both of the injured helpers will repeat gratefully once they are safely seated on the cave ground


The potential helper will stand in the entrance, their figure will be outlined by the light from outside


Then another figure, a dark one, will appear next to the potential helper


"Good work" the dark figure will say deviously


The one whom was thought to be a helper will hunch over slightly as they ponder the righteousness of their actions


"Did you ask for us to be saved? Thank you so much" the helper with the cut will smile brightly but the smile will soon fade


"Two less that could threaten our power. Once we reach the top of this mountain, you will get much power" there will come an evil laugh from the dark figure




Betrayal is what the two innocent helpers received as they hear a snarl from behind them


"Enjoy puppies" the dark figure will say to the soon to be known, wolves in the back of the cave


The dark figure will walk away but will turn around when the other figure doesn't move


The darker of the two will grab hold of the other’s wrist and pull them away together


"Why?" One of the helpers will whisper but they will only receive a cackle in return


The helpers will hug eachother and cry


Did they deserve such treatment?


No, they could never deserve something like this but that is what they got from the "betrayers" who are only power hungery


Do you know how easy it would be for everyone to be a helper and everyone to work together to make sure that nobody was left behind?


Do you know how easy it would be for all of them to turn on eachother?  Simple!  But why would you do that when in the end, you will be alone.... all alone




Loneliness is what the dark figure will have in the end. Or maybe the other figure will overpower the dark one and then that figure will be left with loneliness.  Either way, someone will be lonely. 


But the helpers had eachother. They were together. They will never be alone because each of them know the truth, that together is better


Together is better, it just is


When you are receiving help gratefully, you are also a helper. You are helping them do their job. 


As the dark figure was leaving, it would have been easy for the helpers to yell "I hate you!" But hatred is easy when you are mad and frustrated and confused.  The helpers knew that they would make things worse for them and better for the betrayers. The betrayers would have gained pride from the fact that they had shaken them.


Hatred is nothing hard. But love and forgiveness is. The strongest people always give love and forgiveness and the weakest of people give hate to cover their fears. 


 We are all climbing the same mountain so why not climb it together? 


Sure one of us could cause a rock slide but we all can protect eachother and become closer to one another. 


Accepting everyones flaws will help you to grow and be understanding


The person who caused the rock slide is clumsy so accept it. Maybe next time you could walk by the rocks and they could walk in the grass.


 We can do it but only in the best way, together


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I....really needed this....thank you :)
caramelmacchiato3 #2
that is deep
i have no comment
wow that's deeeeeeeep
rolling in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
that's deep..
Omg. I feel so emotional reading this. I feel happy and deep meaning.