The Story Of Lesbian Girls Who Made A Marriage Scenario But Failed

I read this news this morning and I decided to translate it so that you all can understand how messed up the situation in my country (Indonesia) regarding LGBT and marriage equality issues. Now, because I have my own freedom of speech, let me make personal comments for the bolded lines.

First line: What in the actual journalists? Why the hell you used that kind of sentences? It’s totally not unreasonable if two people who are in a relationship for a long time want to settle down, no matter if they are in a same- relationship or in a hetero relationship. Just because someone wants to settle down with their same- partner doesn’t mean it’s unreasonable, they are still human after all. It’s reasonable for human to have a desire to settle down with their partner.

Second line: I sincerely hope that VN’s family was in rage just because they felt that IT fooled them. But, I truly doubt it though. There must be a bigger factor to cause this. Homophobia.

Third line: Thank God the police are wise enough to handle this because seriously, in my opinion, this is not even a crime. They actually planned everything together. This is not only IT’s plan. So, IT is not the only one who should be blamed here if VN’s parents think that they have been fooled.

Fourth line: Well, isn’t that obvious? It’s because they are desperate to be togetherIt’s a human right to marry your partner regardless gender and . They are in a relationship since a long time ago. It’s about time that they want to take their relationship to the next level.

Conclusion: Legalize same- marriage.


NB: It's okay if you don't sail in the same both as mine. I'm perfectly aware that I can't expect everyone to agree with me.


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