Active Roleplayers on KKT or LINE or KIK

I really want to roleplay with some people as ONLY Bangtan... and a separate one for ONLY VIXX

I want to rp as Jungkook and Ken for the separate chats but I would need the other members ;(

Basically, I want to free roleplay in a group chat with six other people who want to be BTS members.

The same goes for the VIXX chat~ haha it's dangerous to leave Ken alone :'D

Notify me through my LINE, KAKAO, OR KIK please!

BTW, we will decide which app to use depending on what other people have already.

I have all three so it doesnt matter to me hehe but KIK lags so I think you should download KAKAO and/or LINE just in case~

Thank you!

LINE ID: kpopgirl17
KAKAO: kpopgirl17
KIK: AronKwak19


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