There is a time for everything; studying, playing, falling in love, marriage, even dying. We know this, yet we do not know the exact time when these would happen. They just happen. Sometimes, it is unexpected. It cannot be changed. When they happen, they will happen. That is why it is important to make the most of things, to live life in its fullest, right?

"Sha. Sha! SHA!!" Sha was brought back to reality. She turned slowly to her right, only to find her manager standing there with his arms crossing over his chest.

"You can't hear me?" he asked.

"Stop daydreaming and do your job."

"Yes, sir. Sorry," she told him, while bowing her head.

Sha looked down and furrowed her eyebrows, murmuring to herself on how she could have been so stupid to even daydream at work. Then, someone approached the counter, placed his hands on it and waited for her to notice them.

"Can I order one cute girl, please?"

"What?" Sha asked, looking up at the customer.


"Hey, baby girl," her boyfriend, Kai, said with a broad smile on his face.

Sha looked around to check if it okay for her to be off duty even for a couple of minutes. Everyone seemed to be doing their own business and no one appears to be heading to their cafe. She stepped out of the counter and walked towards Kai, before they engulfed in each other's arms. When they pulled away, Sha could not help but put a smile on her face upon seeing her boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" she replied.

"I finished my classes early so I thought I'd see you," he replied, pinching her cheek.

Sha scrunched her nose, then gently swatting Kai's hand away from her. Although she felt happy and jumpy when he did that, she is still at work and at work you need to be professional, no matter what you are doing.

"Aish~ People might look, Kai," she told him.

"Alright, alright," he chuckled.

"I'll just sit here and wait till you finish."

"Okay," she smiled, before going back behind the counter.

   When Sha got off work, Kai insisted on walking her home because he is such a protective boyfriend... even if it is only 4 in the afternoon.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" Kai asked her.

Sha bit her lower lip, having a nervous expression on her face. Her heart began to beat a little faster, but exhaling slowly calmed her down.

"I don't, but I have to be somewhere else. Why?" she asked, tilting her head up to look at him.

"Oh, its okay then if you're going somewhere," he said, ruffling her hair.

Sha only smiled at him, and then looked at the ground until she reached her house.

    At 8pm the next day, Kai visited Sha because he is very sure she would be home.

"Hi, Mrs Dahlia, is Sha home?" Kai asked her mum.

"She is, but she's sleeping now."

"So early? Oh, um... Can you just tell her that I was here?"

"I will," she said.

"See you." Kai bowed his head, smiled and then walked off. He wonders why Sha would be in bed so early, but he thought she must have been tired from where she went today. She looked down from outside the window, watching as Kai goes away. She told her mother to lied to him. Suddenly, her mother opened her room's door and came in. Sha turned around and saw her, before walking towards her mum.

"Why don't you just tell him, hm?" her mother asked, sitting down on her bed and patting the space beside her.

Sha heaved a heavy sighed and sat down, leaning her head on her mum's shoulder. Tears are about to form in her eyes, but she blinked them away.

"I can't and I won't," she said.

    The next day, Kai went to the cafe where Sha works, but she was not there. He tried to call her, but she did not answering his calls. Even though he was curious about her but he dwelled no further on the thought and carried on with his day. During that night, Kai called her and finally she answered him.

"Baby girl, where were you today?"

"Sorry, Kai. I went somewhere again and I forgot to tell you," she replied, laughing slightly.

"Ahh, okay. Anyway, it's the weekend tomorrow, do you want to go out?" Sha pondered on the idea. She wanted to go out, she really does, but she had other plans which does not include her boyfriend.

"Can I just rest tomorrow?" she asked him.

Kai's eyebrows furrowed, thinking that maybe she had been avoiding him on purpose. There were a lots of thoughts that kept flooding into his mind,but he shaked his head and put them aside.

"Alright, you rest. I'll just see you next time, okay?" he said.
"I love you."

Sha's eyes brimmed with tears and her jaw shaked as she tried to control her breathing, keeping it steady to not draw any suspicions.
She shaked her head over and over again, even though Kai cannot see her.

"Love you, too," she told him, then hang up.

     Two days passed and Kai and Sha still had not seen each other. Its already Monday and Kai thought she would be at work. Sha never misses her Monday shifts. But, as he came inside, he is surprised to find that his girlfriend is nowhere to be found. He walked up to the manager to inquire about Sha.

" Sha should be here today. Have you seen her?" Kai asked in a worried voice.

The manager looked up at him from counting the money, and then eyes him from head to toe.

"I haven't seen her, sorry. She must go to the doctors again."

Kai's eyes widened but he shaked his head and wanted to think about everything else but what the manager said. It could not be. Kai slowly exits the cafe, his footsteps unstable and thoughts everywhere. He decided to call Sha, but her phone must be turned off because it will end up into voice mail. He then decided to wait her outside her house, no matter how long it will take.

     It took three hours for Sha to come home. When her mum's car pulled up the driveway with her, Kai stood up to walk to them. Sha's face hold a surprised expression and she gulped down the lump in . She stepped out the car followed by her mum. Her mum kept looking at her to see if she wanted her to send Kai off. Sha shaked her head.

"Kai, I didn't expect you to be here," she mentioned.

Kai looked in her eyes and felt kind of mad because she is still playing dumb with him. How could she not tell him that she has been going to the hospital?

"I haven't seen you in days. You should expect me here," he replied.

"I'm sorry. I... I've just been really busy," she stammered, chuckling softly, even though he knew she is only trying to make things not awkward.

It is silence that wrapped them and Sha walked to her front door, but her knees weaken and she almost fell. Luckily, Kai quickly hold her and helped  her up. Sha slowly looked up at Kai and she cried. She knew that he knew by now, but she wanted to deny it.

"SHA, how can you lie to me?!" Kai finally shouted.

"How can you not tell me you've been going to the hospital?!"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would yell at me."

"I'm yelling at you because you didn't tell me! We're supposed to tell each other everything, remember?" he asked.

"I'm sorry," Sha sobbed. "I'm sorry, Kai."

Kai looked at her and sighed, before asking the question that he is more scared of asking than knowing the question.

"Why did you go? Are you sick or...?"

"I-I have Cardiac Tumour. The tumours started off in the tissues around my heart and eventually got to it," she answered it between the sobbed.

Kai stared into her wet eyes, before pulling her into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her neck and Sha cried even harder. She then started to feel a few droplets of water on her head and she knew that he is crying.

"How long? How long do you have?" Kai asked softly and slowly.

"A month," she replied.

"And you know, my condition is very rare? Less than 0.1 per cent of people get it. Why me? Why did it have to be me?"

Kai broke the hug and cupped her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb. He then pulled her head closer to his and he kissed her forehead.

"Because they know you're strong, okay? They know you're going to make it. I know it, and you are going to live more than a month" Kai told her. Sha nodded her head even though she knew that is impossible. She will die and she knew it, but having Kai by her side kept her strong.
Although they were uncertain, Kai and Sha spend their time everyday together and even when they are not, they would still talk on the phone.

One month ended, so did Sha's life. Kai cannot accepted her death and he refused to eat or drink. He just stayed in his room and looked through their photos that had a lots of memories.

During the first week after Sha's death, Kai's parents could not find him in his room, only a photo of him and Sha on his bed. One of the photo had the words "together forever" on it.

In fear and worry, his parents and Sha's parents looked for him. They found Kai was hanging off himself on the branch of the tree near Sha's grave. The incidents were surprised and total shocked to everyone, but it was something they could not change.

Death was inevitable and unexpected.



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Heyyy I love this!