You know, if makeup arts could have an awards like Painted or Photograph arts, many women would have tons of awards because of it... How very funny, just a simple makeup, like lipstick or chapstick, make your face from dull and paled into lively and more human like... Don't need no plastic surgery when you've makeup to cover your imperfection... Makeup is like an art, different is, Artist make arts into a blank paper, us women into our blank or face... Some people (mostly man) thinks it simple or easy to apply makeup... Wrong... Totally wrong... Just one single wrong colour or maybe not really perfect in order liner or any mishap or mistake, ruin your face... Like painting, makeup makes people happy to see our face... Like when we received the compliments if our makeup is superb or pretty to us just like painter received compliment if their paintings is pretty enough... To think about it, I've once think that makeup is easy... As easy as pie... But, my friends prove me wrong... She put a different set of makeup infront of me and told me to makeup myself... Its disasterous... I look like a crazy people just escape from Mental Hospital... Thank God, she did not take a picture of my horrible face that time... She told me step by step how to apply makeup in my face... At first, it was awkward, but slowly I begin to understand, not all makeup is like an Icing for cake, too much layered, too thick and heavy... That's for overly obsess to beauty women... Me, never... Now that I know the basic makeup, I just put a simple makeup... If I'm feeling lazy, just a bit compact powder, a bit SUV or sun block cream and a lipstick... That's all... If I'm in the good mood, I'll draw an eyebrow to make my eyebrow look a bit visible and a lipstick and maybe just a tiny bit eyeliner (only put the eyeliner at the inner eyelid so, it looks like I don't actually put it, but it makes my eyes a bit big... I've got a small eyes but not too small, I took my eyes from my grandfather sides, my grandfather is chinese but he can't talk Mandarin)... My eyebrow and eyelashes is too thin... Its too invisible to my liking... Many people thought, I trim my eyebrow or shave it, but I was born with it... It sometimes, but at least, I could make it a bit visible with eyebrow pencil... 

            To people out there who thinks makeup is easy, think again... Try to put the makeup on your own before you judge us women... Always saying we look like cake icing... Makeup is like arts to women, just like a a painting is arts to artist... xoxoxo


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XD i don't even use make up. I only learned how to use a lip gloss and lip stick properly this year and my friends can di make up like an ulzzang. But seriously, as long as you've confidence and naturally good skin, you don't need make up
kimsfangirl #2
I don't know how to apply make up lol. But I don't even want to since I'm allergic to it. Btw, you like painting?